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- CLOSED - 2011 Diet Club

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  • Re: 2011 Diet Club

    Ugh me stayed the same!! Pah!



    • Re: 2011 Diet Club

      Hello all, I stayed the same too!!
      Well at least we haven't put any pounds on Loo
      "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


      • Re: 2011 Diet Club

        Nope that is true and not really tried this week... acutally not really tried this year so far!! oops!



        • Re: 2011 Diet Club

          i've just been on the scales, i've stayed the same too...i'm pleased though, i had a good few days then i've slipped the last few....x



          • Re: 2011 Diet Club

            I wouldn't worry about not losing weight, I'm still a fat cow too!
            Made by God...Improved by the Devil
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            • Re: 2011 Diet Club

              - 4lb
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              • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                Originally posted by JudgeDreddy View Post
                - 4lb
                hey get you! well done!



                • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                  Originally posted by JudgeDreddy View Post
                  - 4lb

                  Well Done!!
                  Made by God...Improved by the Devil
                  Save £2 a day - £1610.00 so far


                  • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                    My day wasn't too bad, I get kinda pangs of guilt when I eat something I know I shouldn't!

                    Today I had weetabix for brekkie.

                    Salad for lunch with a can of ww tuna/sweetcorn.

                    Dinner was *ahem* nothing as yet!

                    I just need tea...lots and lots of mugs of tea!!
                    Made by God...Improved by the Devil
                    Save £2 a day - £1610.00 so far


                    • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                      -2 for me.


                      • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                        your food sounds good Angelic...far more controlled that me at the minute!

                        -2 well done Jen! x



                        • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                          Stayed the same - again!
                          Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

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                          • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                            Little up date!

                            Well done Jen and Judge - Judge do you have a target

                            Well done to If, Confuzzed and Pixie for not putting anything on - that for me is half the battle as least it is not piling on

                            Looking forward to getting some more updates

                            Today I have some cherries with me so no fatty or sugary snacks

                            Originally posted by Sunnylooloo View Post
                            SunnyLooLoo - Target 14lbs - Start Date 3rd January
                            Wk 1 - 2lbs Wk 2 - 0 Wk 3 - 0 Wk 4 - +1 Wk 4 - 0 Wk 5 0 Wk 6 0
                            Total = 1lbs

                            Jen_br - Target 20lbs - Start Date 3rd January
                            Wk 1 - 2.5lbs WK 2- 4.7lbs WK 3 - 2.2lbs wk 4 -1 Wk5 - 1.3lbs WK 6 -2
                            Total 13.7 lbs

                            If.... -Target 5lbs - Start Date 16th January
                            Wk 1 - 0 Wk 2 - Wk 3 - Wk 4 - Wk 5 -2lbs Wk 6 - 0
                            Total 2lb

                            Elsie - Target 7lbs - Start Date 3rd January (wants to reach target by 26th Jan)
                            Wk 1 - 2.5Lbs Wk 2 - 3 lbs
                            Total 5.5 lbs

                            Confused - Target 14lbs - Start Date 4th January
                            Wk 1 - 1Wk 2 - 0
                            Total = -1 lbs

                            Pixiechick - Target 14lbs - Start date 5th January
                            Wk 1 - 1lb - Wk 2 - 1lb Wk 2 - 1lb Wk 3 +2 wk 4 - 1 Wk 5 - 0 Wk 6 0
                            Total = -1lbs

                            Angelic - No target - just healthy eating (for two) - Start date 5th January

                            Mrs O - Target 16lbs - Start dated 6th January
                            Wk 1 - 3lbs Wk 2 - 7
                            Total = 10lbs

                            Helping Hand - Target 28lbs - start date 28th January
                            Wk 1
                            Total =

                            Findingaway - Target 10.5 lbs - Start date 21st January
                            Wk1- 1/2 - Wk 2 - 1 Wk 3 - 1/2 Wk 4 -
                            Total = 2 lbs

                            Judge Dreddy -
                            Wk1- 4
                            Total = -4lbs



                            • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                              Originally posted by confused76 View Post
                              your food sounds good Angelic...far more controlled that me at the minute!

                              -2 well done Jen! x
                              Controlled maybe but I really want to eat! I don't need it, I just want food! I'm trying to keep hydrated but chocolate and ice cream is on my mind all the time!!
                              Last edited by Angelic; 1 March 2011, 21:45.
                              Made by God...Improved by the Devil
                              Save £2 a day - £1610.00 so far


                              • Re: 2011 Diet Club

                                Evening Fat Fighters

                                I wasn't that good today...

                                I had a late breakfast (about 11am) so I had 2 crackerbreads with a wee bit low fat soft cheese and sliced cherry toms and cucumber. My bestest buddy used to have the same thing with a tiny bit of sweet chilli sauce over the top. It's really good but I don't have any chilli sauce

                                Lunch was a really quick meal, a battered sausage on a roll ...does the fact it was oven baked make it any better?!

                                Dinner was another of these famous ready meals with lots of veg.

                                As usual I made the kids their hot choc before bed but ended up making myself one too...I didn't put cream on it though
                                Made by God...Improved by the Devil
                                Save £2 a day - £1610.00 so far

