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StressHead's UE Diary

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  • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

    Are the Mint and Egg Statute Barred now ?
    Battendown (the hatches) as we're in for a stormy ride !!

    I'm steering the good ship Battendown through a severe bout of physical turbulence !!


    • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

      Originally posted by StressHead View Post
      Ok, thank you so much - they can't force themselves in a take all my belongings then?
      And what about Mint/RBS & Egg Loan? Just ignore them?
      Re. the RBS Mint/Cabot letters -- quite a few of us are getting those kid-gloves Ladybird Book type letters from them: we all seem to get the same-worded one on the same day! I'm just reading, filing and not responding to them until there's anything worth responding to.

      As for someone being instructed to come to your door -- you can respond the same as you would to someone selling double glazing or clothes pegs on your doorstep. Only court-appointed bailiffs have any power to take anything, and even then only if you persistently default on a CCJ arranged by a court!

      I've had a similar letter from Cabot about sending a different DCA to the doorstep -- I see it as a positive in that Cabot (as the current owner of the debt) has farmed it out to a toothless DCA to run around on their behalf. Meanwhile the clock ticks onward closer to statute barred ...


      • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

        - - - Updated - - -

        Originally posted by Battendown View Post
        Are the Mint and Egg Statute Barred now ?

        I don't know to be honest - how would I know?

        Thank you.
        Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
        May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
        Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


        • Re: BARCLAYCARD Credit Card

          Argh! Just got back from holiday and they've actually door step cold called me.
          I haven't mentioned it to my husband yet as I want to get all the facts from you guys first, don't get me wrong... he knows about my debt.
          I'm so anxious now... do I need to do anything?
          Sorry to keep asking the same questions but I'm really stressed about this.
          FYI - all the correspondence for this debt is still in my maiden name.
          If they come again, can I say that that person doesn't live here or is that making the situation worse?

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          Date commenced: June 2000
          Approx balance: £7,495.70 (updated 01/08/11)
          Date last paid in full: ?
          Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
          Status: No default issued. Barclaycard doesn’t even show on Credit Expert. Apex Credit Management is showing the account as Satisfactory.
          Account Owner: Was sold to Apex Credit Management in Jan 2011.

          13 MAY 2010: Letter from DMP Company to Barclaycard requesting CCA. No response received.
          21 JAN 2011: Letter to me from Barclaycard saying that they have sold the debt to Apex Credit Management. It says ‘this letter is formal notice of the assignment of the debt and the closure of your account with Barclaycard’.
          21 JAN 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have bought to debt from Barclaycard.
          9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Apex.
          14 FEB 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have requested the CCA from Barclaycard.
          1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no further response.
          25 MARCH 2011: Letter from Apex stating that CCA and T's&C's are enclosed. Still waiting for SOA, will be sent as soon as received.
          4 APRIL 2011: Niddy says as only terms were sent and no agreement.
          4 APRIL 2011: CCA Query - T's&C's Supplied letter sent to Apex.
          1 JUNE 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Niddy says to ignore.
          1 AUGUST 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Have been receiving 1-3 calls a day from APEX for the last couple of weeks.
          1 SEPT 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          3 NOV 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          1 JAN 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          1 FEB 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          3 MAR 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          1 SEPT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          9 SEPT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          1 OCT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
          23 OCT 2012: Letter from Apex for 'Notice of Sums in Arrears'.
          23 NOV 2012: Letter from Apex for 'Notice of Sums in Arrears'.
          21 DEC 2012: Letter from Apex 'Default Notice served in accordance with Section 87 (1) of the CCA 1974'. Advised to ignore.
          16 JAN 2013: Letter from Apex 'Your agreement is terminated'.
          2 APR 2013: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month.
          07 MAY 2015: Haven't heard from these guys since. This is still showing on my Credit Report and is showing as 'Account is 'default' - credit agreement has ended' and was last updated on 03/05/15.
          31 OCT 2015: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'We have been trying to contact you'.
          30 NOV 2015: Letter from Cabot Financial saying that they now own this debt and want regular payments.
          30 DEC 2015: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'We have not heard from you'.
          29 JAN 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'Your next steps'.
          28 FEB 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'A new approach'.
          19 MAR 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'How can we help'.
          18 APR 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'We are considering sending your account to an external debt collection agency'.
          18 MAY 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'We need to transfer your account to an external debt collection company in seven days'.
          20 JULY 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'We own your account and are prepared to reduce the balance in order to help you become free of this debt sooner'.
          19 AUG 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'Improve your credit file by repaying this debt'.
          19 SEPT 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'Improve your credit file by repaying your account'.
          07 OCT 2016: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'Take steps to repairing your credit file'.
          07 JAN 2017: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'You need to make a new plan'.
          24 JAN 2017: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'Working within your budget'.
          18 FEB 2017: Letter from Cabot Financial, 'Tell us your budget, save £50'.
          07 APR 2017: Letter from Fidelite Credit Management, 'We are acting on behalf of Cabot Financial and have been instructed by them to assist in collecting the outstanding balance on this account. Failure to contact us within 7 days will lead to a personal visit being made by one of our representatives to your home'.
          10 MAY 2017: A cold call doorstep note from Resolvecall, 'I called today for the first time regarding your account'.
          Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
          May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
          Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


          • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

            They shouldn't have spoken to your husband about it and any correspondence they left should have been left in an envelope addressed to you. If it was me, I would send the harassment template letter, but others may suggest something else.


            • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

              If your last payment to anyone was feb 2011 you say, then it may be statute barred?


              • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                I think you may have read that bit wrong, I said I haven't spoken to my husband yet about them actually knocking on our door and leaving a note.
                They didn't speak to him and the note was in an envelope addressed to me.

                Originally posted by JLC View Post
                They shouldn't have spoken to your husband about it and any correspondence they left should have been left in an envelope addressed to you. If it was me, I would send the harassment template letter, but others may suggest something else.
                Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                  Yes, last payment was Feb 2011. How can I find out if it is statute barred?

                  Originally posted by alfie View Post
                  If your last payment to anyone was feb 2011 you say, then it may be statute barred?
                  Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                  May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                  Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                  • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                    You may have to SAR the original company that you opend the account with,
                    some DCA's take SB from the default date, others from when you last made a payment, BUT, if you have contacted them anytime in between these dates they may say that you admitted the debt in those letters, or phone calls.
                    eg: dear sirs, I write to you about MY account, or, MY account with xxxx,or You have not replied to my letter of xxx about MY account.
                    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                    • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                      The last contact from me in any way was 4th April 2011.

                      Do you mean that I should SAR the original lender now to find out if it's SB?
                      If it's not SB though then this will throw a real spanner in the works won't it??

                      Originally posted by nightwatch View Post
                      You may have to SAR the original company that you opend the account with,
                      some DCA's take SB from the default date, others from when you last made a payment, BUT, if you have contacted them anytime in between these dates they may say that you admitted the debt in those letters, or phone calls.
                      eg: dear sirs, I write to you about MY account, or, MY account with xxxx,or You have not replied to my letter of xxx about MY account.
                      Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                      May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                      Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                      • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                        Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                        The last contact from me in any way was 4th April 2011.

                        Do you mean that I should SAR the original lender now to find out if it's SB?
                        If it's not SB though then this will throw a real spanner in the works won't it??
                        What was that contact about. From your list it looks like it was regarding the agreement request to Apex.
                        Who was that "partial payment made by DMP, last one in Feb 2011" paid to, Barclays or Apex.
                        Last edited by alfie; 19 May 2017, 20:59.


                        • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                          The last contact from me in any way was 4th April 2011.

                          Do you mean that I should SAR the original lender now to find out if it's SB?
                          If it's not SB though then this will throw a real spanner in the works won't it??
                          Personally, I don't think I would do a SAR at this point. There is a harassment (doorstep visit) letter you could send to Fidelite, but you would need to subscribe to AAD+ to access the template.

                          I don't know whether requesting a SAR could throw a spanner in the works - I have wondered myself about doing one before a claim is issued. Also - although the AAD templates do not generally acknowledge a debt - the SAR seems different as it does refer to 'my account'.
                          Last edited by Still Waving; 19 May 2017, 20:53. Reason: typo.


                          • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                            The payment was via a company called Grassroots who I was trying to do some sort of payment plan through.
                            I paid them £500+ a month and when I requested my records only about £70 was going to lenders!!!
                            Then when I left them, the representative I knew started threatening and verbally abusing me.

                            Originally posted by alfie View Post
                            What was that contact about. From your list it looks like it was regarding the agreement request to Apex.
                            Who was that "partial payment made by DMP, last one in Feb 2011" paid to, Barclays or Apex.
                            Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                            May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                            Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                            • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                              Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                              The payment was via a company called Grassroots who I was trying to do some sort of payment plan through.
                              I paid them £500+ a month and when I requested my records only about £70 was going to lenders!!!
                              Then when I left them, the representative I knew started threatening and verbally abusing me.
                              Grassroots are vultures (along with other debt managers who charge you). As you probably know, they and their associates got into trouble with the FCA.



                              • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                                Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                                The payment was via a company called Grassroots who I was trying to do some sort of payment plan through.
                                I paid them £500+ a month and when I requested my records only about £70 was going to lenders!!!
                                Then when I left them, the representative I knew started threatening and verbally abusing me.
                                Who and when did they last pay on your behalf.
                                If your last communication to anyone was around april 2011, after any last payments, then the statute bar could still be in your favour. provided you have not made any payments or acknowledgments after that. If that is the case, it could be wise to leave it for awhile if possible before challenging them about statute bar?
                                Last edited by alfie; 22 May 2017, 19:27. Reason: typo

