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  • TillyU
    started a topic Barclaycard/Link Financial

    Barclaycard/Link Financial

    In 2011, due to my personal circumstances at the time, I wrote to the original lender, Egg, offering £1 per month. Shortly afterwards, Egg was taken over by Barclaycard. I continued to pay the £1.00 per month and didn't hear anything until last year when BC informed me that the account has been...
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  • Capital One asking for proof of income and to fill in income/expenditure form

    Hello all!

    so i used the template here to settle a balance with capital one, they rejected it and also the £1 offer a month.
    the balance is only £77.

    they sent a letter asking me to fill in the income/expenditure form which is expected but they are asking for my wage...
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  • can debtor force which of the offers for my property is accepted to my disadvatage

    In addition to my house I have a commercial property under separate title. My house is not involved. A private individual, a long-term colleague, made a short term high value loan to me so I could satisfy a serious debt issue. I agreed to sell the commercial property to repay. I am nearly 70 and was...
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  • bobogosing
    started a topic Commercial agreement

    Commercial agreement


    Hope someone can give me advise or help me with a template for this problem.

    I am helping a friend to sort out a commercial coffee machine contract for her restaurant.

    What has happen is, my friend was approached by a rep that sells coffee beans and they provide...
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  • Probe into UK occupational pension schemes

    Probe into UK occupational pension schemes

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 5th June 2016 06:51
    An inquiry is to be launched into the UK's 6,000 occupational pension schemes after question marks about the future of the BHS and British Steel schemes. The government wants
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  • halfcj
    started a topic Kensington Mortgage Co

    Kensington Mortgage Co

    Does anyone know if there's a Class Action anywhere on Kensington Mortgage Co, or their owners.

    2010, we were treated horrendously, after taking out a mortgage top-up of £35,000 (pre crash), KMC placed the money not into our personal account, but into the bank account of the company I...
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    Last edited by halfcj; 6 April 2016, 02:34.

  • panther12
    started a topic Handy tip for selling or taxing new car

    Handy tip for selling or taxing new car

    This might be a handy tip for anyone buying a new/2nd hand car and wants to tax it online using the new keeper V5C/2 part of the log book. I recently aquired a car from a family member and trying to do the tax online it asks for the 12 digit ref number from the V5C/2 slip. My ref number is only 11...
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  • JudgeDreddy
    started a topic Transcom Worldwide (UK)

    Transcom Worldwide (UK)

    Sooo, it seems I get one bunch of kretins out the way and another take their place. This time is it Transcom Worldwide chasing money for an alleged debt from eBay.
    Fees of about £35 and a refund I hugely dispute for £350.

    Basically I sold a large item, a new bicycle unboxed...
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  • AAD News Feed
    started a topic Niche debt purchaser acquires Go Debt

    Niche debt purchaser acquires Go Debt

    Niche debt purchaser acquires Go Debt

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on 15th July 2015 16:22.

    TBI Financial Services, an independently-owned consumer debt purchaser, has acquired Go Debt Ltd, the Cardiff-based debt buyer previously owned by...

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  • patchouli
    started a topic Patch is moving house!

    Patch is moving house!

    Our Landlords have been crap at paying their mortgage over the 6 years we have lived here. They have also (as I have mentioned on here before) run up debts for other things.

    Phonecall a week ago from the Agency saying the landlords want a valuation with view to sell. I doubt very much they...
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  • simpleton
    started a topic UE questions (pre-2006 debt)

    UE questions (pre-2006 debt)


    I am new on here and am looking for some advice. I got into quite a lot of debt after my dad died, some years ago. I was subsequently diagnosed as chronically depressed and received treatment for this at a local hospital for more than two years. During this time I also lost my...
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    Last edited by simpleton; 13 January 2015, 17:00.

  • Spent2much
    started a topic ebay problem

    ebay problem

    Didn't know where to put this but here goes .

    Can anyone advise please, i bought an item on ebay last July it wasn't suitable so i returned it and the seller promised to refund the postage, they did not refund it , i opened a case with ebay who promised me a £3 voucher as compensation,...
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  • l8onjones
    started a topic First Time Buyers

    First Time Buyers

    Hi guys,

    Me and my partner have had a mortgage in principle agreed, but I just have one sticking point at the moment basically the finance agreement for my car is in my dads name and he wants it transferred to me before I leave the area, so basically I just wanted to see what the...
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  • Peter pistoe
    started a topic Repossesion 8th April 2014

    Repossesion 8th April 2014

    Hi all,
    My house after a long fight to keep hold of it is finally being repo'd in a few days.
    After 4 months on the market trying to sell it I have 2 offers and am going to except the highest one.
    I have a redemption figure of £125,600 approx, there will be a few more hundred...
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    Last edited by Peter pistoe; 2 April 2014, 23:08. Reason: Typos :)