Greymatter's ue Diary
Consumer Credit Act comes into force on July 1st 1977
The UK moves to ‘duality’, i.e. banks begin to issue both Visa and Access cards. Subsequently, the Access consortium begins to break-up, and disappears as a brand as MasterCard gains recognition in the UK. This move brings world-wide acceptance to UK-issued cards.
Early/mid 80s saw the introduction of electronic point of sale terminals.
The Regulation may be cited as the Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations1983, and shall come into operation on 19th May 1985.
UK Parliament SIs 1980-1989/1983/1551-1600/Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1553)
1983 No 1553
Consumer Credit
Authority: Consumer Credit Act 1974, ss 60, 61(1)(a), 105(9), 114(1), 127(3), 182(2), 189(1)
UK Parliament SIs 1980-1989/1983/1551-1600/Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1553)/1 Citation,
commencement and interpretation
1 Citation, commencement and interpretation
Consumer Credit Act comes into force on July 1st 1977
The UK moves to ‘duality’, i.e. banks begin to issue both Visa and Access cards. Subsequently, the Access consortium begins to break-up, and disappears as a brand as MasterCard gains recognition in the UK. This move brings world-wide acceptance to UK-issued cards.
Early/mid 80s saw the introduction of electronic point of sale terminals.
The Regulation may be cited as the Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations1983, and shall come into operation on 19th May 1985.
UK Parliament SIs 1980-1989/1983/1551-1600/Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1553)
1983 No 1553
Consumer Credit
Authority: Consumer Credit Act 1974, ss 60, 61(1)(a), 105(9), 114(1), 127(3), 182(2), 189(1)
UK Parliament SIs 1980-1989/1983/1551-1600/Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1553)/1 Citation,
commencement and interpretation
1 Citation, commencement and interpretation