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925pws UE diary

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  • Re: 925pws UE diary



    • Type of account: Loan
    • Date commenced: 2009
    • Approx balance: 12,000
    • Date last paid: May
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying: not paying from June
    • Status default
    • Account owner: Blair, Oliver & Scott

    06/06/12 cancelled DMP
    06/06/12 requested CCA
    25/06/12 received CCA
    26/06/12 emailed CCA to Niddy and will await his suggestions
    26/06/12 Niddy says

    14/07/12 Letter from Blair, Oliver, Scott saying they are servicing this a/c. Filed.
    23/07/12 Sent MPT letter to BOS.
    26/07/12 Bunch of phoned my work this morning. Have just sent off Harrassment letter.
    03/08/12 Letter from Halifax stating: sorry you have had to complain, we are looking in to this and will respond in due course. Filed
    10/08/12 Letter from BOS saying I haven't paid. Have filed as they still haven't answered my letter of 3rd which contained MPT and Harrassment points.
    20/08/12 Letter from Halifax advising I haven't paid. Filed.
    25/08/12 Letter from BOS threatening all kinds of things if I don't pay immediately or contact them to arrange payment.
    28/08/12 Sent doorstep visit letter.
    03/09/12 Received letter from BOS, threatening all kinds of things yet again. Think my doorstep letter crossed in post with it. Will file for now unless anyone thinks they would deal with it differently? Filed.
    10/09/12 Received letter from Halifax in reference to my MPT lett
    er, basically saying this account is EN and nothing was missing. They are correct as I'm blagging this. Have just filed this.
    15/09/12 Received letter from BOS with a large box typed on it with the words INTENTION TO COMMENCE COURT PROCEEDINGS. It goes on to say that Halifax have instructed them to commence court proceedings so phone them to stop this action being taken.
    09/12 Sent Threat to Commence Litigation letter to BOS
    29/09/12 Received letter from dysdenfairfax (they have now taken over from BOS), they acknowledge receipt of my threat o gram letter and are going to contact my creditor. In meantime it has been placed on hold.
    Oct 12 Received letter from Halifax stating they have complied with my request and if I have any problems to go directly to FOS, they consider matter closed.
    06/12/12 Received letter from Wetcloths to say they are dealing and to pay up.
    Dec/12 Sent Sold in Dispute letter.
    05/01/13 Received letter to say they will not pursue while dealing with my query. Filed.
    02/03/13 Received letter from Wetcloths to say they have been in contact with Halifax and they haven't received my request for CCA but they will waive the fee so I should send Wetcloths a letter requesting CCA.
    March-June usual letters saying on hold until CCA received. Ignored.
    July - Letter from BOS saying Robinson Way now dealing. Ignored.
    July - Letter from RW saying pay up.

    July - Sent Sold in Dispute letter.
    8th Aug 2014 Received letter from Marlin FS saying they are now dealing please contact us to arrange payment.
    11th Aug 2014 Sent Sold in Dispute letter

    Been a while since there was any movement on this. Sent SID letter as a usual first step.


    • Re: 925pws UE diary


      • Type of account: CC3
      • Date commenced: 2010
      • Approx balance: £8000
      • Date last paid: May 2012
      • Are you on arrangement or not paying: not paying from June
      • Status up to date but reduced from 1st June
      • Account owner: MBNA

      06/06/12 cancelled DMP
      06/06/12 requested CCA
      23/06/12 received CCA
      25/06/12 Niddy says
      23/07/12 Sent MPT letter as blagging for now.
      10/08/12 Received letter from MBNA stating they believe they have complied with CCA request and the agreement is in order as original was sent.
      15/09/12 Letter received saying they have placed a hold on my credit card. Filed.
      16/02/12 Received letter saying if I would like to make them a reasonable offer on the debt they will consider it. Filed
      29/03/13 Received letter from MKDP saying they are now dealing and to make payment.
      Jan 14 Sent sold in dispute
      Feb 14 Received CCA
      Feb 14 Sent MPT letter.
      19/07/14 Received long letter from MKDP sent recorded.
      22/07/14 Sent a 'testing the water' F&F letter
      28/07/14 Received letter with counter offer for F&F
      01/08/14 Sent further letter with final offer of 8%
      15/08/14 Sent letter from MKDP with another offer.

      Hi folks, they turned down my 8% but their counter offer is just too high. I can't afford it. What would you suggest I do next?


      • Re: 925pws UE diary

        Originally posted by 925pws View Post
        Hi folks, they turned down my 8% but their counter offer is just too high. I can't afford it. What would you suggest I do next?
        Well you mentioned that 10% was the max you could go to? If so then go back to them with that stating that this is your final offer, is the maximum you can afford and see how they respond.

        If in the negative then you've got a few options if the account is enforceable:

        1) Try to blag the UE route (slightly risky if they call your bluff and issue a claim)

        2) Make an offer of monthly payment that is comfortably what you can afford (depends if this is sensible or not based on how long you'd be paying this off, but would get them off your case for a while and let you deal with other debts)
        "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

        The consumer is that sleeping giant.!!

        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


        • Re: 925pws UE diary

          Thanks SnV. I will make another offer of the 10% and see what they say. I'm always wanting to know the what ifs but will refrain from asking any more questions until the response from them with my final offer.
          Many thanks for your help.


          • Re: 925pws UE diary

            now that you are on the F&F road i would lay it out, it's 10% or 50p a month for 44 years. They are greedy, they need to know that this is the best deal they are going to get, with minimum costs for them


            • Re: 925pws UE diary

              Thanks MrsD. That's actually what I was wondering. Should I send them a brief breakdown of my income/outgoings to show that they can have the 10% or me paying them a nominal £1 per month for the rest of my life?


              • Re: 925pws UE diary

                absolutely not!

                never ever give them I&E unless a court asks you to they will use it to beat you over the head with , so don't give them the opportunity

                just use the template from here


                • Re: 925pws UE diary

                  Thanks MrsD Can you give me a link to the suggested template for this one please - the final offer or you'll be getting £1 per month for the rest of my life?

                  Just to give me an idea I did do a quick calculation and I would have the pricely sum of £18.90 spare each month and that would be between all of them lol.


                  • Re: 925pws UE diary

                    Originally posted by 925pws View Post
                    Thanks MrsD. That's actually what I was wondering. Should I send them a brief breakdown of my income/outgoings to show that they can have the 10% or me paying them a nominal £1 per month for the rest of my life?
                    From my own experience...I've been paying £1 pm for 8 years..the price of this is they ask for an income/expenditure statement every 12 months (no sweat) but they do commit to no enforcement or sale of the debt provided I pay my £1pm. So it's happily trundling along..they aren't making money on it as the Bank send me statements every month which must cost them a £1 at least (or £12 if you believe their bill of charges..?)

                    If your account is enforceable, keeping it away from court is the priority..and £12 per year is worth it I reckon.

                    You'd think after 8 years my Bank would be happy to offer a settlement figure, but they aren't...and have refused previous offers by me to settle by paying the equivalent of the next 20 years payments in advance, as a f and f (ie £240)...but no on we go.

                    The 'end game' with this strategy is that upon my ultimate demise (not too soon I hope) the bank will have the right to access to my remaining assets (my estate) to claim the balance of the debt ..and as some of my 'assets' will be an insurance policy payable upon death, this may be hard to least I haven't figured a way of avoiding them claiming yet..(any ideas?). Obviously I would like my kids to to have the benefit of this money, not the Bank.


                    • Re: 925pws UE diary

                      have a look here and take it from there.


                      • Re: 925pws UE diary

                        Originally posted by MrsD View Post
                        have a look here and take it from there.

                        how do you get to see the templates MrsD , says not authorised to view this resource ?.


                        • Re: 925pws UE diary

                          I found that too when I came back to site after a while. I was told this:

                          "The templates have been moved to our main site now, look here -- > allaboutDEBT - New Website Live Now! and here for extra help -- > Accessing Our New Templates "

                          Hope this helps.


                          • Re: 925pws UE diary

                            Hi, just checking if all is OK 925pws?

                            Best wishes
                            "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


                            • Re: 925pws UE diary

                              Hi everyone

                              Been so long since I have been on. Still blagging most of these although one I now pay a token amount each month as blagging wasn't working anymore. Thought I would come back on to read through many of the diaries. Feeling so low today But always feel such great support from people on here.


                              • Re: 925pws UE diary

                                Originally posted by 925pws View Post
                                Hi everyone

                                Been so long since I have been on. Still blagging most of these although one I now pay a token amount each month as blagging wasn't working anymore. Thought I would come back on to read through many of the diaries. Feeling so low today But always feel such great support from people on here.
                                Oh no...why are you feeling low?

                                Just remember, you're now halfway to these being SB
                                Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.

