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New and confused

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  • Re: New and confused

    OK, will get that sent. Thanks.


    • Re: New and confused

      Originally posted by samsmum View Post
      CO-OP LOAN
      Not paying
      Payments to CO-OP
      Default date:15/12/2011
      26/9/11 Termination letter received. Advised to ignore
      12/10/11 Account being passed to specialist collections. May default, pass to solicitors etc etc. may negotiate F&f.
      13/10/11 CCA request sent
      13/10/11 SAR sent
      31/10/2011..CCA received Niddy says
      03/11/2011..CCA Query Missing prescribed terms
      16/11/11..Letter received saying they know i live here and assume i am deliberately avoiding them. Ring to make arrangement or will be passed on for immediate recovery action
      16/11/11.. ''SPECIAL OFFER'' letter received offering 50% discount if paid within 10 days
      15/12/2011..letter received saying as i'm ignoring them they've made the decision to register the account as in default and pass to a specialist DCA and the Co op will not enter into further discussion regarding the debt
      17/12/2011..b/f and closing statement received. interest being added half yearly
      18/12/2011.. refusal to accept ue status letter sent
      07/01/2012..letter received thanking me for my complaint. Concerns will be investigated by a case handler and outcome sent in writing asap
      11/ 01/2012...Letter received from MOORCROFT. Been instructed by Co op. Notice of Intended Litigation
      12/01/2012..Threat by commence litigation letter sent
      20/01/2012..Letter received from Co op stating they have investigated and believe account is enforceable and we are liable, and this is their final response. If we're not happy complain to FOS within six months. Account now with Moorcroft
      21/01/2012.. Letter from Moorcroft saying account on hold while they investigate matter with Co op
      11/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft with copy of agreement enclosed. Account on hold for 14 days to allow time to contact them to arrange a repayment plan after which they will commence further action
      27/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft..if i dont contact them following receipt of this letter they may recommend legal action.They go on to tell me a list of court charges
      01/03/2012...Letter sent courtesy of Cleverclogs. See post 797
      14/03/2012.. letter from Moorcroft saying their clients believe documents sent do meet requirements under setion 78. Go on to explain about Carey v HSBC. Want paying basically
      26/03/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER. As i haven't contacted them they feel we may not be in a position to clear the account in full.To stop legal proceedings they'll accept £120 per month
      18/04/2012...Letter received from Midas Credit Services. Litigation Warning.Part of the Moorcroft group and aware we've failed to pay.Reviewing account prior to possibly recommending legal action by external solicitors.
      18/04/2012.. Enough is enough letter sent
      24/04/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Account on hold while they refer back to Co op
      16/05/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.As we have complied with original request the hold on account has now been removed.Need to discuss repayments
      25/06/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.. Possible Litigation.Pay before 29/06 or may recommend legal action
      04/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft..They undersand we're having financial difficulties (no shit Sherlock!!) Please complete I&E form so they can assist or contact CCCS.
      07/07/ response UE (CCA Received letter sent)
      16/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Clients believe documents meet requirements and balance remains payable. Will not be sending any further documents as meets requirements of section 78
      15/08/2012..Letter from Midas Credit Services. We are part of Moorcroft Group. You have failed to reach a repayment agreement. We are now considering recommending legal action by external solicitors
      17/08/2012...Threat by creditor to commence litigation letter sent
      25/08/2012...Letter from Moorcroft. CCA has been provided in terms with Consumer Credit Act 2006.Account placed on temporary hold to allow time to make arrangement to pay an amount i can afford and maintain
      30/08/2012....Letter from Moorcroft. Account now being passed to home collections. Aware of difficulties many customers are now experiencing so offering a discount of up to 25%. Greater discounts may be available depending on circumstances. Reply within 7 days etc etc...
      27/10 2012..letter from Co op saying account has been passed to Equidebt
      02/11/2012...letter from Equidebt.Still time to resolve this without further action. Reply in 7 days or may send doorstep agent to discuss our financial situation
      05/11/2012..Sold in dispute and doorstep letter sent
      10/12/2012.. Letter from Equidebt. You have failed to respond. Can no longer be regarded as an oversight as you have had ample opportunity to repay this debt.
      1)Send us a one off payment or £207 and the balance over a period of time to suit your circumstances.
      2)Make a f&f payment of £4149
      3)Enter into a monthly arrangement
      28/11/2012...Letter from Equidebt.We confirm we were unaware of your ongoing dispute regarding your CCA request. Sent for copies. Account on hold in the meantime
      16/05/2013...Letter from Lowell. Debt has now been passed to them. Really important to pay back what we owe. Obtaining copy of credit file to see if we have assets such as our own home or other credit commitments. Could take us to court for judgement,could make us bankrupt if we owe more than £750. Lots of could do,may do's
      18/05/2012...Sold in dispute letter sent
      17/06/2013.. Letter from Lowell. Co op are trying to retrieve agreement from their archives. Will inform us if it can't be found and will ask us to pay balance in full if it can
      28/06/2013....Letter from Lowells. Afraid we have not received a copy of CCA. Account on hold and we will not send any more letters until we receive agreement
      20/07/2013... Letter from Lowells. After liaising with Co op in an effort to obtain this document we have been advised that it is no longer available due to the length of time since the account was opened. At this time we are closing your file and will not make any further contact withyou unless the agreement is found
      Update. Yay. Woo hoo. Good news at last. For now at least!

      Should i lend them my copy do you think?

      Thanks everyone


      • Re: New and confused

        Excellent. They usually remove the DN as well
        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


        • Re: New and confused

          Originally posted by samsmum View Post
          OVERDRAFT with Nationwide B/S
          NOT PAYING
          Last interest paid 06/08/2011 now changed bank acc
          Default date:14/02/2012
          13/12/2011..Letter received. Pay up or will register a default notice'and instruct KPR to collect and could commence legal action
          04/01/2012..Default notice issued on 31/12/2011. Balance £841
          24/01/2012..Pre-debt collection notice received. If i dont pay as required by DN they will instruct KPR to recover full balance.Could involve legal action. KPR is the business name of Nationwide
          17/02/2012..Letter from KPR. Formal Demand for Payment. Nationwide have passed the account over to recover debt.Committed to being fair and reasonable so contact to make arrangement to pay. Nationwide is considering ccj or decree. Would then enforce the judgement by charging order,attachment of earnings etc.alternatively account may be passed to external debt collectors
          02/03/2012..letter from KPR. Offering me the opportunity to pay a significantly reduced one off discounted sum.Benefits .. no CCJ,no legal costs,will improve future credit rating and account will be closed and remaining balance written off. To take advantage ring immediately to discuss what discount is available. Offer only open for 7 days.
          16/03 2012...Letter from KPR. I've failed to respond and they cannot allow this to continue. My debt has now become a priority. Must call within 7 days to make an acceptable offer to pay
          12/04/2012... Letter from Fredericksons to say account has been passed to them Balance £880
          19/04/2012...Letter from Freds. Letter before action. Must pay in 7 days or they will take immediate action.List of court fees etc.
          20/04/2012..CCA request sent
          25/04/2012..Letter from Bryan Carter solicitors re cca. This is a current account partially excluded by section 74 of CCA1974 from the application of Part v of the act. If you require copy statements or current terms you will need to request these from local branch and a fee will need to be provided. Send proposals for payment
          27/04/2012..Letter from Bryan Carters. Must pay within 14 days else they'll recommend issuing proceedings without further notice. List of court costs etc
          11/05/2012..Letter from Fred's. Despite a letter from Bryan Carter solicitors i've failed to pay. They are prepared to offer one final opportunity to pay before recommending client instructs solicitors to issue a claim. At this late stage prepared to accept a f&f provided i contact them within 48 hours
          06/06/2012..Letter from Bryan Carter solicitors..Final Notice. May be referred for court proceedings. Now reached critical stage and i may wish to obtain independant legal advice
          30/06/2012..Letter from Bryan Carters. Final settlement offer. Instructed to offer reduced settlement figure ,available for 14 days after which full balance will become due
          20/04/2013.. Letter received from Nationwide saying account has now been passed to ARC
          29/04/2013... Letter received from Arc.We wish to make it quite clear that unless a substantial payment is received in ten days along with a firm offer to clear the balance we may pass account to solicitors to prepare court proceedings
          01/05/2013... Sold in dispute letter sent
          13/05/2013...Letter from Arc. Disappointed etc.On the instructions of our client we can now take steps to prepare a county court claim. A claim will be prepared 10 days after the date of this letter
          14/05/2013...CCA Request sent
          06/06/2013.....letter from Arc. All required documents have previously been sent. Not obliged to send copy of cca as it was an overdraft. Provide details of our finances within 30 days or they will obtain further instructions
          10/07/2013.... letter from Arc.Balance remains outstanding.A County Court Claim.has now been prepared against you and can be issued in NorthamptonCounty Court. If this matter is passed to our solicitors for issue costs will be added.If you are in real financial difficulty call us and we will consider your situation.
          08/08/2013....Letter from Arc.We have conducted a search with Land Registry and understand you own your property. Next course of action may be to issue a court claim and obtain a charging order.However even at this late stage our client will give you a final opportunity tosettle before court. We can offer a substantial discount in next 14 days
          Last edited by Never-In-Doubt; 11 August 2013, 17:25. Reason: tidied up quote


          • Re: New and confused

            Hold fire. I'll sort you a reply in morning. Just remind me if I forget
            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


            • Re: New and confused

              Have YOU ever replied to Arc? They've been writing since June
              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

              If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


              • Re: New and confused

                CCA reply(part2) was sent on 08/07
                Letter before action with one liner re them ignoring above sent on12/07
                Sorry diary updated now


                • Re: New and confused

                  Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                  Hold fire. I'll sort you a reply in morning. Just remind me if I forget
                  Here's the reminder,sorry it's late. Another day another drama. Hubby got carjacked at traffic lights last night and forced to drive 40 miles til the guy fell asleep and he could ring the police. Trying not to be paranoid but some ******* has really got it in for us this year


                  • Re: New and confused

                    nightmare. Is he ok?

                    leave it with me
                    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                    • Re: New and confused

                      Originally posted by samsmum View Post
                      OVERDRAFT with Nationwide B/S
                      NOT PAYING
                      Last interest paid 06/08/2011 now changed bank acc
                      Default date:14/02/2012
                      13/12/2011..Letter received. Pay up or will register a default notice'and instruct KPR to collect and could commence legal action
                      04/01/2012..Default notice issued on 31/12/2011. Balance £841
                      24/01/2012..Pre-debt collection notice received. If i dont pay as required by DN they will instruct KPR to recover full balance.Could involve legal action. KPR is the business name of Nationwide
                      17/02/2012..Letter from KPR. Formal Demand for Payment. Nationwide have passed the account over to recover debt.Committed to being fair and reasonable so contact to make arrangement to pay. Nationwide is considering ccj or decree. Would then enforce the judgement by charging order,attachment of earnings etc.alternatively account may be passed to external debt collectors
                      02/03/2012..letter from KPR. Offering me the opportunity to pay a significantly reduced one off discounted sum.Benefits .. no CCJ,no legal costs,will improve future credit rating and account will be closed and remaining balance written off. To take advantage ring immediately to discuss what discount is available. Offer only open for 7 days.
                      16/03 2012...Letter from KPR. I've failed to respond and they cannot allow this to continue. My debt has now become a priority. Must call within 7 days to make an acceptable offer to pay
                      12/04/2012... Letter from Fredericksons to say account has been passed to them Balance £880
                      19/04/2012...Letter from Freds. Letter before action. Must pay in 7 days or they will take immediate action.List of court fees etc.
                      20/04/2012..CCA request sent
                      25/04/2012..Letter from Bryan Carter solicitors re cca. This is a current account partially excluded by section 74 of CCA1974 from the application of Part v of the act. If you require copy statements or current terms you will need to request these from local branch and a fee will need to be provided. Send proposals for payment
                      27/04/2012..Letter from Bryan Carters. Must pay within 14 days else they'll recommend issuing proceedings without further notice. List of court costs etc
                      11/05/2012..Letter from Fred's. Despite a letter from Bryan Carter solicitors i've failed to pay. They are prepared to offer one final opportunity to pay before recommending client instructs solicitors to issue a claim. At this late stage prepared to accept a f&f provided i contact them within 48 hours
                      06/06/2012..Letter from Bryan Carter solicitors..Final Notice. May be referred for court proceedings. Now reached critical stage and i may wish to obtain independant legal advice
                      30/06/2012..Letter from Bryan Carters. Final settlement offer. Instructed to offer reduced settlement figure ,available for 14 days after which full balance will become due
                      20/04/2013.. Letter received from Nationwide saying account has now been passed to ARC
                      29/04/2013... Letter received from Arc.We wish to make it quite clear that unless a substantial payment is received in ten days along with a firm offer to clear the balance we may pass account to solicitors to prepare court proceedings
                      01/05/2013... Sold in dispute letter sent
                      13/05/2013...Letter from Arc. Disappointed etc.On the instructions of our client we can now take steps to prepare a county court claim. A claim will be prepared 10 days after the date of this letter
                      14/05/2013...CCA Request sent
                      06/06/2013.....letter from Arc. All required documents have previously been sent. Not obliged to send copy of cca as it was an overdraft. Provide details of our finances within 30 days or they will obtain further instructions
                      10/07/2013.... letter from Arc.Balance remains outstanding.A County Court Claim.has now been prepared against you and can be issued in NorthamptonCounty Court. If this matter is passed to our solicitors for issue costs will be added.If you are in real financial difficulty call us and we will consider your situation.
                      08/08/2013....Letter from Arc.We have conducted a search with Land Registry and understand you own your property. Next course of action may be to issue a court claim and obtain a charging order.However even at this late stage our client will give you a final opportunity tosettle before court. We can offer a substantial discount in next 14 days
                      Originally posted by samsmum View Post

                      Just realised this - is this an overdraft that commenced in 2008? Can you clarify...?
                      I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                      If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                      • Re: New and confused

                        Originally posted by samsmum View Post
                        Here's the reminder,sorry it's late. Another day another drama. Hubby got carjacked at traffic lights last night and forced to drive 40 miles til the guy fell asleep and he could ring the police. Trying not to be paranoid but some ******* has really got it in for us this year
                        Sorry to hear about that. Hope he's okay

                        I'm another one who feels that some ****** has got it in for me this just seems to be one thing after another
                        Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                        • Re: New and confused

                          Yes it is Niddy

                          He's ok thank god, just shook up and now angry with himself for not doing more. Think he did exactly the right thing tho!


                          • Re: New and confused

                            Terrible business Samsmum. Hope he settles down a bit now and things work out. Howver I think we ought to start a club. This year we thought was going to be better has had its large sized hob nail boots on as well. However the company here is good and the support is good so we will get by, all of us!



                            • Re: New and confused

                              Originally posted by samsmum View Post
                              Hubby got carjacked at traffic lights last night and forced to drive 40 miles til the guy fell asleep and he could ring the police. Trying not to be paranoid but some ******* has really got it in for us this year
                              That's awful! I hope he feels better once the shock dies down. Is his description known to the police?
                              When Gold isn't enough, there is SA Gold! New to the forum and find the UE route a bit scary? Take a look at my diary here and judge for yourself. I am now saving the money each month that was making little difference to the balance and not a bit of difference to my credit file as a result of finding AAD.

                              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                              • Re: New and confused

                                Originally posted by samsmum View Post
                                Here's the reminder,sorry it's late. Another day another drama. Hubby got carjacked at traffic lights last night and forced to drive 40 miles til the guy fell asleep and he could ring the police. Trying not to be paranoid but some ******* has really got it in for us this year

                                Sorry to read this Samsmum, at least he wasn't hurt; scant comfort I know but things have to get better soon, you've had more than your fair share!

