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StressHead's UE Diary

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  • #31
    Re: StressHead's UE Diary

    Originally posted by alwaysskint
    My limited understanding is if you've cca'd and not heard anything back not to worry.... some here have been waiting to hear back for months, so no news is generally good news

    Yeah thats right. I'm still waiting for CCA for 4 of my accounts requested last October.
    Oct Revolution

    Any new updates to my diary will be highlighted in RED


    • #32
      Re: StressHead's UE Diary

      8 FEB 2001: Letter to me from Arrow Global asking me to send proof of new address. Letter received on 11/02/11. I moved in Aug 2009.

      Must be using the same delivery system October lol


      • #33
        Re: StressHead's UE Diary

        I was using Grass Roots Financial for my DMP and claims. For the DMP, I used to pay them £460/month (as they said that any less would probably be rejected by the lenders due to the amount owed) and I think they were keeping about £82/month themselves. Then after calling them in tears because I honestly couldn't afford the £460/month, they reduced the payments to £300/month and I think they were keeping about £52.month for themselves. I thought I was doing the right thing by going with them.

        I intially submitted 'Claims' with Cartel Client Review and paid them £500 by cheque. They went bust and fortunately my cheque was never cashed so I cancelled it. Grass Roots then approached me (as they were doing my DMP) and said that they could do the same thing. I was due to make 5 payments of £134.40 to them so that they would handle my claims. I made 4 and then cancelled. I did ask for a refund but they said no. The contract says that if you cancel, no monies which you have already paid will be refunded.

        As for the letter I sent them... I sent the following to Grass Roots & SMD (who were 'looking into the claims' on 09/02/11.

        " To Whom It May Concern:

        After much deliberation, I wish to cancel my Debt Management Plan (Ref: X) and the Claims (Ref: X ) with immediate effect. I withdraw my permission for Grass Roots (Financial) Ltd and SMD Assessment Services to act on my behalf on these and all other matters. I intend to cancel my standing orders to Grass Roots later today.

        I request a written confirmation of the acceptance of my request within 48 hours, and an e-mail acknowledgement by close of business today. I also request the release and return of all written correspondence and printed copies of all electronic communications (my ‘full file’) relating to my cases. I expect all confidential paperwork you hold to be destroyed in line with the legal requirements for privacy, data protection and under all related ISO standards to which your industry conforms.

        I will confirm my wishes in hardcopy as well.

        Please ensure that my request is forwarded to all relevant persons within your company."

        I was then informed that I had to send a cheque for £10 to them so I posted them the following:

        Further to your e-mail dated 09/02/2011 (copy attached), please find enclosed a cheque for £10. Please can you arrange to have my full file for the DMP and Claims sent to me at the above address. This file must include all written correspondence and printed copies of all electronic communications (including anything addressed to Grass Roots concerning my account) relating to my cases.".

        Let me know if you need any more info from me... Thanks.
        Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
        May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
        Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


        • #34
          Re: StressHead's UE Diary

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          I was informed (not on here but elsewhere) that you send a CCA Request which they have 12 days + 2 days (post) to reply to. If you haven't heard from them by working day 14, then you send them a second letter which gives them 30 days to get back to you.
          Yep - that is right to an extent, however I do not send chasers - once they have had 12+2 days it is temporarily unenforceable until they do respond.

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          It was also my understanding that if they could produce a CCA, then it was 100% enforceable.
          Nonsense - who told you this garbage?

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          I've done SO much homework on this and I get told something different everytime the music stops... so frustrated!
          Well, you'll get the right advice now - no worries about that anymore! You'll be glad you found us (or you will be soon enough)....

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          If it wasn't 14:47, I'd have a glass of wine to chill me out! ha ha
          Go for it...

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          I just feel like such an idiot because to date every person I thought was trying to help me, has just managed to get more money out of me and for what... bad advice which only benefits them. I must be a really bad judge of character.
          Not at all, it's not your fault that tossers abuse their position to benefit from peoples weaknesses. We are free, anyone here asks for a penny then you let me know and they'll be gone before they know it! We are free but accept donations ONLY if the person feels we've helped them.

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          Really need to do some work but can't find the motivation to even get dressed now a days... grrr. Need to snap out of this mind set but it's easier said than done. Life seems like an emotional rollercoaster at the moment. Thank you for your support. Much appreciated.
          Nah, you just post updates and let me do the work for you - it's easy, don't stress anymore - just stop all payments, await the CCA's and then post updates as and when you get anything back. DO NOT speak to them on the phone or respond to anything without running it by us here first.

          best of luck, you're in extremely safe hands now.

          Niddy :niddy
          I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

          If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


          • #35
            Re: BARCLAYS BANK Overdraft

            Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
            Is this a Barclays Overdraft?
            Yes it is.
            Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
            May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
            Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


            • #36
              Re: StressHead's UE Diary

              Originally posted by StressHead View Post
              I was informed (not on here but elsewhere) that you send a CCA Request which they have 12 days + 2 days (post) to reply to. If you haven't heard from them by working day 14, then you send them a second letter which gives them 30 days to get back to you. It was also my understanding that if they could produce a CCA, then it was 100% enforceable. I've done SO much homework on this and I get told something different everytime the music stops... so frustrated! If it wasn't 14:47, I'd have a glass of wine to chill me out! ha ha I just feel like such an idiot because to date every person I thought was trying to help me, has just managed to get more money out of me and for what... bad advice which only benefits them. I must be a really bad judge of character. Really need to do some work but can't find the motivation to even get dressed now a days... grrr. Need to snap out of this mind set but it's easier said than done. Life seems like an emotional rollercoaster at the moment. Thank you for your support. Much appreciated.

              Hi again

              What I find best - is kinda forgot what you have been told else where and just put yourself in Nid's hands.

              Please don't worry about how you are feeling I can honestly say we have all been there and you will find it is a huge rollercoaster ride... but you are really not alone.




              • #37
                Re: BARCLAYS BANK Overdraft

                Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                I know this isn't a credit card or loan but it's one of my debts so I have included it in my Debt Diary.

                Approx balance: £2,153
                Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                Status: Defaulted June 2009. No Default Notice received.
                Account Owner: Letters from Central Debt Collections Services. Still with Barclays Bank.

                23 FEB 2011: Letter from me to CDCS saying that I am no longer dealing with DMP Company and that I would like to continue paying them the token payment each month. I have already claimed back charges on this account. I presume that I will have to pay this back in full as it is an overdraft. What should I do next?
                This is CCA1974 exempt, right now just ignore everything to do with it and post updates as and when you get anything, then we'll deal with replies for you.
                I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                • #38
                  Re: MBNA Credit Card

                  Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                  Just await the CCA. Until they respond then after 14 days (ie 12+2) it becomes unenforceable at which point we ignore things, until they do respond.
                  Even though I sent the CCA request to Fredrickson rather than Arrow Global or MBNA? Grass Roots requested the CCA from MBNA and didn't hear anything back.
                  Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                  May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                  Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                  • #39
                    Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                    Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                    I was using Grass Roots Financial for my DMP and claims. For the DMP, I used to pay them £460/month (as they said that any less would probably be rejected by the lenders due to the amount owed) and I think they were keeping about £82/month themselves. Then after calling them in tears because I honestly couldn't afford the £460/month, they reduced the payments to £300/month and I think they were keeping about £52.month for themselves. I thought I was doing the right thing by going with them.

                    I intially submitted 'Claims' with Cartel Client Review and paid them £500 by cheque. They went bust and fortunately my cheque was never cashed so I cancelled it. Grass Roots then approached me (as they were doing my DMP) and said that they could do the same thing. I was due to make 5 payments of £134.40 to them so that they would handle my claims. I made 4 and then cancelled. I did ask for a refund but they said no. The contract says that if you cancel, no monies which you have already paid will be refunded.

                    As for the letter I sent them... I sent the following to Grass Roots & SMD (who were 'looking into the claims' on 09/02/11.

                    " To Whom It May Concern:

                    After much deliberation, I wish to cancel my Debt Management Plan (Ref: X) and the Claims (Ref: X ) with immediate effect. I withdraw my permission for Grass Roots (Financial) Ltd and SMD Assessment Services to act on my behalf on these and all other matters. I intend to cancel my standing orders to Grass Roots later today.

                    I request a written confirmation of the acceptance of my request within 48 hours, and an e-mail acknowledgement by close of business today. I also request the release and return of all written correspondence and printed copies of all electronic communications (my ‘full file’) relating to my cases. I expect all confidential paperwork you hold to be destroyed in line with the legal requirements for privacy, data protection and under all related ISO standards to which your industry conforms.

                    I will confirm my wishes in hardcopy as well.

                    Please ensure that my request is forwarded to all relevant persons within your company."

                    I was then informed that I had to send a cheque for £10 to them so I posted them the following:

                    Further to your e-mail dated 09/02/2011 (copy attached), please find enclosed a cheque for £10. Please can you arrange to have my full file for the DMP and Claims sent to me at the above address. This file must include all written correspondence and printed copies of all electronic communications (including anything addressed to Grass Roots concerning my account) relating to my cases.".

                    Let me know if you need any more info from me... Thanks.
                    Jeysus - stop sending people money will you! The £10 is the SAR fee - however you have not requested the proper SAR documents, anyway lets see what they send back to you - however you need to ignore it and start again, now with our help here, and we'll work through it all and get you back on track. If you have a copy of the agreement you signed with the thieving bastards, please email me a copy so I can look for fault within the agreement to try and get your cash back from them. Scum, I hate them.

                    If I charged for half of what I do, I'd be minted!
                    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                    • #40
                      Re: MINT Credit Card

                      Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                      Just await the CCA. Until they respond then after 14 days (ie 12+2) it becomes unenforceable at which point we ignore things, until they do respond.
                      Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                      Just await the CCA.
                      Even though MINT/RBS sent a CCA to Grass Roots. I've got a copy.
                      I thought I had to request the CCA myself as I was no longer dealing with the debt via Grass Roots hence why I sent CCA Request letters to everyone again.
                      Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                      May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                      Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                      • #41
                        Re: MBNA Credit Card

                        Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                        Even though I sent the CCA request to Fredrickson rather than Arrow Global or MBNA? Grass Roots requested the CCA from MBNA and didn't hear anything back.
                        It doesn't matter!

                        From the CCA Request (well my copy anyway)!
                        If it is your view that you are not the creditor, s.175 of the CCA1974 applies in the case of a simple assignment, and places a duty upon you to pass this request to the creditor. In the case of an absolute assignment, you are a creditor as defined by s.189. If you contend that you purchased the rights but not the duties of any agreement, you are reminded that s.189 of the Act is clear that an assignment is of both rights and duties. Your attention is drawn to ss.5(2), 3(b), 6 and 7 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR).
                        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                        • #42
                          Re: SANTANDER (GE MONEY) Loan

                          Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                          What utter nonsense, they do not know what you bought - tell them you blew it on slot machines then won £6k back and bought a car - PROVE IT! They can't - so they are talking crap. As you have sent a CCA Request in line with s.77 CCA1974, they are in default so this is unenforceable - you will NOT lose the car (unless you decide to sell it) and most importantly you will NOT lose your job, sales is irrelevant to credit files and only if your employer agreed to a search with you, would they even know about this - Lenders/DCA's will say anything to get you to pay, remember that!

                          As above, await the CCA - it's until that point.
                          I haven't actually sent a CCA request for this yet. I will post one tomorrow. Do I continue to pay them or stop paying them? I think they said what they said about the car because the car dealership organised the loan for me. They said that they could take me to court and get me to give them back the car because the loan was secured against the car.
                          Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                          May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                          Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                          • #43
                            Re: MINT Credit Card

                            Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                            Even though MINT/RBS sent a CCA to Grass Roots. I've got a copy.
                            I thought I had to request the CCA myself as I was no longer dealing with the debt via Grass Roots hence why I sent CCA Request letters to everyone again.
                            Hmmmm - take a deep breath Niddy!

                            Ok, simple advice here - I don't say things that is incorrect, therefore I generally say things once and only once. If you have sent a CCA Request yourself then wait till you get it then update this thread.

                            If you have not sent a request, ignore the data that the old CMC will send as I want to see what they (ie the lender/DCA) sends to YOU. When you get the CCA, and ONLY when you get it, quote the original post from page 1 and give me an update and send me the agreement to check as per this thread here; ---> User Guide - Sending your Agreement to Niddy

                            That's it - :niddy :niddy
                            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                            • #44
                              Re: BARCLAYS BANK Overdraft

                              Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                              This is CCA1974 exempt, right now just ignore everything to do with it and post updates as and when you get anything, then we'll deal with replies for you.
                              Bearing in mind I've already written to them to say that I'd like to continue to pay the £6.24 they were getting from the DMP. What should I do when/if they come back to me to say that they want me to continue paying it?
                              Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                              May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                              Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                              • #45
                                Re: EGG Loan

                                Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                                Send me the CCA to look at?

                                Read this and do as it says: ---> User Guide - Sending your Agreement to Niddy
                                Will have to get my other half to scan it for me as work so I'll get it over to you ASAP. Thanks.
                                Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                                May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                                Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.

