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Cowbopper UE Diary

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  • #31
    but always keep paperwork just in case
    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

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    • #32
      Originally posted by The Tech Clerk View Post
      but always keep paperwork just in case

      I agree

      Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

      I wonder if that indicates that although Lowell have closed the account they may have unassigned it back to Creation who could assign it to another debt purchaser.

      I'm not raining on your parade, I'm suggesting you don't bin the paperwork just yet, just in case.

      Although having said that, if the debt is unenforceable then it's unenforceable despite who owns it



      • #33
        Originally posted by The Tech Clerk View Post
        but always keep paperwork just in case
        Absolutely. Everything is filed. The CRA does show the account as satisfied in November 2014, so hopefully it never resurfaces.


        • #34
          Some advice needed on Debt 1 (Crapital One now owned by Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd).

          They've decided to have another go at the litigation route, passing the account yet again to Lowell Solicitors for action.

          Last time around, I responded to the LBA asking for various docs (17/12/19).
          I received mostly what I asked for in April 2020 (no copy of default notice included or anything beyond the first 2 pages of statements)

          In June, i sent a SAR to Cap One and they rejected the request "we require an original signature to match our records"

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Cap 1 SAR Response.jpg
Views:	246
Size:	193.0 KB
ID:	1536952

          I'm certain they wouldn't have a copy of any signature as the original application would've been completed online

          What is the best way to proceed? I'm just conscious of sending documents out with signatures that could be lifted.

          Diana Mayhew I seem to recall in a phone call with you that i ought to get the SAR from C1 prior to doing a CCA with Lowell to ascertain C1 data in relation to the default notice??

          As always, massive thanks to the brains on here


          • #35
            Originally posted by cowbopper View Post
            Some advice needed on Debt 1 (Crapital One now owned by Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd).

            They've decided to have another go at the litigation route, passing the account yet again to Lowell Solicitors for action.


            Have you received a new Letter of Claim from Lowell? If so email it to me.

            Don't send anything with your signature on to anyone at this moment in time.



            • #36
              Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post


              Have you received a new Letter of Claim from Lowell? If so email it to me.

              Don't send anything with your signature on to anyone at this moment in time.

              No letter of claim as yet. So far I’ve received the Notice of Acting from Lowell Solicitors.


              • #37
                Oh Cap 1/ Lowell and no DN- how very familiar. Let's hope they do not produce a compliant DN


                • #38
                  Letter of claim received today for debt 1. No surprises there.
                  Diana Mayhew Are you happy for me to share a scan with you? :-)
                  Also, should i still be pursuing a SAR with cap 1? im mindful, this was your advice some months ago, but haven't progressed because of the signature issue.


                  • #39
                    Definitely no surprises. There seems to be a flurry of Letters of Claim being re-sent after a summer of inactivity.

                    Here's your initial post as a reminder of the backstory >

                    Originally posted by cowbopper View Post

                    1. CAPITAL ONE CREDIT CARD

                    Date commenced March 2010
                    Approx balance 1100
                    Date last DMP payment June 2018.
                    Last Full payment approx March 2013
                    Default: September 2013
                    Account owner: Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd
                    Notes: Lowell sometimes send letters which also include debt 2.
                    Send S.78 after receipt of SAR

                    03/03/2018: Cap 1 Statement of activity
                    18/07/2018: Cap 1 We have not received your DMP payment letter
                    03/09/2018: Cap 1 Statement of activity
                    03/09/2018: Cap 1 Please contact us letter
                    10/06/2019: Cap 1 advise of change of ownership to Lowell portfolio I ltd
                    10/06/2019: Lowell welcome letter
                    25/06/2019: Lowell please contact us letter
                    10/07/2019: Lowell please contact us letter
                    25/07/2019: Lowell Assessing your account for legal action letter
                    27/08/2019: Lowell Pre Legal Assessment letter
                    24/10/2019: Lowell Annual Statement
                    21/11/2019: Lowell Solictors send notice of acting
                    30/11/2019: Lowell Solicitors Letter of claim received
                    17/12/2019: Lowell Solicitors response to letter requesting documents
                    20/12/2019: Lowell Solicitors Confirm receipt of response to Pre action letter. The letter includes copies of: Notice of assignment and Notice of acting
                    26/02/2020: Lowell Solicitors Account update: Advise client is continuing to compile a response
                    27/03/2020: Lowell Solicitors Account update: Advise client is continuing to compile a response
                    21/04/2019: Lowell Solicitors have provided: a copy of the agreement; statement from the original creditor (which they advise will arrive in parts because of size); No default notice was included, and they confirm they are unable to obtain a copy. They advise the account defaulted in September 2013
                    15/05/2020 SAR sent to Capital One
                    05/06/2020: SAR request denied, cap1 request 'original signature' and copy of id
                    17/08/2020: SAR sent to Lowell (incidentally included as part of request for debt 2)
                    24/08/2020: SAR in progress
                    03/09/2020: SAR received from Lowell.
                    23/10/2020: letter from Lowell advising that they are sending account to Lowell Solicitors and enclose notice of acting from same.
                    09/11/2020: Letter of claim recieved

                    (I've just received your email )



                    • #40
                      I am sure Di will offer better help but I can see two huge errors in the way Lowell have acted

                      1) Admitted no DN- well unless they can produce one, and assuming you can truthfully tell a court you did not receive one, they have a huge problem. No doubt if it did go to a hearing and if they sent a representative, they would try to get you to admit you had or might have received one (that's what they did with me). I think my (probably not perfect) answer, when told I must have recognised one, was that I knew now what a DN was but back then wasn't so sure and I would have remembered receiving one. I knew for a fact I had received a demand but not a proper S87(1) DN. I kept everything and still have it all.

                      2) You say they said the CCA request would be sent in separate parts - my understanding was that it had to be delivered together , in fact in Arrow Global v Frost that was argued. Of course the problem is, as soon as you stick that in your defence or WS then they send it all together (if they still have it).

                      There is someway to go before/if they issue a claim - this might just be turning the thumb screws.

                      Sorry about my long non-sensical sentences . I have added a bit of punctuation- I get carried away.
                      Last edited by Warwick65; 10 November 2020, 21:13.


                      • #41
                        Im not sure a DN will be forthcoming. When i SAR'd Lowell for a different debt, they included this one in their response.
                        There file note on the DN issue just reads "Unavailable - default date is xx/xx/xxx"

                        Diana Mayhew Is the advice to stay still on this and take no further action, including the SAR to Cap1?


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by cowbopper View Post
                          Im not sure a DN will be forthcoming. When i SAR'd Lowell for a different debt, they included this one in their response.
                          There file note on the DN issue just reads "Unavailable - default date is xx/xx/xxx"

                          Diana Mayhew Is the advice to stay still on this and take no further action, including the SAR to Cap1?

                          I like the sound of that letter from your SAR to Lowell - definitely keep that safe in case they ever produce a DN which they say is the original when you have evidence from their own records that they noted it's "unavailable".

                          I love it when that happens

                          And yes, the advice to do nothing in response to Lowell's 'Letter of Claim' for your ex-Capital One credit card remains the same.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

                            I like the sound of that letter from your SAR to Lowell - definitely keep that safe in case they ever produce a DN which they say is the original when you have evidence from their own records that they noted it's "unavailable".

                            I love it when that happens

                            And yes, the advice to do nothing in response to Lowell's 'Letter of Claim' for your ex-Capital One credit card remains the same.

                            Thanks Di. Will sit back and hold tight and see what comes next.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by cowbopper View Post

                              Thanks Di. Will sit back and hold tight and see what comes next.




                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post


                                The loveliest New Years Gifts today...... A County Court claim received for this account today (account 1 - Capital one with lowell). Copy sent to Di.

                                Secondly, me and my other half have both received compensation cheques from HSBC of £50 each for "the quality of service recieved by our collections and/or recoveries team....did not meet the standard we would expect". Should we be cashing these???

