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carol01 UE Diary

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  • Re: carol01 UE Diary

    Originally posted by carol01 View Post
    hiya n-i-d
    i sent Threat by Lender/D.C.A - To commence litigation letter and today i recieved a reply from horwich farrelly solicitors following your reqest , we have today asked for a copy of the agreement or document to verify that you are liable to pay the amount due .
    your account has been placed on hold on a temporary delay pending receipt of this documentation and will contact you again in due course
    thanks n-i-d in advance

    Looks like these clowns are going for it?

    I think we need to be responding, something along the lines of "Read my previous letter again, and continue to read it until you understand it. This account is formally in dispute which means requesting an agreement again will achieve nothing because I dispute the actual accuracy of the agreement and its content. If you continue to pursue this lost cause not only will I consider a counterclaim against you, I will defend any action as unlawful and vexatious. I formally demand you return this whole account back to the debt collection agency whom passed it to you".

    That ought to about cover it!
    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


    • Re: carol01 UE Diary

      Originally posted by carol01 View Post
      hiya n-i-d
      i have recieved a letter from moorcroft ref me barclay credit card account
      recap ... barclay sent and application form with no terms or cons attatched.
      letters says.. pre court division
      we have been instructed br barclay card to colect your over due account
      it is a legal requirement to send a notice of intened litigation before legal proceedigs in the county court are issued. we believe that this letter fulfils this requirement even if it is not actually read by you.
      they go on to say settlement of account must reach them by 10/02/11 .
      would i be sending threat by lender/dca -to commence litigation maybe?
      thanks n-i-d
      hiya n-i-d
      these dca's are like buses lol nothing for weeks and then they come altoghther,
      recieved a reply to my letter sent to moorcroft i sent threat letter/dca to commence litigation it says ...
      thankyou for your recently received letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement.
      however under the credit act 1974 you must provide a £1.00 fee(payable by cheque or postal order)before the request can be actioned. consequently if you submit the prescribed payment we will gradly process your request.

      should you have any questions or require any additional imformation please do not hesitate to contact us direct on the above telephone number
      thanks n-i-d


      • Re: carol01 UE Diary

        Originally posted by carol01 View Post
        hiya n-i-d
        these dca's are like buses lol nothing for weeks and then they come altoghther,
        recieved a reply to my letter sent to moorcroft i sent threat letter/dca to commence litigation it says ...
        thankyou for your recently received letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement.
        however under the credit act 1974 you must provide a £1.00 fee(payable by cheque or postal order)before the request can be actioned. consequently if you submit the prescribed payment we will gradly process your request.

        should you have any questions or require any additional imformation please do not hesitate to contact us direct on the above telephone number
        thanks n-i-d
        uh? You've had a CCA haven't you, ie you requested one and nothing was sent? In which case ignore this, you have the proof now that you've tried - what more can you do?
        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


        • Re: carol01 UE Diary

          Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
          uh? You've had a CCA haven't you, ie you requested one and nothing was sent? In which case ignore this, you have the proof now that you've tried - what more can you do?
          i requested one and paid for it , and got it last june from barclay card it was an application form no terms and cons attached i said the same when i read their letter uh??
          i have deffo sent right letter as i print a copy for myself and attacted the postal receipt on it


          • Re: carol01 UE Diary

            Originally posted by carol01 View Post
            hiya n-i-d
            these dca's are like buses lol nothing for weeks and then they come altoghther,
            recieved a reply to my letter sent to moorcroft i sent threat letter/dca to commence litigation it says ...
            thankyou for your recently received letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement.
            however under the credit act 1974 you must provide a £1.00 fee(payable by cheque or postal order)before the request can be actioned. consequently if you submit the prescribed payment we will gradly process your request.

            should you have any questions or require any additional imformation please do not hesitate to contact us direct on the above telephone number
            thanks n-i-d
            Ok thanks for the last post, helps explain this one that i'm quoting better now.

            You need to ignore them..... they've mis-read what you have sent them (muppets)!
            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


            • Re: carol01 UE Diary

              Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post

              Looks like these clowns are going for it?

              I think we need to be responding, something along the lines of "Read my previous letter again, and continue to read it until you understand it. This account is formally in dispute which means requesting an agreement again will achieve nothing because I dispute the actual accuracy of the agreement and its content. If you continue to pursue this lost cause not only will I consider a counterclaim against you, I will defend any action as unlawful and vexatious. I formally demand you return this whole account back to the debt collection agency whom passed it to you".

              That ought to about cover it!
              hi n-i-d
              letter done along the lines of above well copied and pasted with an address at the top lol
              let battle commence
              thanks n-i-d


              • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                Originally posted by carol01 View Post
                hi n-i-d
                letter done along the lines of above well copied and pasted with an address at the top lol
                let battle commence
                thanks n-i-d
                best of luck
                I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                  hi everyone
                  i have recieved a reply from moorcroft ref my barclay card account a litigation letter!!!
                  i have till 17th to reply with an offer of payment not too sure how to show previous letter but in a nut shell
                  cca request done june 2010
                  recieved application u.e as advised by n-i-d
                  to and throw from dca
                  until moorcroft got involved
                  moorcroft sent pay now or court will follow
                  i sent threat by lender/dca -to commence litigation letter
                  they sent back send £1.00 and they will get cca ???
                  N-i-d advised to ignore as i have done and got everything and they have mis-read what i was asking
                  and thats were im up to now
                  do you think i should reply again with threat by lender/dca -to commence litigation or should i just
                  write back to them asking them to read the letter i have previously sent them and to keep reading it till they understand what the last letter actually said !!!!
                  all answers welcome and thanks in advance
                  N-i-d have a great holiday and well deserved x


                  • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                    Hi Carol

                    I think that I would be inclined to re send the Threat of Lititgation letter. I would also enclose a copy of the first letter you sent to Barclaycard requesting the CCA which states that you enclosed the £1.00 fee.

                    At the very least it may buy you some more time, its probably just another one of their empty threats.



                    • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                      thanks elsie
                      i will resend letters again
                      thanks for the help


                      • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                        Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                        You need to photocopy the letter from Argos and highlight the relevant part saying "we cannot locate the original" then send it (to JB Debt Recovery), with a copy of this: ---> CCA Query - Letter Previously Confirming No CCA
                        hiya everyone
                        my mum recieved a call today from jd recovery looking for me they told her they were a debt recovery firm
                        and needed to speak to me much to my horror
                        they know my home number, they know my address ,so why did they phone my mothers house i am totally fumming which left me in quite an akward position of having to tell my parents the s**t am in not a happy bunny at the moment
                        any advice on what i should do would be most welcome thanks inadvance


                        • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                          Originally posted by carol01 View Post
                          hiya everyone
                          my mum recieved a call today from jd recovery looking for me they told her they were a debt recovery firm
                          and needed to speak to me much to my horror
                          they know my home number, they know my address ,so why did they phone my mothers house i am totally fumming which left me in quite an akward position of having to tell my parents the s**t am in not a happy bunny at the moment
                          any advice on what i should do would be most welcome thanks inadvance
                          Hmm, well you may want to wait for Niddy's advice on this but i'd say speak to the ICO--> Complain to the ICO


                          • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                            Originally posted by swanfan View Post
                            Hmm, well you may want to wait for Niddy's advice on this but i'd say speak to the ICO--> Complain to the ICO
                            thanks swanfan
                            i may need a couple of weeks to calm myself down i will find out in the mean time if my mum took his name
                            i know i don't answer the phone to them but surely they have no right to phone people i have linked addresses to which is my mum and dads house this is the lowest of the low, thanks swanfan
                            ALWAYS SMILE NO MATTER HOW BROKEN YOU ARE


                            • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                              Hiya Carol,

                              Swanny is right, its a breach of Data Protection, they should have never disclosed anything to anyone.

                              I would probably use this letter and substitute 'work' for 'family members house'.




                              • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                                Originally posted by Elsie52 View Post
                                Hiya Carol,

                                Swanny is right, its a breach of Data Protection, they should have never disclosed anything to anyone.

                                I would probably use this letter and substitute 'work' for 'family members house'.


                                thanks elsie
                                will get this letter sent out do you think i should phone them to make sure they take my mums number off their system as my mum has enough on her plate with my dad being ill and i really don't want them phoning their house again , knowing in the past reading through diaries of dca's not taking any notice and continuing to phone people at work even if i give them my home number (which they have ) and then fail security when they phone just to make sure this doesn't happen again
                                i know this goes against every thing niddy says but i feel i have i have had the control taken away from me by them involving other members of my family and need to take control again thanks inadavnce
                                Last edited by carol01; 17 March 2011, 08:20.
                                ALWAYS SMILE NO MATTER HOW BROKEN YOU ARE

