I've discovered a new website this afternoon, preloved.co.uk - ok, i'm probably the last person to find this place!
It's second hand items for sale basically, there's all sorts on there. You message the seller and sort out payment and pick up directly. We're looking to move house and we are lacking in quite a few bits, i'm hoping we can pick up an oven and some bedroom furniture.
If you register it sorts the items showing the nearest to you first.
Has anyone bought or sold from this site before?
It's second hand items for sale basically, there's all sorts on there. You message the seller and sort out payment and pick up directly. We're looking to move house and we are lacking in quite a few bits, i'm hoping we can pick up an oven and some bedroom furniture.
If you register it sorts the items showing the nearest to you first.
Has anyone bought or sold from this site before?