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Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

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  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

    Hi again Oldyboy,

    I've had the same sort of thing-it really makes you wonder why they need your signature so badly! To concoct a dodgy recon perhaps?

    Did you have no signature at all or did you 'sign' using a font that looks like handwriting? All bar the one I mentioned above seemed quite happy with a 'made-up' sig with me.
    They do it purposely to get your signature for a 'copy and paste job'. I am sending them all recorded which is costing me every time they do this... If they cant just answer it then there is obviously something very wrong with the CCA or the lack of one!!! I did the digital signature with all my letters and only Mint have been a problem. Is that who you have/are problems with?
    Last edited by Flossy; 17 February 2012, 16:32. Reason: forgot some information needed adding


    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

      So far:
      Cabot - needs sending to the boss :niddy Pray this is UE
      Creation - Needs another letter (as above?)
      Mint - Another letter?

      Also today I have received my CCA back from Next. Isn't it funny that every time you request a CCA they all turn nasty and want full payment!

      Grattan / EOS - send CCA and they sent the agreement asking me to sign and return it!!! They are mental!
      Anyway, got a letter back from EOS today saying that they have received my letter and they are going to thoroughly investigate the matter and have forwarded a copy of my correspondence directly to Grattan for them to respond to the points I have addressed. My account (that's ) will be kept on hold (that's very nice of them)

      That's the end of my letters today.....


      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

        Thanks FP

        This letter is for a CCA. But, it will be the 3rd time I have sent this to them so should I now just send normal 1st class delivery with proof of posting?

        I understand that anything else other than CCA requests and legal things can be posted normally and not recorded delivery.

        I will send them the CCA request back again and sign it with a squiggle!

        I will see what happens with Creation after they have received my letter of telephone harassment and if that doesn't have any effect I can send the letter that you have pointed out above. I have give them the number boss gave me and their calls stopped for about 2 days and then started again with my mobile, then my house phone and now its just the house phone. Strangely I have only had 2 calls from them today!


        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


          I have sent my Cabot CC CCA to the Boss :niddy "as things stand right now" my YB - Cabot Credit card is

          I think the terms are a little confusing!?


          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

            Next one: MINT

            I would like some advice as to sending back the Mint CCA for the 3rd time! They want my signature and obviously, I do not want to give them it. As they have sent my CCA letter back stamped with the date they received it, should I re do another CCA letter or should I send that one that is stamped and put a squiggle on as my signature? Sorry if I sound 'blonde' but I haven't done this before and do not want to make any mistakes.


            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

              GRATTAN -

              Grattan / EOS - send CCA and they sent the agreement asking me to sign and return it!!! They are mental!
              Anyway, got a letter back from EOS today saying that they have received my letter and they are going to thoroughly investigate the matter and have forwarded a copy of my correspondence directly to Grattan for them to respond to the points I have addressed. My account (that's ) will be kept on hold
              I have received a response from Grattan yesterday which says:

              "Thank you for your most recent letter regarding your request for a copy of your credit agreement.

              Your original request was made under Section S77/78, and we have complied with that request. We would respectfully remind you that in the Office of Fair Trading Guidance, they have made it clear that the purpose of these requests is to provide information to the consumer, not to provide a method for consumers to avoid paying their obligations. The Office of Fair Trading view was conformed by the decision of Carey v HSBC Bank plc and, additionally the ruling stated:

              'That the requirement to provide information under Section 78 is not to establish whether or not there was a properly executed agreement in the first place'.

              Therefore, we believe we have complied with the requirements of the Act.

              Please be advised that this is my final response with regard to this request. As advised in out previous letter please contact EOS Solutions directly with your payment proposals".



              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                Next one: MINT

                I would like some advice as to sending back the Mint CCA for the 3rd time! They want my signature and obviously, I do not want to give them it. As they have sent my CCA letter back stamped with the date they received it, should I re do another CCA letter or should I send that one that is stamped and put a squiggle on as my signature? Sorry if I sound 'blonde' but I haven't done this before and do not want to make any mistakes.
                Hi Flossy

                I don't know what Mint are playing at here, they processed my CCA request with a 'printed' signature just typed my name and changed the font to a handwriting one.

                If you usually sign 'Flossy D Blonde' I suppose you could just do a squiggle that looks something like 'F D Blonde' then you would know that if they copied this into an 'agreement'. I guess you could add a speeling meestake into it as well, how about signing it 'F D Bond'.

                I'd use the original letter as its already dated some time ago.

                Just what I would do, others may have their own opinions.

                One day at a time, with £34K of UE debt

                LloydsTSB - For the (UE) journey NatWest/RBS Mint - (Un)Helpful banking
                Marbles - they lost 'em - and my CCA, what a shame


                • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                  Hi mk

                  Thank you for that. I have signed all my CCA requests as you have by just using a different font and Mint are the only ones that have come back for the 3rd time asking for my actual signature! Does make you think that there is a reason for that! If they confident and have my CCA surely they would have just sent it?

                  I was concerned about sending the original in case for some reason.... I will copy it in case they claim they have never sent it.

                  Its stupid all this back and forth rubbish!

                  So, yours was UE? Was it an older account?


                  • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                    Just hold fire. I'll be back tonight and try to make sense of this. Don't rush into anything; just hold fire for the moment.
                    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                    • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                      Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                      GRATTAN -

                      I have received a response from Grattan yesterday which says:

                      "Thank you for your most recent letter regarding your request for a copy of your credit agreement.

                      Your original request was made under Section S77/78, and we have complied with that request. We would respectfully remind you that in the Office of Fair Trading Guidance, they have made it clear that the purpose of these requests is to provide information to the consumer, not to provide a method for consumers to avoid paying their obligations. The Office of Fair Trading view was conformed by the decision of Carey v HSBC Bank plc and, additionally the ruling stated:

                      'That the requirement to provide information under Section 78 is not to establish whether or not there was a properly executed agreement in the first place'.

                      Therefore, we believe we have complied with the requirements of the Act.

                      Please be advised that this is my final response with regard to this request. As advised in out previous letter please contact EOS Solutions directly with your payment proposals".

                      Which means ' We know its ( the CCA ) a bad 'un, but by writing this letter we hope you are scared into sending us some money'


                      • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                        Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                        Hi CC

                        I hope you are behaving yourself today?????(most unlikely)
                        Don't be silly!

                        Yes, Creation are using an 0800 number why? What are you thinking?
                        I was just thinking of a way one might return the annoyance to them, by printing up a number of "tart cards" (link) featuring such numbers...

                        Yesterday, I had a call from them every 5-10 minutes and it drove me insane! I then received an 01702 number a few times which, I have had before. I am presuming it them trying to catch me out. I answered it without speaking and it was the same noise, same delay in them speaking and the same voice I have heard before. It seems to be the same 3-4 people ringing. I am logging it all.
                        It is time to fight back, as this is quite intolerable. Have you sent those jerks a letter (link) telling them to cease and desist? If you haven't, send it now by Recorded Delivery; if you have already sent that, there is a follow-up letter (link) and a further follow-up letter (link) if that doesn't work.

                        Alternatively, you could contact your telephone service provider and either get those numbers blocked, or your own 'phone number changed.

                        Finally, another alternative is to get a loud whistle - a distress whistle, a referee's whistle (ACME Thunderer) or a police whistle - and, whenever those jerks call, deafen the buggers!


                        • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                          Originally posted by Flossy View Post
                          They do it purposely to get your signature for a 'copy and paste job'. I am sending them all recorded which is costing me every time they do this... If they cant just answer it then there is obviously something very wrong with the CCA or the lack of one!!! I did the digital signature with all my letters and only Mint have been a problem.
                          Change the typeface for one less commonly used, change the font size and finally

                          change the colour of the ink.


                          • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                            Which means ' We know its ( the CCA ) a bad 'un, but by writing this letter we hope you are scared into sending us some money'

                            Thank you for your response. I know that they are doing the scare tactic and they are all using the same
                            Carey v HSBC Bank plc
                            in their letters!


                            • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle


                              Don't be silly!
                              I know that was a stupid question to ask you!

                              I was just thinking of a way one might return the annoyance to them, by printing up a number of "tart cards" (link) featuring such numbers...
                              I dont know why I asked what did you have in mind when it was obvious what you meant!

                              It is time to fight back, as this is quite intolerable. Have you sent those jerks a letter (link) telling them to cease and desist? If you haven't, send it now by Recorded Delivery; if you have already sent that, there is a follow-up letter (link) and a further follow-up letter (link) if that doesn't work.

                              Alternatively, you could contact your telephone service provider and either get those numbers blocked, or your own 'phone number changed.

                              Finally, another alternative is to get a loud whistle - a distress whistle, a referee's whistle (ACME Thunderer) or a police whistle - and, whenever those jerks call, deafen the buggers!
                              I have posted on my other thread with regard to Creation. I sent the letter so, I got a letter back costing me £25 and saying that I now owe £800 or so in interest, letters @ £25 and Annual Statements @ £30 per letter.... I have just received another letter in the post today but, haven't opened it yet as I have just opened a letter from CABOT which is now warning court action if I do not respond in 7 days! This is my priority today.... I DO NOT want this to go to court as well as my other with CABOT!!!

                              Will update below. CC, read my other Creation post on my other thread so you can see where I am up to. I will also update shortly what today's letter says and costs as I only got the other one yesterday.. Will be £50 in 2 days!!!!!!

                              I am in a bit of a panic mode today!


                              • Re: Flossy UE Diary & YB Hassle

                                Change the typeface for one less commonly used, change the font size and finally

                                change the colour of the ink.
                                CC, I did that and they still will not accept it. I will have to just sign a squiggle and pretend I am a Dr for the day! They do great signatures that look nothing like their name!

