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Can I claim for old bank charges?

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  • Can I claim for old bank charges?

    Back in the spring of 2008, I applied to reclaim bank charges for 6 years of banking wit Halifax. Unfortunately I was a little late, and received a letter that summer explaining that my claim had been put on hold pending the outcome of the forthcoming court case (which I believe happened in 2009?)

    A lot happened for me in late 2009, including moving house, and tbh I forgot all about my claim. It seemed as though the outcome of the court case meant that most were unable to reclaim bank charges post 2009, but I wonder if this is still a grey area and whether it would be worth my while to try as I am suffering hardship (have since had another child, then became a single parent).

    The account for which I received charges is a BASIC Cardcash account. Never had an overdraft or been able to go overdrawn with this! The charges were for returned DDs, mostly around £35 a time, going back to 2002 and came to almost £1000 in total (which to me is a HUGE sum!).

    What made me really angry is that often I would have only been a few pence short of paying the DD (on one occasion I was charged £35 because my account was 10p short!). The banks claim that these charges were to cover the facility of having overdrafts available, but that wasn't the case for me!

    Have I any chance of reclaiming these charges? If so, how do I go about it?

    Unfortunately I have none of the paperwork from my original claim - should this still be on record? Also, I'm still using the same account.

    Any advice is much appreciated =)

  • #2
    Re: Can I claim for old bank charges?

    Hello and welcome Amanda

    Cheers FlowerPower x

    I second what FP says here, firstly request for the paperwork by using the SAR letter template posted by FP.

    If in any financial hardship as you have confirmed, that may have also been down to the fact of the excessive charges, you can on these grounds try to make a reclaim.

    Wait for the info to arrive from the SAR, which can take up to about 40 days, these should include details of all the charges.

    A letter can be forwarded on to them once we know what information you have we can try working on.

    Hope this helps, please ask for further help anytime too. x

