BBC News - Blagging goes beyond media firms - data watchdog
Routine hacking and blagging of personal data by financial services, debt collection and claims management companies is going untackled, the information commissioner has warned.
"My great concern about section 55 isn't really very much to do with the press," he said.
"[There is] lots and lots of evidence of section 55 being breached on quite a routine basis, but it's really about financial services, about debt collection, about claims management companies and [about] some worrying interference with the course of justice, perhaps attempted jury nobbling or witness tampering."
"[There is] lots and lots of evidence of section 55 being breached on quite a routine basis, but it's really about financial services, about debt collection, about claims management companies and [about] some worrying interference with the course of justice, perhaps attempted jury nobbling or witness tampering."