Re: Chriwat Diary
22/11/13 sent CCA request
29/11/13 Letter sent for communication inwriting only.
6/12/13 Received a response from Creationtoday...'acknowledging receipt of my complaint and the complaints team will nowinvestigate the matter'
7/12/13 Received a letter today fromCreation saying they are in receipt of our request for the CCA. They have sentback a copy of the request asking my wife to sign it as part of their securityprocedure. I am sure I have read not to send them any signature.
7/1/14 Debt passed to West Midland DebtCollections asking for full payment or contacted to discuss a payment plan.Still no CCA from Creation
7/1/14 sent 'sold in dispute' letter towest midland debt collections
24/1/14 letter received from west midlandsaying we have not responded to previous communication(we did)
24/1/14 resent 'sold in dispute' letter
7/2/14 received 'cca' today...will scan andsend to Niddy...fingers crossed :-)
10/2/14 niddy says UE...missing PTs lettersent
23/5/14 received letter from west midlandsdebt collections asking for full payment in 72 hours
23/12/14 received letter from west midlands debt collections asking for fullpayment immediately
3/1/15 received letter from west midlands debt collections saying no responsefrom previous letter.
3/1/15 Missing PT's letter sent to WestMidlands Debt Collections
23/1/15 Letter received from Moorcroft Debt Recovery saying to contact them asaccount passed to them from Creation.
6/2/15 Letter from Moorcroft...unable to contact letter
26/5/15 letter from creation saying passed to WMD for collection
26/5/15 letter from WMD asking for payment immediately
20/6/16 letter from Lowells saying they hadbought the ‘debt’ from Creation
20/8/16 Pre Legal Assessment letter from Lowell
5/9/16 2nd Pre Legal Assessment letter from Lowell with discount offer
26/9/16 Letter from Lowells saying they will be instructing solicitors to take legal action
26/9/16 SWID letter sent to Lowells
29/9/16 LBA sent to Lowells
5/10/16 Letter from Lowells replying to my request for documentation. account on hold and aim to provide it within 12 days as they have requested from Creation. If they haven't heard from Creation within 40 days they will send me an update
22/11/13 sent CCA request
29/11/13 Letter sent for communication inwriting only.
6/12/13 Received a response from Creationtoday...'acknowledging receipt of my complaint and the complaints team will nowinvestigate the matter'
7/12/13 Received a letter today fromCreation saying they are in receipt of our request for the CCA. They have sentback a copy of the request asking my wife to sign it as part of their securityprocedure. I am sure I have read not to send them any signature.
7/1/14 Debt passed to West Midland DebtCollections asking for full payment or contacted to discuss a payment plan.Still no CCA from Creation
7/1/14 sent 'sold in dispute' letter towest midland debt collections
24/1/14 letter received from west midlandsaying we have not responded to previous communication(we did)
24/1/14 resent 'sold in dispute' letter
7/2/14 received 'cca' today...will scan andsend to Niddy...fingers crossed :-)
10/2/14 niddy says UE...missing PTs lettersent
23/5/14 received letter from west midlandsdebt collections asking for full payment in 72 hours
23/12/14 received letter from west midlands debt collections asking for fullpayment immediately
3/1/15 received letter from west midlands debt collections saying no responsefrom previous letter.
3/1/15 Missing PT's letter sent to WestMidlands Debt Collections
23/1/15 Letter received from Moorcroft Debt Recovery saying to contact them asaccount passed to them from Creation.
6/2/15 Letter from Moorcroft...unable to contact letter
26/5/15 letter from creation saying passed to WMD for collection
26/5/15 letter from WMD asking for payment immediately
20/6/16 letter from Lowells saying they hadbought the ‘debt’ from Creation
20/8/16 Pre Legal Assessment letter from Lowell
5/9/16 2nd Pre Legal Assessment letter from Lowell with discount offer
26/9/16 Letter from Lowells saying they will be instructing solicitors to take legal action
26/9/16 SWID letter sent to Lowells
29/9/16 LBA sent to Lowells
5/10/16 Letter from Lowells replying to my request for documentation. account on hold and aim to provide it within 12 days as they have requested from Creation. If they haven't heard from Creation within 40 days they will send me an update