Hey all.. Just been looking at a mate's credit file, and she has fresh default from Orange..
Now, as far as I can tell, her balance was ~£45 and she missed a payment.. The next month was £140, and the month after, £250ish..
Still waiting on paperwork to clarify, but she is quite sure that her bill was under £50, and when it suddenly had these charges applied, she removed SIM and used a PAYG..
Anyway, my question is this:
In my years of seeking default removal methods I recall seeing various references to cases where if the majority of debt is interest/charges the default is defunct and can be removed, or something to that effect - I didnt really soak it in because it wasnt applicable to me.
If the paperwork does turn out to clarify what she believes, what do we do to rectify the matter?
The debt is now settled (f+f reduced settlement by her dad who wouldnt grasp the.concept of writing to them, thought he knew best, rang DCA and paid over phone! Grrrr..).
Now, as far as I can tell, her balance was ~£45 and she missed a payment.. The next month was £140, and the month after, £250ish..
Still waiting on paperwork to clarify, but she is quite sure that her bill was under £50, and when it suddenly had these charges applied, she removed SIM and used a PAYG..
Anyway, my question is this:
In my years of seeking default removal methods I recall seeing various references to cases where if the majority of debt is interest/charges the default is defunct and can be removed, or something to that effect - I didnt really soak it in because it wasnt applicable to me.
If the paperwork does turn out to clarify what she believes, what do we do to rectify the matter?
The debt is now settled (f+f reduced settlement by her dad who wouldnt grasp the.concept of writing to them, thought he knew best, rang DCA and paid over phone! Grrrr..).