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FSA contacts 77,000 people to warn them they are the target of financial fraudsters

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  • FSA contacts 77,000 people to warn them they are the target of financial fraudsters

    FSA contacts 77,000 people to warn them they are the target of financial fraudsters

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on 24th April 2012 17:53.

    The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is in the process of contacting 76,732 people to warn them they are potential targets for conmen looking to...

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  • #2
    Re: FSA contacts 77,000 people to warn them they are the target of financial fraudsters

    The Banks and other Financial sectors were fairly and squarely brought bang to rights in the high court so why did they not launch there own advertising campaign to inform customers of such and why is there no advertising material in branches had they of done it would of pretty much ended this CMC culture.

    The banks have no one to blame but themselves and are lame raising the issue now when the CMC have a foothold the banks are stupid well they are but not in advertising matters and past history would have told them this would happen.


    • #3
      Re: FSA contacts 77,000 people to warn them they are the target of financial fraudsters

      Well I am safe enough I think and wont get a letter.

      If someone can defraud me, hopefully they will be kind enough to tell me where they found my money!
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