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carol01 UE Diary

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  • #91
    Re: carol01 UE Diary

    Originally posted by carol01 View Post
    hiya n-i-d
    i have recieved a letter from robinson way limited ref my halifax credit card
    quick recap... blagging as terms and cons are not 100% linked to application form
    sent first letter to halifax 25/03/2010 requesting cca and letters have been backwards and forwards.
    and i stil have not recieved a default notice or any time to rectify the situation showing on credit expert account was defaulted 04/10/10
    it says....
    appointment for home visit
    your debt is still unpaid in spite of previous letters and calls. before court action is considered we may arrange a local collector to call at your address, to agree an affordable payment plan with you.
    they also give there email address just inase i would rather contact them via email
    and thats it !
    i would assume i just ignore for now
    thanks n-i-d inadvance
    Hiya, yep just ignore for the moment - nothing worth replying to.
    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


    • #92
      Re: carol01 UE Diary

      hiya n-i-d
      had a door visit from resolve call ref my natwest account, told him i would only deal with them in writing but seemed a bit pissed off when i wouldn't give my phone number to him to prove he had called.. i wasn't best pleased on how he banged on my front door and didn't use the door bell! anyway he disappeared when i told him i was in the middle of constructing a letter to the oft and trading standards ref nawest bullying antics and harrasment and i was glad he had called today ,as this also back up my case for unreasonable behaviour could i have his name and number as proof he had called today. i also told him the only number i was prepared to give him was 0151 do one, do one ,do one . thanks n-i-d feel another small victory to me as this time last year i would have walked to the bank and gave him what ever i had in my account


      • #93
        Re: carol01 UE Diary

        Wow Carole well done. I bet you really p***ed him off!
        Niddified and proud!

        Fought and won the UE battle, thanks to Niddy and this forum...
        SB since 2016. Now have my life back!

        (I used to be MustGetStraight but I've lost a "t")


        • #94
          Re: carol01 UE Diary

          Originally posted by carol01 View Post
          hiya n-i-d
          had a door visit from resolve call ref my natwest account, told him i would only deal with them in writing but seemed a bit pissed off when i wouldn't give my phone number to him to prove he had called.. i wasn't best pleased on how he banged on my front door and didn't use the door bell! anyway he disappeared when i told him i was in the middle of constructing a letter to the oft and trading standards ref nawest bullying antics and harrasment and i was glad he had called today ,as this also back up my case for unreasonable behaviour could i have his name and number as proof he had called today. i also told him the only number i was prepared to give him was 0151 do one, do one ,do one . thanks n-i-d feel another small victory to me as this time last year i would have walked to the bank and gave him what ever i had in my account
          Well done Carol, doesn't hurt to hurl a few facts at these eejits, they think they can do what they like and are quite taken aback when they meet someone who knows their rights. If you are writing a letter to complain, I've had two visits from resovecall and no one asked for a phone number to "prove" anything, so that was another lie and intimidation tactic, they could just look up the phone book. utter Bampots!!!!


          • #95
            Re: carol01 UE Diary

            thanks everyone
            i think what did it is the way he banged on the front door i was in a good mood up till then. Im not really writing a letter i just said it to change the coversation from him telling me i had to speak to natwest on his phone all ended well with me feeling i had a little victory over him haha!!


            • #96
              Re: carol01 UE Diary

              oops, it looks like my self-invitied visitor may just turn up then - oh well, I will just ignore the door? As in if I do not recognise them through the glass just go inside again?


              • #97
                Re: carol01 UE Diary

                Originally posted by I Don't Want Debt View Post
                oops, it looks like my self-invitied visitor may just turn up then - oh well, I will just ignore the door? As in if I do not recognise them through the glass just go inside again?
                i wouldn't worry too much after all you are holding the trump card "they have no rights to be there"


                • #98
                  Re: carol01 UE Diary

                  Originally posted by carol01 View Post
                  i wouldn't worry too much after all you are holding the trump card "they have no rights to be there"
                  we dont have tresspass laws here though so I'm not sure....


                  • #99
                    Re: carol01 UE Diary

                    I'm in Scotland too, just tell em to bugger off, I've told two and they've both toodled off. Tell them nothing and ask them to leave. They aren't Sheriff Officers, so don't have any rights if you don't want to talk to them.


                    • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                      Thanks, as far as I can tell they are just the DCA dogsbody. 'field collectors'


                      • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                        no problem, just tell em to beat it. You would only get Sheriff officers if you had failed to pay a decree set by a court, so these are just, as you say, dogsbodies. its a scare tactic, ignore it.


                        • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                          Thank you. Tbh I have been so busy dealing with other finance issues that I kept forgetting and then thats probably been a good thing then! Thanks for putting my mind at ease :-)


                          • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                            Originally posted by carol01 View Post
                            hiya n-i-d
                            had a door visit from resolve call ref my natwest account, told him i would only deal with them in writing but seemed a bit pissed off when i wouldn't give my phone number to him to prove he had called.. i wasn't best pleased on how he banged on my front door and didn't use the door bell! anyway he disappeared when i told him i was in the middle of constructing a letter to the oft and trading standards ref nawest bullying antics and harrasment and i was glad he had called today ,as this also back up my case for unreasonable behaviour could i have his name and number as proof he had called today. i also told him the only number i was prepared to give him was 0151 do one, do one ,do one . thanks n-i-d feel another small victory to me as this time last year i would have walked to the bank and gave him what ever i had in my account
                            Well done you - bet he didn't expect that eh?

                            Well done, brilliant way to get rid of these clowns is to just answer the opposite of what they ask...

                            Q. What's your name?
                            A. The Pink Panther
                            Q. Whats your date of birth?
                            A. God! You can't ask me that!
                            Q. Can you speak to Natwest?
                            A. Who? Sorry, i'm in the middle of removing my elderly relatives incontinence bag so do you mind....?

                            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                            • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                              Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                              Well done you - bet he didn't expect that eh?

                              Q. Can you speak to Natwest?
                              A. Who? Sorry, i'm in the middle of removing my elderly relatives incontinence bag so do you mind....?

                              I am going to remember that one... brilliant!
                              Niddified and proud!

                              Fought and won the UE battle, thanks to Niddy and this forum...
                              SB since 2016. Now have my life back!

                              (I used to be MustGetStraight but I've lost a "t")


                              • Re: carol01 UE Diary

                                hiya n-i-d
                                i have recieved a letter from horwich farrelly ref my halifax credit card
                                quick recap....
                                last paid march 2010
                                blagging at the moment as terms and cons are not 100% linked
                                also account has been defaulted ref experian but i have not recieved any paper work giving me time to rectify account.
                                letter says..
                                we have been instructed by our client to claim from you full payment of your unpaid account.
                                court action may be taken against you, unless, within the next 10 days, you make full payment or make a payment together with affordable proposals to pay the balance.
                                please note that court action may increase the sum owed by the addittion of court fees and costs
                                should i just ignore this for the moment do you think?
                                thanks n-i-d in advance
                                ALWAYS SMILE NO MATTER HOW BROKEN YOU ARE

