Firstly, just like to say what a wonderful resource this place is. I am truly inspired by the success that occurs in this forum. Long may it continue!
I'm new having lurked for a few months and am hoping to get my financial position back on track.
I have 3 debts in total - all were defaulted on in early 2017 - as I understand it they will drop off my credit file in 2023 (paid or unpaid) - Is that right?
Thank you all, in advance, for any and all help.
Firstly, just like to say what a wonderful resource this place is. I am truly inspired by the success that occurs in this forum. Long may it continue!
I'm new having lurked for a few months and am hoping to get my financial position back on track.
I have 3 debts in total - all were defaulted on in early 2017 - as I understand it they will drop off my credit file in 2023 (paid or unpaid) - Is that right?
Thank you all, in advance, for any and all help.