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Marmite Marmageddon! New Zealand Runs Out

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  • Marmite Marmageddon! New Zealand Runs Out

    New Zealand has run out of Marmite four months after the only factory making the country's version of the product was forced to shut.

    The closure came after last year's earthquake in Christchurch which left 185 people dead and many buildings destroyed. Marmite maker Sanitarium decided it was too dangerous to keep its factory open and the country has been living on supplies made up until then. "Don't freak. We will be back soon!" the company said on the Marmite website after a rush on the product in a country of 4.4 million people who eat 640 tons of the savoury spread each year.
    Some are calling the crisis "Marmageddon". Others are auctioning their supplies of Marmite online. Even the country's leader sounds concerned. "I'm going to have to go thin I'm afraid. I have a very small amount in my office and once that runs out I'm obviously aware that supplies are very short," Prime Minister John Key told television station TV3 on Tuesday. Marmite was first imported into New Zealandbut by 1919 the country had come up with its own version, which tastes quite different from the English version.....Read more here---: Marmite Marmageddon! New Zealand Runs Out Of Savory Spread
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  • #2
    Re: Marmite Marmageddon! New Zealand Runs Out

    Ticket To Ride: M25 Coach Tour Sells Out

    Paying for a tour of Britain's least favourite road may not sound appealing but a Sussex coach company has turned it into a commercial success.

    More than 100 passengers have booked the circumnavigation of the M25 around London. It offers a chance to be driven through the Dartford Tunnel, visit one of the motorway's three service stations and see such landmarks as the listed Chalfont Viaduct, while whizzing past - hopefully at 70mph. The problem with the M25 is that the traffic does not always travel at that speed and, with contraflows, roadworks and accidents, the journey can take longer than scheduled. And the passengers from Brighton and Worthing spend more than an hour on the coach before they even reach the M25.

    But despite its grim reputation, Andy Rutherford decided that this was where he would like to spend his 70th birthday along with his wife Margaret. "I've often been around parts of the M25 but I've never been all the way round and I've nearly always had to drive so I haven't been able to see all of it that I'd like to see." Father and son Brian and David Sargeant had also paid £15 despite admitting that the rest of their family thought they were "bloody mad". David said it was on his bucket list of things you have to do: "There's a book that says this is one of the things you have to do before you die. You might not enjoy it but you do it." Driver Graham Maskell admits that it has been a surprise hit. "It was actually put in our brochure tongue in cheek but it seems to have taken off."...Read more here---: M25 Coach Tour Sells Out: £15 Tickets Prove Commercial Success
    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.

