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New and confused

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  • Re: New and confused

    Thank you. Will get that sent off tomorrow


    • Re: New and confused

      Originally posted by samsmum View Post
      MBNA C/C
      Not paying

      Debt Clear recoveries(as from yesterday)

      09/09/2011 CCA Request sent
      02/10/2011 'CCA' recieved. Niddy says
      03/10/2011 CCA query,application form received letter sent
      23/01/2012..Notice of assignment from Global. Account now managed by Westcott
      04/04/2012.. Letter from Fairfax solicitors. Been instructed by Arrow Global to obtain immediate payment. If not paid by April 8th they've been instructed to take further action
      13/04/2012... DrydensFairfax solicitors..making us aware of potential serious consequences of not paying ie CCJ
      14/04/2012..Threat-o-gram letter before action sent
      30/04/2012..Letter from Drydens fairfax. Account placed on temporary hold while they contact clients
      03/07/2012.. Letter from Drydens Fairfax...Enclosed is copy of cca confirming liability.We have requested a copy of Notice of Assignment from Mbna to Client (Arrow Global). Account on hold til this is received
      03/10/2012..Letter from Drydens Fairfax..Been instructed by Arrow Global to recover debt.If no contact by 11th October been instructed to issue legal proccedings
      Update. I sent the threat before action back in April so what's next please. Todays letter reads to me as if they've just been instructed but obviously not
      Last edited by samsmum; 3 October 2012, 15:13.


      • Re: New and confused

        I would send them a one liner referring them to their last letter and enclose a copy, point out the have not complied with their OWN intentions/



        • Re: New and confused

          Thanks Mrs D. Will get that sent off )


          • Re: New and confused

            Posted on your other thread samsmum.


            • Re: New and confused

              Originally posted by samsmum View Post
              CO-OP LOAN
              Not paying
              Payments to CO-OP
              26/9/11 Termination letter received. Advised to ignore
              12/10/11 Account being passed to specialist collections. May default, pass to solicitors etc etc. may negotiate F&f.
              13/10/11 CCA request sent
              13/10/11 SAR sent
              31/10/2011..CCA received Niddy says
              03/11/2011..CCA Query Missing prescribed terms
              16/11/11..Letter received saying they know i live here and assume i am deliberately avoiding them. Ring to make arrangement or will be passed on for immediate recovery action
              16/11/11.. ''SPECIAL OFFER'' letter received offering 50% discount if paid within 10 days
              15/12/2011..letter received saying as i'm ignoring them they've made the decision to register the account as in default and pass to a specialist DCA and the Co op will not enter into further discussion regarding the debt
              17/12/2011..b/f and closing statement received. interest being added half yearly
              18/12/2011.. refusal to accept ue status letter sent
              07/01/2012..letter received thanking me for my complaint. Concerns will be investigated by a case handler and outcome sent in writing asap
              11/ 01/2012...Letter received from MOORCROFT. Been instructed by Co op. Notice of Intended Litigation
              12/01/2012..Threat by commence litigation letter sent
              20/01/2012..Letter received from Co op stating they have investigated and believe account is enforceable and we are liable, and this is their final response. If we're not happy complain to FOS within six months. Account now with Moorcroft
              21/01/2012.. Letter from Moorcroft saying account on hold while they investigate matter with Co op
              11/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft with copy of agreement enclosed. Account on hold for 14 days to allow time to contact them to arrange a repayment plan after which they will commence further action
              27/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft..if i dont contact them following receipt of this letter they may recommend legal action.They go on to tell me a list of court charges
              01/03/2012...Letter sent courtesy of Cleverclogs. See post 797
              14/03/2012.. letter from Moorcroft saying their clients believe documents sent do meet requirements under setion 78. Go on to explain about Carey v HSBC. Want paying basically
              26/03/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER. As i haven't contacted them they feel we may not be in a position to clear the account in full.To stop legal proceedings they'll accept £120 per month
              18/04/2012...Letter received from Midas Credit Services. Litigation Warning.Part of the Moorcroft group and aware we've failed to pay.Reviewing account prior to possibly recommending legal action by external solicitors.
              18/04/2012.. Enough is enough letter sent
              24/04/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Account on hold while they refer back to Co op
              16/05/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.As we have complied with original request the hold on account has now been removed.Need to discuss repayments
              25/06/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.. Possible Litigation.Pay before 29/06 or may recommend legal action
              04/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft..They undersand we're having financial difficulties (no shit Sherlock!!) Please complete I&E form so they can assist or contact CCCS.
              07/07/ response UE (CCA Received letter sent)
              16/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Clients believe documents meet requirements and balance remains payable. Will not be sending any further documents as meets requirements of section 78
              15/08/2012..Letter from Midas Credit Services. We are part of Moorcroft Group. You have failed to reach a repayment agreement. We are now considering recommending legal action by external solicitors
              17/08/2012...Threat by creditor to commence litigation letter sent
              25/08/2012...Letter from Moorcroft. CCA has been provided in terms with Consumer Credit Act 2006.Account placed on temporary hold to allow time to make arrangement to pay an amount i can afford and maintain
              30/08/2012....Letter from Moorcroft. Account now being passed to home collections. Aware of difficulties many customers are now experiencing so offering a discount of up to 25%. Greater discounts may be available depending on circumstances. Reply within 7 days etc etc...
              27/10 2012..letter from Co op saying account has been passed to Equidebt


              • Re: New and confused

                Just ignore for now. See what equidebt say!
                I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                • Re: New and confused

                  Hang on until Equidebt contact you then hit them with a sold in dispute.

                  looks like this one will continue on the merry go round


                  • Re: New and confused

                    Originally posted by samsmum View Post
                    CO-OP LOAN
                    Not paying
                    Payments to CO-OP
                    26/9/11 Termination letter received. Advised to ignore
                    12/10/11 Account being passed to specialist collections. May default, pass to solicitors etc etc. may negotiate F&f.
                    13/10/11 CCA request sent
                    13/10/11 SAR sent
                    31/10/2011..CCA received Niddy says
                    03/11/2011..CCA Query Missing prescribed terms
                    16/11/11..Letter received saying they know i live here and assume i am deliberately avoiding them. Ring to make arrangement or will be passed on for immediate recovery action
                    16/11/11.. ''SPECIAL OFFER'' letter received offering 50% discount if paid within 10 days
                    15/12/2011..letter received saying as i'm ignoring them they've made the decision to register the account as in default and pass to a specialist DCA and the Co op will not enter into further discussion regarding the debt
                    17/12/2011..b/f and closing statement received. interest being added half yearly
                    18/12/2011.. refusal to accept ue status letter sent
                    07/01/2012..letter received thanking me for my complaint. Concerns will be investigated by a case handler and outcome sent in writing asap
                    11/ 01/2012...Letter received from MOORCROFT. Been instructed by Co op. Notice of Intended Litigation
                    12/01/2012..Threat by commence litigation letter sent
                    20/01/2012..Letter received from Co op stating they have investigated and believe account is enforceable and we are liable, and this is their final response. If we're not happy complain to FOS within six months. Account now with Moorcroft
                    21/01/2012.. Letter from Moorcroft saying account on hold while they investigate matter with Co op
                    11/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft with copy of agreement enclosed. Account on hold for 14 days to allow time to contact them to arrange a repayment plan after which they will commence further action
                    27/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft..if i dont contact them following receipt of this letter they may recommend legal action.They go on to tell me a list of court charges
                    01/03/2012...Letter sent courtesy of Cleverclogs. See post 797
                    14/03/2012.. letter from Moorcroft saying their clients believe documents sent do meet requirements under setion 78. Go on to explain about Carey v HSBC. Want paying basically
                    26/03/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER. As i haven't contacted them they feel we may not be in a position to clear the account in full.To stop legal proceedings they'll accept £120 per month
                    18/04/2012...Letter received from Midas Credit Services. Litigation Warning.Part of the Moorcroft group and aware we've failed to pay.Reviewing account prior to possibly recommending legal action by external solicitors.
                    18/04/2012.. Enough is enough letter sent
                    24/04/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Account on hold while they refer back to Co op
                    16/05/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.As we have complied with original request the hold on account has now been removed.Need to discuss repayments
                    25/06/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.. Possible Litigation.Pay before 29/06 or may recommend legal action
                    04/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft..They undersand we're having financial difficulties (no shit Sherlock!!) Please complete I&E form so they can assist or contact CCCS.
                    07/07/ response UE (CCA Received letter sent)
                    16/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Clients believe documents meet requirements and balance remains payable. Will not be sending any further documents as meets requirements of section 78
                    15/08/2012..Letter from Midas Credit Services. We are part of Moorcroft Group. You have failed to reach a repayment agreement. We are now considering recommending legal action by external solicitors
                    17/08/2012...Threat by creditor to commence litigation letter sent
                    25/08/2012...Letter from Moorcroft. CCA has been provided in terms with Consumer Credit Act 2006.Account placed on temporary hold to allow time to make arrangement to pay an amount i can afford and maintain
                    30/08/2012....Letter from Moorcroft. Account now being passed to home collections. Aware of difficulties many customers are now experiencing so offering a discount of up to 25%. Greater discounts may be available depending on circumstances. Reply within 7 days etc etc...
                    27/10 2012..letter from Co op saying account has been passed to Equidebt
                    02/11/2012...letter from Equidebt.Still time to resolve this without further action. Reply in 7 days or may send doorstep agent to discuss our financial situation


                    • Re: New and confused

                      I would send Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Account Sold whilst in Dispute to Equidebt

                      You could add a paragraph at the end about the possible doorstep visit

                      Please be advised that under OFT rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make such an appointment with you. There is an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v Sheppard & Short Ltd [1959] 2 QB 384. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and, if you do so, you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance.
                      Last edited by Pixie; 2 November 2012, 12:54.
                      Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                      • Re: New and confused

                        Thanks. Will get that sorted and sent


                        • Re: New and confused

                          Originally posted by samsmum View Post
                          CO-OP LOAN
                          Not paying
                          Payments to CO-OP
                          26/9/11 Termination letter received. Advised to ignore
                          12/10/11 Account being passed to specialist collections. May default, pass to solicitors etc etc. may negotiate F&f.
                          13/10/11 CCA request sent
                          13/10/11 SAR sent
                          31/10/2011..CCA received Niddy says
                          03/11/2011..CCA Query Missing prescribed terms
                          16/11/11..Letter received saying they know i live here and assume i am deliberately avoiding them. Ring to make arrangement or will be passed on for immediate recovery action
                          16/11/11.. ''SPECIAL OFFER'' letter received offering 50% discount if paid within 10 days
                          15/12/2011..letter received saying as i'm ignoring them they've made the decision to register the account as in default and pass to a specialist DCA and the Co op will not enter into further discussion regarding the debt
                          17/12/2011..b/f and closing statement received. interest being added half yearly
                          18/12/2011.. refusal to accept ue status letter sent
                          07/01/2012..letter received thanking me for my complaint. Concerns will be investigated by a case handler and outcome sent in writing asap
                          11/ 01/2012...Letter received from MOORCROFT. Been instructed by Co op. Notice of Intended Litigation
                          12/01/2012..Threat by commence litigation letter sent
                          20/01/2012..Letter received from Co op stating they have investigated and believe account is enforceable and we are liable, and this is their final response. If we're not happy complain to FOS within six months. Account now with Moorcroft
                          21/01/2012.. Letter from Moorcroft saying account on hold while they investigate matter with Co op
                          11/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft with copy of agreement enclosed. Account on hold for 14 days to allow time to contact them to arrange a repayment plan after which they will commence further action
                          27/02/2012.. letter from Moorcroft..if i dont contact them following receipt of this letter they may recommend legal action.They go on to tell me a list of court charges
                          01/03/2012...Letter sent courtesy of Cleverclogs. See post 797
                          14/03/2012.. letter from Moorcroft saying their clients believe documents sent do meet requirements under setion 78. Go on to explain about Carey v HSBC. Want paying basically
                          26/03/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER. As i haven't contacted them they feel we may not be in a position to clear the account in full.To stop legal proceedings they'll accept £120 per month
                          27/03/2012..CREDITOR REFUAL TO ACCEPT UE STATUS LETTER SENT
                          18/04/2012...Letter received from Midas Credit Services. Litigation Warning.Part of the Moorcroft group and aware we've failed to pay.Reviewing account prior to possibly recommending legal action by external solicitors.
                          18/04/2012.. Enough is enough letter sent
                          24/04/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Account on hold while they refer back to Co op
                          16/05/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.As we have complied with original request the hold on account has now been removed.Need to discuss repayments
                          25/06/2012..Letter from Moorcroft.. Possible Litigation.Pay before 29/06 or may recommend legal action
                          04/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft..They undersand we're having financial difficulties (no shit Sherlock!!) Please complete I&E form so they can assist or contact CCCS.
                          07/07/ response UE (CCA Received letter sent)
                          16/07/2012..Letter from Moorcroft. Clients believe documents meet requirements and balance remains payable. Will not be sending any further documents as meets requirements of section 78
                          15/08/2012..Letter from Midas Credit Services. We are part of Moorcroft Group. You have failed to reach a repayment agreement. We are now considering recommending legal action by external solicitors
                          17/08/2012...Threat by creditor to commence litigation letter sent
                          25/08/2012...Letter from Moorcroft. CCA has been provided in terms with Consumer Credit Act 2006.Account placed on temporary hold to allow time to make arrangement to pay an amount i can afford and maintain
                          30/08/2012....Letter from Moorcroft. Account now being passed to home collections. Aware of difficulties many customers are now experiencing so offering a discount of up to 25%. Greater discounts may be available depending on circumstances. Reply within 7 days etc etc...
                          27/10 2012..letter from Co op saying account has been passed to Equidebt
                          02/11/2012...letter from Equidebt.Still time to resolve this without further action. Reply in 7 days or may send doorstep agent to discuss our financial situation
                          05/11/2012..Sold in dispute and doorstep letter sent
                          10/11/2012.. Letter from Equidebt. You have failed to respond. Can no longer be regarded as an oversight as you have had ample opportunity to repay this debt.
                          1)Send us a one off payment or £207 and the balance over a period of time to suit your circumstances.
                          2)Make a f&f payment of £4149
                          3)Enter into a monthly arrangement
                          Last edited by samsmum; 10 November 2012, 12:14.


                          • Re: New and confused

                            So, the balance is £4,200 and they are offering F&F of £4,149. That's generous, especially when you consider what they will have paid for the alleged debt!

                            If this was mine, I'd send something like this -

                            "I am in receipt of your letter of xx November 2012, the contents of which are noted.

                            You allege that I have “failed to respond”, which is incorrect. I refer you to my letter of 5th November 2012 which constitutes my response. I now respectfully request that you address the issues contained within that response."

                            Last edited by ScabHunter; 10 November 2012, 12:57. Reason: correct typo


                            • Re: New and confused


                              Sincere apologies – reading through the timeline of this alleged debt I have just realised I have made a huge mistake in my previous post. It is (or rather should be) obvious that this is just an equitable assignment of the alleged debt. Equidebt are not the owners, and will therefore not have paid anything for it.

                              The comments about the generosity of the “offer” remain valid, though, and the response is still the one I would send.



                              • Re: New and confused

                                I thought the same thing SH but then stopped my post about them being not overly generous about the offer.

                                However mine was due to the fact they were still adding interest so the two figures wouldnt be so close now.

                                But still a crap offer all the same.

