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Rockford DCA (Read carefully - this is your last chance)

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  • Rockford DCA (Read carefully - this is your last chance)

    I've received a letter with the above headline from a set of clowns called Rockford, who are sending out a threatogram on behalf of Yorkshire Water.

    "This is your final opportunity to make an arrangement to pay by Standing Order at £40 per month [hahaha, dream on - EC].

    "Providing you complete the attached form and it is returned to your bank/building society immediately any further action due to be taken will be suspende
    d [prepayment envelope supplied, very tempted to return attached to a brick - EC].

    I have suspended action on your account until [date] for you to arrange the above. Please note if no contact or payment is made, I will have no alternative but to arrange for a local representative to call at your home to secure this debt."

    I'm not in the least bit intimidated by this threatagram, as I know they have no powers at all and I will be issuing a "revocation of implied licence" letter. I'm just wonderign what other fun I could have with them.