Originally posted by Blodwen
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I've taken a look at post # 7 (although you say you're going to update it later) and I can see that this credit card debt is still with Lloyds who is passing it around various DCAs.
It might make sense to wait until it's assigned (sold) to a debt purchaser before you send for a SAR (to Lloyds) because you will then capture all the details surrounding the termination and assignment etc.
I also wouldn't attempt a PPI claim until it's sold either because if they (or the debt purchaser) ever issue a claim then that PPI issue may be an argument you could use in your Defence if the account balance was incorrect when sold due to the PPI being missold (if it was) etc.
Personally I would say/do nothing until or unless they comply with your s 77-79 CCA Request or you get a letter from a solicitor.