Hiya and welcome to the Music request thread
All you do is go to You Tube, find the video you want to add and get the code as follows:
URL to the video is: ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GemKqzILV4w
So you copy the part just after the watch?v=, which is shown below:
You then come to your post here and drop that code into your message, double click it (to highlight it) and then click the You Tube button
Which outputs:
Then you get this
All you do is go to You Tube, find the video you want to add and get the code as follows:
URL to the video is: ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GemKqzILV4w
So you copy the part just after the watch?v=, which is shown below:
You then come to your post here and drop that code into your message, double click it (to highlight it) and then click the You Tube button
Which outputs:
Then you get this