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StressHead's UE Diary

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  • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

    I would consider what Mrs D has said above about the F & F again. But you could still blag it out to see what happens. Regal are still saying Court OR a doorstep collection (hope yours is really heavy) so nothing is cast in stone yet. Remember if they go to court they could end up with £1 a month.



    • Re: BARCLAYS BANK Overdraft

      Originally posted by StressHead View Post
      I know this isn't a credit card or loan but it's one of my debts so I have included it in my Debt Diary.

      Approx balance: £2,153
      Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
      Status: Defaulted June 2009. No Default Notice received.
      Account Owner: Letters from Central Debt Collections Services. Still with Barclays Bank.

      23 FEB 2011: Letter from me to CDCS saying that I am no longer dealing with DMP Company and that I would like to continue paying them the token payment each month. I have already claimed back charges on this account. I presume that I will have to pay this back in full as it is an overdraft.
      1 MAR 2011: Letter from CDCS accepting monthly token payment of £6.24. Niddy says to not pay for now so will ignore for now.
      11 APR 2011: Letter from CDCS. You have failed to keep to the agreed monthly repayment arrangement. Have ignored.
      26 APR 2011: Letter from CDCS. FINAL NOTICE. Unless full settlement is made immediately your account will be placed in the hands of a professional debt collection agency for recovery of the full outstanding balance.
      5 MAY 2011: Advised by Niddy to start repaying the original £6.24/month. Called CDCS to get details for standing order and inform them that I cannot pay the full amount in one go. They're happy for me to pay £6.24/month and it will be reviewed every 6 months. They informed me that the total owing is £2001.70 but that they would accept a F&F of £1100 (55% of original amount) and that the account would then show as settled in full. This F&F figure will be valid for 3 months. I have set up a SO for £6.24/month.
      14 NOV 2011: 6 month review call from CDCS. Balance is now £1964.26. I offered a F&F of £400, they said that the minimum they can accept is £750. I said I couldn't afford that so I'll continue to make the monthly payments.
      22 NOV 2011: Letter to CDCS offering them a F&F of £500.
      12 DEC 2011: Call from CDCS saying that they will accept a F&F of £500. I have asked for the F&F in writing and Niddy's advised me to PM him once I receive it at which point he'll compose a legally sound document which means that they cannot resell the debt at a later debt.
      13 DEC 2011: Letter from CDCS 'We are prepared, without prejudice, to accept £500 in full and final settlement of the debt, provided that the payment is made by the 28th December 2011. Upon receipt of cleared funds we will inform the Credit Reference Agencies accordingly'. Is this ok to pay or do I need to send them a letter?
      So excited about this offer... can't wait to get another debt sorted!
      Sorry for delay in responding, have these shower of shysters written to you as yet? if not then send one of these in with the agreed £500 offer and see if they write back to you.....

      ---> allaboutDEBT | Our Templates | Making Creditor Offers - Official Formal F&F Offer
      I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

      If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


      • Re: MINT Credit Card

        Originally posted by StressHead View Post
        This is in relation to the Regal Threat - send this back to them: ---> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action
        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


        • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          I'm just concerned because this is an enforceable debt. I know they don't bother to read anything I send. I'll wait for now and see if Niddy chips in although it seems he's been very busy with the new site. It's brill!! Have you guys seen it?
          sorreee, just been really busy and wanted to get it finished - only got a few things left now so will be back here before too long.

          Glad you like it
          I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

          If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


          • Re: BARCLAYS BANK Overdraft

            Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
            Sorry for delay in responding, have these shower of shysters written to you as yet? if not then send one of these in with the agreed £500 offer and see if they write back to you.....

            ---> allaboutDEBT | Our Templates | Making Creditor Offers - Official Formal F&F Offer
            Hi Niddy!
            This one is all done and dusted. I sent you a copy of their F&F letter and you said it was fine to pay so I did.
            One more checked off the list!!
            Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
            May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
            Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


            • Re: BARCLAYS BANK Overdraft

              Originally posted by StressHead View Post
              Hi Niddy!
              This one is all done and dusted. I sent you a copy of their F&F letter and you said it was fine to pay so I did.
              One more checked off the list!!
              Nice one - well done
              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

              If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


              • Re: MINT Credit Card

                Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                This is in relation to the Regal Threat - send this back to them: ---> Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action
                Hmm? I think bearing in mind I've already accepted responsibility of this debt by sending a F&F offer letter on 01.12.11, sending a letter now saying that the CCA isn't right just doesn't make sense. I'll send them another F&F offer letter and see what they respond with. Thank you for all your advice. It really is appreciated.
                Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                • Re: MINT Credit Card

                  Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                  Hmm? I think bearing in mind I've already accepted responsibility of this debt by sending a F&F offer letter on 01.12.11, sending a letter now saying that the CCA isn't right just doesn't make sense. I'll send them another F&F offer letter and see what they respond with. Thank you for all your advice. It really is appreciated.
                  what? Why would you do this?

                  Best of luck
                  I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                  If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                  • Re: MINT Credit Card

                    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                    what? Why would you do this?

                    Best of luck
                    Why would I do what? Send a F&F letter? Because this debt is enforceable and you told me to make them a F&F offer so I did. Now I'm really confused?!
                    Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                    May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                    Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                    • Re: MINT Credit Card

                      Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                      Why would I do what? Send a F&F letter? Because this debt is enforceable and you told me to make them a F&F offer so I did. Now I'm really confused?!
                      Hi Stesshead

                      Please don't get too stressed about this - I guess that Niddy did not have the time to go back through all your posts to find out which debt this was about and what had been previously advised.

                      If it were me I would reply with a F&F letter with an offer of £500, this was the amount you were going to offer back in July, and is £50 more than your last offer.

                      I would make it clear in the letter that this is the most that can be afforded and see what they say.

                      Hopefully it will be accepted and another debt will be off your list.

                      Good luck

                      One day at a time, with £34K of UE debt

                      LloydsTSB - For the (UE) journey NatWest/RBS Mint - (Un)Helpful banking
                      Marbles - they lost 'em - and my CCA, what a shame


                      • Re: MINT Credit Card

                        Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                        Why would I do what? Send a F&F letter? Because this debt is enforceable and you told me to make them a F&F offer so I did. Now I'm really confused?!
                        This is Mint, right?

                        Are thay actually hassling you, if not then don't ruch things - the longer things drag on the better the offers can become....

                        However if you want to make an offer, then don't go higher than £50 than your last offer.

                        edit - as MK has said above - thanks MK
                        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                        • Re: MBNA Credit Card

                          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                          Date commenced: Sept 2006
                          Approx balance: £10,570
                          Date last paid in full: ?
                          Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                          Status: Defaulted Aug 2008. Default Notice received from Arrow Global Oct 2008.
                          Account Owner: According to DMP, account is with MBNA. Credit Expert says it’s with Arrow Global. Last letter I received was from Fredrickson International in Oct 2008.

                          15 JUNE 2010: Letter to DMP Company from MBNA stating that ‘accordingly the credit agreement and current terms and conditions were sent to you’. No CCA or T’s&C’s were received by DMP Company.
                          8 FEB 2011: Letter to me from Arrow Global asking me to send proof of new address. Letter received on 11/02/11. I moved in Aug 2009.
                          9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Fredrickson International.
                          1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no response. Have I sent the request to the right company? Have checked the recorded delivery code and it says that it’s still being processed through the Royal Mail system.
                          4 APRIL 2011: Letter still hasn't been delivered and PO hasn't been cashed. Letter requesting CCA sent again to Fredrickson International.
                          31 MAY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Arrow Global hold the legal rights of this account and until further notice, all correspondence should be directed to us. We do not accept that we are the creditor as envisaged by the above statute. However, we are willing to assist in obtaining the CCA. We will now process your request from the creditor and will revert in due course. We confirm that all collection activity will be suspended pending provision of the documents'. Amount owing as stated on this letter is £10,201.08.
                          JUNE 2011: Niddy says to just wait.
                          27 JULY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Thank you for your recent communication in which you informed us of a different address. We are required to verify... provide us with 2 of the following...'. Presume they're referring to letter on 04/04/11. Still haven't had any further communication from them regarding their letter on 31/05/11.
                          Just wanted to ask your advice on this one as it hasn't progressed at all in the past year. Should I send them another letter asking for my CCA? I really want to get everything settled or written off this year so don't want to leave this one hanging. What do you reckon?
                          Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                          May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                          Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                          • Re: BARCLAYCARD Credit Card

                            Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                            BARCLAYCARD - UNFORCEABLE AT PRESENT
                            Date commenced: June 2000
                            Approx balance: £7,495.70 (updated 01/08/11)
                            Date last paid in full: ?
                            Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                            Status: No default issued. Barclaycard doesn’t even show on Credit Expert. Apex Credit Management is showing the account as Satisfactory.
                            Account Owner: Was sold to Apex Credit Management in Jan 2011.

                            13 MAY 2010: Letter from DMP Company to Barclaycard requesting CCA. No response received.
                            21 JAN 2011: Letter to me from Barclaycard saying that they have sold the debt to Apex Credit Management. It says ‘this letter is formal notice of the assignment of the debt and the closure of your account with Barclaycard’.
                            21 JAN 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have bought to debt from Barclaycard.
                            9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Apex.
                            14 FEB 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have requested the CCA from Barclaycard.
                            1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no further response.
                            25 MARCH 2011: Letter from Apex stating that CCA and T's&C's are enclosed. Still waiting for SOA, will be sent as soon as received.
                            4 APRIL 2011: Niddy says as only terms were sent and no agreement.
                            4 APRIL 2011: CCA Query - T's&C's Supplied letter sent to Apex.
                            1 JUNE 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Niddy says to ignore.
                            1 AUGUST 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Have been receiving 1-3 calls a day from APEX for the last couple of weeks.
                            1 SEPT 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                            3 NOV 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                            1 JAN 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                            1 FEB 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                            Ten months with no progress... anything for me to do here?
                            Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                            May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                            Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                            • Re: MINT Credit Card

                              Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                              MINT/RBS - ENFORCEABLE
                              Date commenced: July 2005
                              Approx balance: £1,552.93
                              Date last paid in full: ?
                              Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                              Status: Defaulted Nov 2008. No Default Notice received.
                              Account Owner: Letters to me were from Wescot. Account is still with MINT.

                              12 MAY 2010: Letter from DMP Company to Royal Bank of Scotland (MINT) requesting CCA.
                              3 JUNE 2010: CCA received from MINT to DMP Company.
                              9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Wescot.
                              14 FEB 2011: Letter from Wescot saying that I need to request CCA from RBS.
                              17 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to RBS.
                              9 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no further response.
                              8 MARCH 2011: Dated 08.03.11 but received 12.03.11. CCA received from MINT.
                              1 APRIL 2011: Copy of CCA sent to Niddy.
                              4 APRIL 2011: Niddy has confirmed that this is . I'm going to try and blag it for a while though.
                              4 APRIL 2011: CCA Query - Missing Prescribed Terms letter sent to RBS.
                              07 APRIL 2011: Scribbled note from RBS on a compliments slip saying 'Please provide your clients 16 digit credit card number, we will then deal with accordingly. Many thanks'. I did quote their reference number on my letter but they've returned my letter to me along with the scribbled note with 'unable to trace' written on the top of the letter.
                              06 MAY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft 'We are agents of MINT (formerly RBS Advanta). Their records show account has balance of £1552.93. They have asked us to contact account holder to discuss the account and we were provided this address by a credit reference agency that supply us with address links based on information held. Please contact us to confirm the position and so we can make the appropiate (this is actually how they've spelt it! DUH!!) arrangements'.
                              26 MAY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft 'Possible Litigation'. Total debt if judgment is obtained... blah blah blah.
                              13 JUNE 2011: Letter from Moorcroft with Monthly Instalment Offer of £100. As we have not received any communication from you with regards to your outstanding account, we feel that you may not be in a position to meet our requests to clear the account in full. In order to stop our recommending to our clients that solicitors commence legal proceedings we are prepared to accept payments of £100 a month. Niddy says to ignore for now as they'll be a settlement offer to follow.
                              27 JUNE 2011: Letter from Midas Credit Services 'Litigation Warning'. We are part of the Moorcroft Group blah blah blah
                              7 JULY 2011: Threat by Creditor To Commence Litigation Letter sent to Moorcroft.
                              11 JULY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft '...passed to our Home Collections Division for action.... discounted settlement figure.... A reduction of up to 25%... greater discounts may be available to you and can vary dependant on circumstances... paying the agreed settlement figure over a 3 month period. This offer is available for 7 days'.
                              14 JULY 2011: Niddy advised to call and offer a maximum F&F of £500. I only went to £450 as the man was being an arse. He said no, offered 25% discount initially but extended it to 35%. I said that it was £450 or £1/month for 125 years. He asked me to send him my SOA and he has made a note of my offer. I've been advised to ignore this request.
                              11 JULY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft 'Thank you for your recent communication... please request a copy of the CCA along with £1 fee. If you're unhappy with the info provided please contact us by return'. Niddy says ignore.
                              31 AUG 2011: Letter from Moorcroft saying that they can offer me a 'substantial discount from the outstanding balance. If you are able to pay an acceptable lump sum within the next 14 days we will not pursue the remaining balance of the debt.
                              5 SEPT 2011: After seeking advice from Niddy, I've called Moorcroft and offered them a F&F of £450. They've said that their best offer remains at £1164.69 unless I can complete a SOA with them over the phone in which case they can go back to their client and ask them for their minimum figure. I said no (because Niddy advised me to) and asked them to send the offer in writing.
                              5 SEPT 2011: Letter from Moorcroft with their offer in writing.
                              17 NOV 2011: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants '...instructed by our client to request the immediate settlement of the above liability.... outstanding amount in full...'
                              1 DEC 2011: Full & Final Payment Offer Letter of £450 sent to Regal.
                              5 DEC 2011: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants ' we haven't been notified of any reason for non-payment we request that the account be settled in full...'.
                              9 DEC 2011: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants 'We are prepared to accept a F&F of £1170 to clear your liability of the above outstanding liability on the condition this is received by 30/12/11. The entry for the account will appear as 'Partially Satisfied'...'. Niddy advises to leave this and see what they send next.
                              9 JAN 2012: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants 'Your account has been passed to this team in view of the above amount remaining overdue... we shall be making a recommendation to our client that legal action is commenced in 7 days without further notice. The account may be escalated for one of the two following actions to take place - Issue a claim form through County Court - will be passed to our Field Collectors'.
                              23 JAN 2012: Full & Final Payment Offer Letter of £450 sent to Regal again.
                              26 JAN 2012: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants ' receipt of your settlement offer, however in order for us to submit the offer to our client we require further details of your financial situation. Please find enclosed a financial analysis form which needs to be completed and returned...'.
                              30 JAN 2012: Letter from ScotCall - Doorstep Collection Notice.
                              Do I need to send ScotCall a letter? Should I do a 'financial analysis for Regal Credit as they've requested?
                              Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                              May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                              Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                              • Re: MINT Credit Card

                                Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                                MINT/RBS - ENFORCEABLE
                                Date commenced: July 2005
                                Approx balance: £1,552.93
                                Date last paid in full: ?
                                Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                                Status: Defaulted Nov 2008. No Default Notice received.
                                Account Owner: Letters to me were from Wescot. Account is still with MINT.

                                12 MAY 2010: Letter from DMP Company to Royal Bank of Scotland (MINT) requesting CCA.
                                3 JUNE 2010: CCA received from MINT to DMP Company.
                                9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Wescot.
                                14 FEB 2011: Letter from Wescot saying that I need to request CCA from RBS.
                                17 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to RBS.
                                9 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no further response.
                                8 MARCH 2011: Dated 08.03.11 but received 12.03.11. CCA received from MINT.
                                1 APRIL 2011: Copy of CCA sent to Niddy.
                                4 APRIL 2011: Niddy has confirmed that this is . I'm going to try and blag it for a while though.
                                4 APRIL 2011: CCA Query - Missing Prescribed Terms letter sent to RBS.
                                07 APRIL 2011: Scribbled note from RBS on a compliments slip saying 'Please provide your clients 16 digit credit card number, we will then deal with accordingly. Many thanks'. I did quote their reference number on my letter but they've returned my letter to me along with the scribbled note with 'unable to trace' written on the top of the letter.
                                06 MAY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft 'We are agents of MINT (formerly RBS Advanta). Their records show account has balance of £1552.93. They have asked us to contact account holder to discuss the account and we were provided this address by a credit reference agency that supply us with address links based on information held. Please contact us to confirm the position and so we can make the appropiate (this is actually how they've spelt it! DUH!!) arrangements'.
                                26 MAY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft 'Possible Litigation'. Total debt if judgment is obtained... blah blah blah.
                                13 JUNE 2011: Letter from Moorcroft with Monthly Instalment Offer of £100. As we have not received any communication from you with regards to your outstanding account, we feel that you may not be in a position to meet our requests to clear the account in full. In order to stop our recommending to our clients that solicitors commence legal proceedings we are prepared to accept payments of £100 a month. Niddy says to ignore for now as they'll be a settlement offer to follow.
                                27 JUNE 2011: Letter from Midas Credit Services 'Litigation Warning'. We are part of the Moorcroft Group blah blah blah
                                7 JULY 2011: Threat by Creditor To Commence Litigation Letter sent to Moorcroft.
                                11 JULY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft '...passed to our Home Collections Division for action.... discounted settlement figure.... A reduction of up to 25%... greater discounts may be available to you and can vary dependant on circumstances... paying the agreed settlement figure over a 3 month period. This offer is available for 7 days'.
                                14 JULY 2011: Niddy advised to call and offer a maximum F&F of £500. I only went to £450 as the man was being an arse. He said no, offered 25% discount initially but extended it to 35%. I said that it was £450 or £1/month for 125 years. He asked me to send him my SOA and he has made a note of my offer. I've been advised to ignore this request.
                                11 JULY 2011: Letter from Moorcroft 'Thank you for your recent communication... please request a copy of the CCA along with £1 fee. If you're unhappy with the info provided please contact us by return'. Niddy says ignore.
                                31 AUG 2011: Letter from Moorcroft saying that they can offer me a 'substantial discount from the outstanding balance. If you are able to pay an acceptable lump sum within the next 14 days we will not pursue the remaining balance of the debt.
                                5 SEPT 2011: After seeking advice from Niddy, I've called Moorcroft and offered them a F&F of £450. They've said that their best offer remains at £1164.69 unless I can complete a SOA with them over the phone in which case they can go back to their client and ask them for their minimum figure. I said no (because Niddy advised me to) and asked them to send the offer in writing.
                                5 SEPT 2011: Letter from Moorcroft with their offer in writing.
                                17 NOV 2011: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants '...instructed by our client to request the immediate settlement of the above liability.... outstanding amount in full...'
                                1 DEC 2011: Full & Final Payment Offer Letter of £450 sent to Regal.
                                5 DEC 2011: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants ' we haven't been notified of any reason for non-payment we request that the account be settled in full...'.
                                9 DEC 2011: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants 'We are prepared to accept a F&F of £1170 to clear your liability of the above outstanding liability on the condition this is received by 30/12/11. The entry for the account will appear as 'Partially Satisfied'...'. Niddy advises to leave this and see what they send next.
                                9 JAN 2012: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants 'Your account has been passed to this team in view of the above amount remaining overdue... we shall be making a recommendation to our client that legal action is commenced in 7 days without further notice. The account may be escalated for one of the two following actions to take place - Issue a claim form through County Court - will be passed to our Field Collectors'.
                                23 JAN 2012: Full & Final Payment Offer Letter of £450 sent to Regal again.
                                26 JAN 2012: Letter from Regal Credit Consultants ' receipt of your settlement offer, however in order for us to submit the offer to our client we require further details of your financial situation. Please find enclosed a financial analysis form which needs to be completed and returned...'.
                                30 JAN 2012: Letter from ScotCall - Doorstep Collection Notice.
                                12 MAR 2012: Letter from ScotCall - Pre-Visit Notice.
                                What should I do with this as I've now received a pre-visit notice... Thanks!
                                Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                                May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                                Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.

