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BillyTommo's UE Diary

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  • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

    Will do


    • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

      Originally posted by billytommo View Post
      I didn't mean yet I am still trying to get to grips with the strategies, etc that go with all this
      Hi Billy

      I'll have a go at answering this, if I'm completely wrong I'm sure one of the mods, or someone with more experience, will correct me.

      I think that the strategy is to keep blagging this one, treat it as UE, but do keep an eye out for any serious legal threats that may come. I guess the hope is that the original creditor will eventually give up and sell the debt on to a DCA, who will probably be entirely clueless .

      Then, after a letter or two, you start with "Account sold in dispute", still treating it as UE, and start the process again.

      Hopefully it gets passed around, and around, until it is statute barred - after 6 years of non-payment.

      As this debt has been deemed Enforceable by the boss if it gets close to court I think that then is the time to offer a F&F of 10-15% to stop any legal action. If that can't be afforded then it will have to be added to your DMP.

      That's my understanding anyway, it's a game of poker with these but your hand is now so much stronger now that you are here at AAD.

      Good luck

      One day at a time, with £34K of UE debt

      LloydsTSB - For the (UE) journey NatWest/RBS Mint - (Un)Helpful banking
      Marbles - they lost 'em - and my CCA, what a shame


      • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

        Thanks for that. So, basically, you're saying ignore (for now) ? I'm sure I can do that But seriously, thanks. That summary puts it in a nutshell


        • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

          Yea, do nothing for now - MK, well done - nicely worded
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          • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

            Are you training him, Niddy? That could have been a post of yours, that. Your wise words must be rubbing off. Well done, you


            • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

              Yup he leads and we all follow!!!!!!


              • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                D'you know, before I found here (or rather was led here by a rather marvellous individual) I would have been mortified at the thought of receiving some of the comms off the CC's and DCAs et al. Now, I quite look forward to the postie walking down the street and seeing if he has any words of wisdom in envelopes addressed to me, or the phone ringing so that I can see the CLI and ignore it. My heart doesn't skip a beat any more when the phone goes or the post drops on the mat. I'm on the front rather than the back foot. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really am not sure where I would have been if I hadn't been ever so kindly directed here. It really is a superb place and it has given me my life back realising that 1) I am certainly not unique, and 2) I am not a criminal. Each card is an individual battle and I may not (well, okay, most probably will not) win them all, but I WILL come out the other side having survived and overall I will consider myself a winner. I will not be at the behest of the banks ever agin and I will be wiser for my *experience*. If I can help one person in a similar position to me then I will feel I have paid a little back into the 'community'. That will come with experience in time. Hopefully it will be more than one


                • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                  Just a quick update - yesterday received a letter from RMA informing me that: "You have been selected for a settlement offer....Please call our specialist settlement team on 01...."


                  • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                    I would ignore it billy. RMA will usually go away. Wait for them to threaten then we will send them something. at that point they realise you are more aware than most and will go away to prey on someone more vulnerable.



                    • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                      Ohhhh, I have no intention of replying or anything to those chancers. I am nowhere near as clued up as a lot of you on here but I am picking a few things up. The main thing is the stress level is right down 'cos I know a little bit, but I also know I have the fantastic support of the people on this site


                      • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                        Sorry to say Billy, but I'm afraid you're nothing special.... we also received a letter from RMA this week saying that we too have been selected for a settlement offer

                        At least I know now which account their doorstep postcard was referring to!


                        • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                          I'm going to ask Niddy to add a new button - "Thanks, for nowt!" Talk about letting a lad down gently


                          • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                            I did think about not posting at all so as not to hurt your feelings, or posting in a sincere sorrowful tone.... but then I thought naaaah fk it


                            • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                              Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                              Originally Posted by billytommo
                              Originally posted by bollytommo;
                              The form was filled in by someone I talked to on the phone. Like I said, the only writing on there that could possibly be mine is the sig and the date (if I signed it then I would have dated it) but the rest is definitely NOT my writing.
                              Ok, it's technically unenforceable then however see what happens yea?
                              I have today received a 'formal notice of assignment' regarding my MBNA account. It was deemed , then What next?
                              Last edited by billytommo; 20 January 2012, 00:36.


                              • Re: BillyTommo's UE Diary

                                Hi billy,

                                I would now see and what the debt purchaser has to say for themselves first before reacting to a NoA.


