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spent2much UE diary

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  • Re: spent2much UE diary

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    We're working on things as a few little issues behind the scenes.....

    hope it gets sorted without too much trouble


    • Re: spent2much UE diary

      Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
      Type of account (overdraft Lloydstsb) husband's

      Date commenced (2003)

      Approx balance (£384.89)original balance was £525

      Date last paid (22 June 2012)

      Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

      Status (default/cca being sent )

      Account owner (moorcroft)

      9/7/12 cca request sent
      13/7/12 request from moorcroft for £1.00 so they can deal with the cca request
      16/7/12 sent moorcroft £1 postal order
      1/8/12 moorcroft have sent postal order back saying it needs to be sent to and written out to LloydsTsb
      14/11/12 moorcroft asking for payment or may start legal proceedings.
      Letter from Moorcrof today, say they need a £1 before they can process mt request .
      this is an overdraft account i thought no £1 payment was needed


      Our records show that we have not received a payment from you since 02/08/12.

      We must therefore ask you to make an immediate payment to us or contact this office within the next 48 hours.

      Unless payment of this amount is received in the next 7 days we may remommend to our client that we take further debt recovery action against you without further notice.

      Neither we nor our client wish to take this step and if you call us on the above number we would be happy to agree a repayment plan that you can afford and maintain.

      Any payment may be attached to this letter and made payable to Moorcroft debt Recovery Ltd.

      Yours sincerely.

      30/11/12 Moorcroft,Our records show that despite our previous letters to you,payment has still not been received

      your account is in arrears for the sum of £1.00
      Contact your dmc to arrange payment , contact us if you are no longer dealing with this third party .
      As a result of arrears the account has been passed to Home Collections Division for possible action

      Threat of recovery action

      21/1/13 from LloydsTsb account passed to Robinson Way

      24/1/13 from robbers way
      do not ignore they have been authorised to revover this debt in full , threat of court action

      28/1/13 sent account sold while in dispute letter
      1/2/13 from Robbers way

      Your account has been passed to me for review. I am concerned that an affordable payment plan has not been agreed for payement of your account.

      i want to make it simple for you to pay your account. Start to pay this account by making a MONTHLY PAYMENT OF JUST £30,(on due day of your choice), this can be agreed simply and quickly in one phone call to us. Or if you prefer, set the direct debit up online at

      If that is not affordable we need to hear from you, call us now, or email us at Your circumstances will be considered.

      If an affordable payment plan is not agreed with you, I will have no alternative but to pass your account for further action. Once your account leaves my hands there will be little more i can do to help you.

      collections manager.


      Please note we have noted the dispute/query you have raised.

      We will make the necessary enquiries and let you know the outcome in due course.
      Stopped all recovery action for time being

      11/02/13 LloydsTsb
      Cannot deal request until hubby sends a letter signed with his signature

      13/02/13 to LloydsTsb CCA Request-Demand of Signature

      18/02/2013 LloydsTsb

      After looking into your complaint there is no record of you requesting a copy of the credit agreement for this account before now. I can assure you if we had been in reciept of this letter we would have responded sooner. Credit agreements do not apply to bank accounts and for this reason we cannot provide you with a copy of your credit agreement for the account requested.

      I appreciate your concern with the fees which applied to your account. I can see you had a planned overdraft limit of £500. In providing you with this limit, we requested you to monitor the account and stay within its limit. I can see you last used your account on 26th february 2007 when you transferred £129.00 out of your account to leave £499.89 overdrawn. The transaction which took you overdrawn was the interest which we had pre notified you of. As such your account exceeded the planned overdraft and you were in an unplanned overdraft which was subject to unplanned overdraft fees as outlined in the terms and conditions of your account.

      Fees continued to apply to your account until 2July 2007 , when we were made aware you were experiencing financial difficulties. From 26th Feb to 2 July 2007 £137.54 fees were applied correctly to your account.

      When we were made aware you were experiencing difficulties and were dealing with Payplan we suspended all fees on the account and accepted the payments which were being made. Your account closed on 15 September 2008 with a debit balance of £599.68 and transferred to our Recoveries department as a longer repayment term was required . I can assure you no fees have been applied since 2 July 2007.

      I appreciate you would rather make arrangements directly with us regarding payments, however, it is not practical for this to happen. It is normal for us to assign external recovery agents to act on our behalf (moorcroft) fromMay2011to August 2012. Due to no payments being made since then we assigned robinson way to contact you to discuss repayments.

      To restore your confidence in us I have arranged for £137.54 fees to be credited to the account . Plese allow ten working days for the refunds to be processed at which point the amount owed will reduce to £384.89 . I will inform Robinson way of the revised balance.

      21/02/13 LloydsTsb (no account number on this letter but i assume its for this account as hubbys tsb credit card is with 1st credit.

      I was most concerned to receive your letter. Thank you for contacting us.

      As your concerns relate to issues outside this control of this office, I have passed your concerns on to LloydsTSB's customer service recovery centre. It may take a while to gather all the facts together, but they will try to come back to you with a full response within the next few working days.

      I think this letter has crossed with the one received a few days ago.

      27/04/13 Robbers way

      Your account still remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls. Your account is due to be transferred to our solicitors, Horwich Farrelly in the next 10 days, who may consider court action.

      If you would rather agree an affordable payment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to our solicitors, please contact us without delay.

      Just trying to update this, I'm now confused, 27 th April 13 Robinson Way threatened to transfer this account to their solicitors Horwich farrelly, and then 15 May 2013 drysden/fairfax wrote saying their client has instructed them to collect this debt.

      18/5/13 sent SWID to drysdenfairfax

      24/5/13 drysdenfairfax- pay up or may consider court action
      19/6/13 Robinson way doorspet visit threat
      26/7/13 Account from Capquest
      This letter is to inform you that your LRSB overdraft account has been referred to capquest to manage.

      We have made enquires with experian crb who have confirmed that this is the current address for you.

      it is our aim to agree a suitable plan with you to repay this debt. Our experienced team of negotiatiors are here to assit you in arranging a suitable arrangement . It is important an agreement is reached .

      If contact is not made by this date your account will escalate to the next stage of recoveries (NO DATE WAS GIVEN)

      09/08/2013 - Lloyds TSB
      As we haven't been able to agree a suitable repaymnet plan we've transferred your Ltsb to capquest , please contact capquest asap to arrange to pay back the outstanding amount.

      27/08/2013 capquest - this correspondence is to inform you that your ltsb account has been referred to capquest to manage in all matters relating to collection , which may include:

      personal visits by our doorstep collection agency
      possible litigation

      it is our aim to ensure that a suitable payment plan is agreed and maintained. Our experienced team of negotiators are here to assist you in finding a plan that will clear your indebtedness, without the need for further action.
      If you are not in a position to settle the account in full, you will need to contact us to discuss a suitable solution to this matter .
      es your account for a pre-litigation review. Your account may be passed to our solicitors who may commence legal action on or around 16 th Oct 13.

      Through the litigation process we will seek to obtain a County Court Judgement directing you to pay the monies outstanding. If we are successful and no payments are made towards your account, it maybe necessary to enforce the judgement through the courts by either a Warrant of Execution which will result in a bailiff visiting your address; by applying to the court for an attachment of earnings order which my result in deductions from you earnings by your employer or by seeking a charging order over you property to secure the judgement.

      All of this action is avoidable . It is therefore in your interest to prevent the above course of action by contacting this office immediately to discuss settlement or a proposed arrangement to settle this debt.Our experienced pre-litigation team are on hand to assist you but this can only happen if you make contact before 16 Oct 13. Failure to respond by the date outlined may result in legal action being instigated.

      31/10/2013 capquest
      Please be advised that we are now in the process of making arrangements for our doorstep recovery agents ScotCall Limited, to visit you due to your failure to make a repayment arrangement.

      goes on about agents want full amount , but will consider a f&f

      must contact them before 07 Nov 13 to discuss account to avoid doorstep visit

      12/12/13 Lloyds Bank - account passed to westcot

      28/12/13 westcot REMINDER NOTICE
      Our latest enquiries have now confirmed that you are still resident at this address but we have nor received a reply to our previous correspondence.

      Unless you contact us to agree repayment within the next 10 days, further debt recovery will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance .

      Please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt.

      4/1/14 westcot
      Final attempt to avoid further action reduced settlement offer .
      This offer is only available until 11/01/14 , if don't contact them the offer will be withdrawn and further action will continue to recover the full oustanding balance.

      22/01/2014 westcot

      the opportunity to take control of your outstanding balance

      We understand that there may be many reasons why you not responded to use us in relation to this account/

      this debt will not go away and now is the time to act. To take up the offer you need to contact us on the number above where one of our dedicated operators will help you make a fresh start

      01/02/2014 westcot doorstep visit threat

      12/07/2014 - westcot we recently wrote to you to confirm we are acting on behalf of Lloyds bank in relation to the outstanding balance on this account and asked you to contact us urgently to discuss this matter .
      As we have not had any response we have conducted additional checks to ensure we have the correct address details on file for you . These checks have confirmed that you are still resident at the address noted above and as the outstanding balance remains due it is essential that you contact us urgently to take control of his issue.

      If we do not hear from you we will continue to undertake aactivity including phone calls, texting, and lettering to recover this account on behalf of Lloyds Bank .

      19/07/2014- westcot


      This account has been passed to Lowell , i don't know i never updated this information .

      7/8/2015 Lowell , Please contact us to day to discuss your payment.
      You will not be asked to pay more than you can afford.




      • Re: spent2much UE diary

        Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
        Type of account (credit card) husband's

        Date commenced (2005) i put 2005 but they may be before this also

        Approx balance.( £2,242.71

        Date last paid (22/06/2012)

        Are you on arrangement or not paying (stopping dmp )

        Status (default received but don't have it as was burgled in 2010 and some of our personal papers were scattered in the snow and could not be recovered )

        Account owner (originally monument but passed to Barclaycard )
        09/07/2012 sent CCA request
        27/07/2012 barclaycard they are dealing with request

        12/02/2013 from barclaycard

        cca recon sent to niddy

        13/02/13 sent missing pt's
        22/02/2013 from Barclaycard
        About your complaint

        Thank you for contacting us on 13 feb 2013 regarding your Barclaycard

        I am sorry that you have had reason to complain.
        I understand you are not satisfied that we have complied with our boligations under section 78 of CCA . We believe your credit agreement to be fully
        compliant with the Act and any allegations that it is not will be opposed. I realise this is not the answer you wanted,so I have given the details below so you can see the reasons behind our decision .

        I am aware that we made errors in our previous response which i have amended accordingly. Feedback has been given to the member of staff who made this error.

        I would like to assure you that the provision of a high level of service is of paramount importance to us and apologise for the oversight in the information provided with our previous letter.

        I would like to acknowledge your request for a copy of your original agreement and I am able to confirm that this has been sent to the relevant department who will contact you directly regarding this.


        It goes on to explain about the case of Carey v HSBC then about the statement of the terms of the agreement as varied regulation 7 of CNC regulations provides that, where an agreement has been varied in accordance with section 82(1) of the Act(as is the case with your credit agreement)


        another 2 pages of statement of account
        compliance with section 61 of the Act
        office of fair trading.

        your options
        Please take this letter as our final response to your complaint. If anything is unclear or if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your complaint. please write to the above address. I will do all I can to answer your questions and reach an agreement with you .

        28/02/2013 from barclaycard

        Thank you for contacting Barclaycard.

        Arrangements have been made for a copy of your ofiginal agreement to be issued to you, under separate cover, in due course.

        May i also advise that your other queries are being handled by another deprartment and they will reply to you shortly.

        I hope this information is of some assistance to you.

        07/03/2013 from Barclaycard
        they have semt an application form saying it is a cca. I have sent it to niddy

        Niddy says still

        23/08/2013 Barclaycard
        I am writing to inform you that the was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKDP LLP on 16 August 2013

        This means that the effective owners of the above account are now MKDP LLP.

        MKDP LLP has appointed MK Rapid Recoveries as their servicing agent to manage your account on their behalf. All contact regarding your account should now be directed to Rapid Recoveries.

        I confirm that the amount outstanding on your account as at August was £2324.18

        With effect from date of this notice all payments due to Barclaycard shall be paid to MKDP LLP.
        11/10/13 from Rapid Recoveries
        Further to our recent communication regarding transfer of ownership of your balance we have not received your offer of payment.

        We want to help you and are in a position to offer an instalment arrangement to clear the outstanding balance, but we can only do this after speaking to you.

        Pleas call us to discuss ways we can help.

        Until we reach an agreement to clear this balance we will continue to contact you telephone or letter so we would advise you to contact us to resolve this matter.
        24/10/2013-MKrapid recoveries
        As you have not taken up our offer of help, we have no option but for your account to now be referred to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
        They may commence litigation against you which will increase the amount payable due to costs incurred .Should the matter proceed they could take against your property (if you are a homeowner)or have monies deducted directly from your salary (if you are employed)

        It is not too late to resolve this matter, please contact us immediately to allow us to help you avoid this.

        26/11/2013 from Barclaycard , they have sent the same cca as last time , just to make sure though i have sent it onto Niddy to take a look .
        Still UE .

        4/12/13 received a pile of statements from MKDP and a cover letter saying their client had fulfilled their obligation by providing them and the UE forms they sent .

        5/12/13 MKDP Further to your letter of acknowledgment we sent you in regards to the above account.

        At this time, we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and we will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them.

        15/02/2014 MKDP

        Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

        At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

        Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

        At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

        Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

        At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

        Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

        At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

        Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

        At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

        Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

        At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

        2/10/2014 Barclaycard/Monument

        cca as requested .
        The cca they have sent is exactly the same as the last one which niddy said is UE , i won't even bother sending niddy this as it is identical so i shall send a missing P&T template

        30/10/2014 sent missing P&T

        sorry this is in blue it won't typein red

        6/11/2014 received from MKP
        Whilst i am sorry you remain dissatisfied , we have nothing further to add.

        You made reference to the prescribed terms under section 60, please note all relevant terms are enclosed supplied to you , therefore we do not believe that any issue of unenforceability arises .

        We can confirm we have spoken to an employee of Barclaycard who has confirmed that in accordance with the information stored on their systems and in line with their procedures, a properly executed agreement was in place in accordance with section 91.(1) of the consumer credit act 1972.

        There is no requirement to provide you with an original signed copy of the executed agreement. Our obligation is satisfied by providing you with a reconstructed copy which is legible. As you are aware we have provided you with a copy previously .

        As no new information has been provided to us regarding this matter i must advise you that our complaints procedure has been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence regarding this matter.
        should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concerns to the financial ombudsman service. This must be done within six months of the final response daated 10th october 2014 where a leaflet was previously enclosed which explains how to do this .

        19/11/2014 again i can't type it in red



        As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the outstanding balance in accordance with your agreement .

        You had an agreement with Barclaycard which was assigned to
        MKDP LLP . Under the agreement the balance was to be repaid but you defaulted , breaching the agreement which has now been terminated . The full amount is now due and you are required to pay the outstanding balance to MKDP LLP.

        This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment of £2.323.18 and i make in accordance with the Practice Direction.

        This letter requires your immediate attention, Unless full payment or a suitable payment plan is agreed within 14 days from the date of this letter (10/11/2014) , legal action to recover the debt may be taken against you without further warning and your liability for costs may increase .

        Please reply in writing quoting your full name and reference or alternatively you wish to cal us to discuss you account

        12/12/2014 MKDP activity suspended whilst they investigate , as soo0n as they find anything out they will let me know

        3/1/2015 MKDP

        I write further to your recent correspondence and to our letter of acknowledgement in regards to the outstanding balance on your acount. Please accept this as our Final Response to your concerns.

        I understand you are looking for further documents relating to the above mentioned account , i note you have referred to PD-PAC in your letter of the dated the 20th November 2014. At this point no legal action has been taken and we are currently trying to supply you with the relevant information so we can work together to come to a suitable arrangement.

        i have enclosed

        statements of account

        reconstructed credit agreement

        default notice

        copy of the notice of assignment

        I can confirm that a Barclaycard have not issued a termination notice for this account, and we not have to supply communications between ourselves and Barclaycard .

        As verified in the enclosed documentation , you are liable for the outstanding balance stated above and we will resume our attempts to contact you to discuss a suitable repayment.

        Due to the information above i regret to inform you that we will not be able to uphold your complaint.

        We therefore request you contact us on 00000000000000000 to discuss your account. our opening times are *************

        Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concern to the FOS . This must be done within six months of the date of this letter and i have enclosed a leaflet which explains how to do this .

        2/1/2015 MKDP still liaising with original creditor .

        20/08/2015 MKDP
        statement in relation to the below Agreement which is governed by the consumer credit act 1974.

        This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of the cca 1974

        (gives the opening balance , total payments received , closing balance , period covered.



        • Re: spent2much UE diary

          Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
          Type of account (loan HP )
          Date commenced (2005)

          Approx balance (£3,070)

          Date last paid (22 June 2012)

          Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

          Status (default/cca being sent )

          Account owner (black horse) dca need to find details

          9.7/12012 sent cca request

          29/09/2012 received copy of cca sent to niddy


          received back from niddy 03/09/2012
          ue because they added an arrangement fee the loan

          15/10/2012 sent missing pt's

          8/11/2012 from Black horse, cca was enforceable and asking questions why I think it is not.

          18/07/2014 Capquest

          The consumer credit act 1974 requires us to send you this arrears notice because you are behind with the sums payable under this agreement.

          If you have not already done so , please contact us to discuss your missed payments as we would like to help you with any financial difficulties you may be experiencing.

          If you want more information about which payments you failed to make please get in touch with us . We are required to give you this information within fifteen days of receiving your request for it .

          16/01/2015 capquest
          Notice of Sums in Arrears
          The cca 1974 requires us to send you this arrears notice because you are behind with the sums payable under this agreement.

          If you have not already done so, please contact us to discuss your missed payments as we would like to help you with any financial difficulties you may be experiencing.

          This is not a demand for immediate payment if we have already agreed a repayment arrangement with you. If an arrangement has been made, this will cover the arrears in this notice and there is no need to contact us an you should continue to make payments in line with that arrangement. If you are unable to make these agreed repayments at any time in the future then please contact us to discuss your current circumstances and we will be able to assist you. If we have not agreed a repayment arrangement then please contact us.

          20/07/2015 capquest

          as above same thing not a demand for payment just notice of sums in arrears .



          • Re: spent2much UE diary

            Originally posted by Spent2much View Post

            Type of account
            (overdraft Lloydstsb) husband's

            Date commenced (2003)

            Approx balance (£384.89)original balance was £525

            Date last paid (22 June 2012)

            Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

            Status (default/cca being sent )

            Account owner (moorcroft)

            9/7/12 cca request sent
            13/7/12 request from moorcroft for £1.00 so they can deal with the cca request
            16/7/12 sent moorcroft £1 postal order
            1/8/12 moorcroft have sent postal order back saying it needs to be sent to and written out to LloydsTsb
            14/11/12 moorcroft asking for payment or may start legal proceedings.
            Letter from Moorcrof today, say they need a £1 before they can process mt request .
            this is an overdraft account i thought no £1 payment was needed


            Our records show that we have not received a payment from you since 02/08/12.

            We must therefore ask you to make an immediate payment to us or contact this office within the next 48 hours.

            Unless payment of this amount is received in the next 7 days we may remommend to our client that we take further debt recovery action against you without further notice.

            Neither we nor our client wish to take this step and if you call us on the above number we would be happy to agree a repayment plan that you can afford and maintain.

            Any payment may be attached to this letter and made payable to Moorcroft debt Recovery Ltd.

            Yours sincerely.

            30/11/12 Moorcroft,Our records show that despite our previous letters to you,payment has still not been received

            your account is in arrears for the sum of £1.00
            Contact your dmc to arrange payment , contact us if you are no longer dealing with this third party .
            As a result of arrears the account has been passed to Home Collections Division for possible action

            Threat of recovery action

            21/1/13 from LloydsTsb account passed to Robinson Way

            24/1/13 from robbers way
            do not ignore they have been authorised to revover this debt in full , threat of court action

            28/1/13 sent account sold while in dispute letter
            1/2/13 from Robbers way

            Your account has been passed to me for review. I am concerned that an affordable payment plan has not been agreed for payement of your account.

            i want to make it simple for you to pay your account. Start to pay this account by making a MONTHLY PAYMENT OF JUST £30,(on due day of your choice), this can be agreed simply and quickly in one phone call to us. Or if you prefer, set the direct debit up online at

            If that is not affordable we need to hear from you, call us now, or email us at Your circumstances will be considered.

            If an affordable payment plan is not agreed with you, I will have no alternative but to pass your account for further action. Once your account leaves my hands there will be little more i can do to help you.

            collections manager.


            Please note we have noted the dispute/query you have raised.

            We will make the necessary enquiries and let you know the outcome in due course.
            Stopped all recovery action for time being

            11/02/13 LloydsTsb
            Cannot deal request until hubby sends a letter signed with his signature

            13/02/13 to LloydsTsb CCA Request-Demand of Signature

            18/02/2013 LloydsTsb

            After looking into your complaint there is no record of you requesting a copy of the credit agreement for this account before now. I can assure you if we had been in reciept of this letter we would have responded sooner. Credit agreements do not apply to bank accounts and for this reason we cannot provide you with a copy of your credit agreement for the account requested.

            I appreciate your concern with the fees which applied to your account. I can see you had a planned overdraft limit of £500. In providing you with this limit, we requested you to monitor the account and stay within its limit. I can see you last used your account on 26th february 2007 when you transferred £129.00 out of your account to leave £499.89 overdrawn. The transaction which took you overdrawn was the interest which we had pre notified you of. As such your account exceeded the planned overdraft and you were in an unplanned overdraft which was subject to unplanned overdraft fees as outlined in the terms and conditions of your account.

            Fees continued to apply to your account until 2July 2007 , when we were made aware you were experiencing financial difficulties. From 26th Feb to 2 July 2007 £137.54 fees were applied correctly to your account.

            When we were made aware you were experiencing difficulties and were dealing with Payplan we suspended all fees on the account and accepted the payments which were being made. Your account closed on 15 September 2008 with a debit balance of £599.68 and transferred to our Recoveries department as a longer repayment term was required . I can assure you no fees have been applied since 2 July 2007.

            I appreciate you would rather make arrangements directly with us regarding payments, however, it is not practical for this to happen. It is normal for us to assign external recovery agents to act on our behalf (moorcroft) fromMay2011to August 2012. Due to no payments being made since then we assigned robinson way to contact you to discuss repayments.

            To restore your confidence in us I have arranged for £137.54 fees to be credited to the account . Plese allow ten working days for the refunds to be processed at which point the amount owed will reduce to £384.89 . I will inform Robinson way of the revised balance.

            21/02/13 LloydsTsb (no account number on this letter but i assume its for this account as hubbys tsb credit card is with 1st credit.

            I was most concerned to receive your letter. Thank you for contacting us.

            As your concerns relate to issues outside this control of this office, I have passed your concerns on to LloydsTSB's customer service recovery centre. It may take a while to gather all the facts together, but they will try to come back to you with a full response within the next few working days.

            I think this letter has crossed with the one received a few days ago.

            27/04/13 Robbers way

            Your account still remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls. Your account is due to be transferred to our solicitors, Horwich Farrelly in the next 10 days, who may consider court action.

            If you would rather agree an affordable payment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to our solicitors, please contact us without delay.

            Just trying to update this, I'm now confused, 27 th April 13 Robinson Way threatened to transfer this account to their solicitors Horwich farrelly, and then 15 May 2013 drysden/fairfax wrote saying their client has instructed them to collect this debt.

            18/5/13 sent SWID to drysdenfairfax

            24/5/13 drysdenfairfax- pay up or may consider court action
            19/6/13 Robinson way doorspet visit threat
            26/7/13 Account from Capquest
            This letter is to inform you that your LRSB overdraft account has been referred to capquest to manage.

            We have made enquires with experian crb who have confirmed that this is the current address for you.

            it is our aim to agree a suitable plan with you to repay this debt. Our experienced team of negotiatiors are here to assit you in arranging a suitable arrangement . It is important an agreement is reached .

            If contact is not made by this date your account will escalate to the next stage of recoveries (NO DATE WAS GIVEN)

            09/08/2013 - Lloyds TSB
            As we haven't been able to agree a suitable repaymnet plan we've transferred your Ltsb to capquest , please contact capquest asap to arrange to pay back the outstanding amount.

            27/08/2013 capquest - this correspondence is to inform you that your ltsb account has been referred to capquest to manage in all matters relating to collection , which may include:

            personal visits by our doorstep collection agency
            possible litigation

            it is our aim to ensure that a suitable payment plan is agreed and maintained. Our experienced team of negotiators are here to assist you in finding a plan that will clear your indebtedness, without the need for further action.
            If you are not in a position to settle the account in full, you will need to contact us to discuss a suitable solution to this matter .
            es your account for a pre-litigation review. Your account may be passed to our solicitors who may commence legal action on or around 16 th Oct 13.

            Through the litigation process we will seek to obtain a County Court Judgement directing you to pay the monies outstanding. If we are successful and no payments are made towards your account, it maybe necessary to enforce the judgement through the courts by either a Warrant of Execution which will result in a bailiff visiting your address; by applying to the court for an attachment of earnings order which my result in deductions from you earnings by your employer or by seeking a charging order over you property to secure the judgement.

            All of this action is avoidable . It is therefore in your interest to prevent the above course of action by contacting this office immediately to discuss settlement or a proposed arrangement to settle this debt.Our experienced pre-litigation team are on hand to assist you but this can only happen if you make contact before 16 Oct 13. Failure to respond by the date outlined may result in legal action being instigated.

            31/10/2013 capquest
            Please be advised that we are now in the process of making arrangements for our doorstep recovery agents ScotCall Limited, to visit you due to your failure to make a repayment arrangement.

            goes on about agents want full amount , but will consider a f&f

            must contact them before 07 Nov 13 to discuss account to avoid doorstep visit

            12/12/13 Lloyds Bank - account passed to westcot

            28/12/13 westcot REMINDER NOTICE
            Our latest enquiries have now confirmed that you are still resident at this address but we have nor received a reply to our previous correspondence.

            Unless you contact us to agree repayment within the next 10 days, further debt recovery will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance .

            Please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt.

            4/1/14 westcot
            Final attempt to avoid further action reduced settlement offer .
            This offer is only available until 11/01/14 , if don't contact them the offer will be withdrawn and further action will continue to recover the full oustanding balance.

            22/01/2014 westcot

            the opportunity to take control of your outstanding balance

            We understand that there may be many reasons why you not responded to use us in relation to this account/

            this debt will not go away and now is the time to act. To take up the offer you need to contact us on the number above where one of our dedicated operators will help you make a fresh start

            01/02/2014 westcot doorstep visit threat

            12/07/2014 - westcot we recently wrote to you to confirm we are acting on behalf of Lloyds bank in relation to the outstanding balance on this account and asked you to contact us urgently to discuss this matter .
            As we have not had any response we have conducted additional checks to ensure we have the correct address details on file for you . These checks have confirmed that you are still resident at the address noted above and as the outstanding balance remains due it is essential that you contact us urgently to take control of his issue.

            If we do not hear from you we will continue to undertake aactivity including phone calls, texting, and lettering to recover this account on behalf of Lloyds Bank .

            19/07/2014- westcot

            50% REDUCED SETTLEMENT OFFER £192.45

            This account has been passed to Lowell , i don't know i never updated this information .

            7/8/2015 Lowell , Please contact us to day to discuss your payment.
            You will not be asked to pay more than you can afford.

            22/08/2015 Lowell

            We're yet to agree repayment for your former Lloyds (current account) We really want to work with you , but we can only help you if you get in touch .




            • Re: spent2much UE diary

              Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
              Type of account (credit card)mine

              Date commenced (2003)

              Approx balance (£1,756)

              Date last paid (22 June 2012)

              Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

              Status (default/cca being sent )

              Account owner (HBOS)
              9/7/12 cca request sent to halifax cc

              4/8/12 halifax, cannot find original cca. terms and conditions sent to niddy

              13/8/12 sent missing PT's to halifax
              20/9/12 account assigned to Cabot 3/8/12

              9/11/12 payment reminder from Cabot
              from cabot
              your account is overdue .
              You agreed to make monthly repayments to cabot via a debt counsellor, but according to our records these payments have stopped .

              We are aware that you are currently dealing with a debt counsellor, and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

              We have conducted a review of your account and note that your debt counsellor has not yet made a repayment proposal, nor have you made any recent payments towards your account.

              We understand that you are experiencing financial difficulties and that your debt counsellor will be making a repayment proposal shortly. However, we would like to offer you an alternative to hlep you be free of this debt within a few months.

              OUR SOLuTION

              We have already contacted your debt counsellor to advise them of our proposal to accept the lower amount of £1012.35 as full and final settlement of your account , and they may have already contacted you in this regard. If not, and you wish to take advantage of this settlement offer , please contact us within the next fourteen days.

              The £1012.35 ideally needs to be paid over the next few weeks but if you do feel that you need more time then we can work with you to arrange this.

              We hope you see our proposal as a solution to settle this account. However , should this not be feesible at this stage, we will be happy to continue to work with your debt counsellor to setup a repayment plan

              6/02/2014 Cabot
              6/02/2014 Cabot

              YOU MUST CONTACT US

              According to our records you currently owe £****** even though we have made repeated attempts (YES THEY HAVE TO MY MOBILE AND LANDLINE DAILY ) to obtain your commitment to repay this debt.

              FIRST STEPS
              It is important that you contact us. The balance is due and we have many ways in which we can help you clear this account.

              It is important to take the first steps to repay this. No matter how small that is , it is still important to repay the money that is owed.

              WHAT NEXT

              One of our customer consultants can help you call 000000000
              Cabot - we are sending your account to another debt collection company.

              We have tried to work with you for some time now to help you repay your account .
              Despite repeated attempts to contact you and asking you to talk to us about your account , we have still not heard from you.

              We now have to start the next step recovery action. We are passing your account to Financial Investigations and Recoveries(Europe) Limited. They will receive our instructions within the next seven days.

              We understand how difficult it can be to have a debt and we also understand how we can help you . We can only do that if you contact us.

              If we do not hear from you then
              Financial Investigations and Recoveries(Europe) Limited will be in touch shortly to agree a repayment plan .

              22/04/2014 Cabot

              Notice of arrears

              This notice is in compliance with the Financial Conduct Authority Consumer Credit Sourebook and is being sent to you because our records who that you are behind with your repayments under your agreement.

              Missed and partly made payments

              This notice does not give dteails of missed or partly made paymets previously notified whether or not they remain unpaid.


              You will not incur any deault sums or extra interest in relation to the missed or partly mae payments indidcated above. This notice does not take account of any payments received after the date of the notice.

              Financial Conduct Authority Information Sheet.

              This notice should include a copy of the current information sheet on arrears prepared by the Financial Conduct Authority. This contains important information about your rights and whete to go for support and advice, for example , to thnk carefully before boroowing money to repay your debts, as well as our right to charge you interest.

              Important Information

              This is not a final demand for payment BUT A FORMAL SATUTORY NOTICE TO NOTIFY YOU THAT YOUR ACCOINT IS IN ARREARS . Where we have accepted a lesser amount than your normal contractual repayments, it is important that you continue to make these repayments. Our acceptance of a lesser repayment amount should not be construed as a variation of novation of the terms of your agreement. We have the merely relaxed the ters to suit your needs but at all times reserve the right to strictly enforce the terms if you do not keep up with your repayments

              03/05/2014 marlin financial services.

              threat of court action to obtain a CCJ if payment arrangement plan is not made within 7 days of the date of this letter 29/04/2014

              03/03/2015 Marlin/Cabot group are now a part of Marlin financial services
              Letter explaining that cabot (CCM)
              We note that you are yet to agree a repayment plan with us for you account and we really need to hear from you so that we can talk about options .

              15/07/2015 From Cabot . We refer to your request for a copy of your agreement and statement of account.
              Please find enclosed a copy of both documents from the original creditor.

              Please contact us by return with your payment proposals to clear the amount outstanding .

              1/8/2015 sent missing p&t to cabot


              6/8/2015 From Cabot

              We write with reference to the above matter and your recent leter received in our office regarding the Agreement we previously sent to you .

              Here is an overview of the requirements of section 127(3) of the CCA 1974. For a credit agreement to be enforceable it must contain the following prescribed terms.

              1) amount of credit
              There must be a term on the agreement which states the amount of credit which has been issued

              2)Credit Limit
              The agreement must include regarding a credit limit or if a credit limit is not required (i.e. in the case of a loan)
              3) repayments
              The agreement must contain information on how the debtor is to make repayments. This could be in the form of any of the following .
              a. amount of repayments to be made
     the repayments are to be made
              c.timing of payments
              d.frequency of payments
     number of repayments (for instance, when a loan is required)
              f.the manner in which any of the above is to be determined.

              4) rate of interest
              There must be a term referring to the rate of interest to be applied to the credit agreement.

              credit cards
              If you have a credit card then sections 2,3,and 4 apply to you .

              We have highlighted the relevant sections in the terms and conditions of your agreement which confirms that the enclosed agreement is a true copy with the cca 1974 . The agreement also does provide your name and address .
              Please contact us with your repayment proposals to clear the above outstanding balance.
              If you wish to discuss the matter with one of our customer consultants , please call the telephone number ...............

              15/08/2015 Cabot

              Save £1,214.82 on your balance

              Offer to pay £808.88 as a full and final payment .


              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                not a bad reduction, my offers from Cabot were always the other way round, ie I pay more than they reduce it by
                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                • Re: spent2much UE diary

                  Originally posted by nightwatch View Post
                  not a bad reduction, my offers from Cabot were always the other way round, ie I pay more than they reduce it by

                  I thought so but they're not getting anything at all next July will be our fourth year to becoming statute barred


                  • Re: spent2much UE diary

                    Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                    Type of account (credit card) husband's

                    Date commenced (2005) i put 2005 but they may be before this also

                    Approx balance.( £2,242.71

                    Date last paid (22/06/2012)

                    Are you on arrangement or not paying (stopping dmp )

                    Status (default received but don't have it as was burgled in 2010 and some of our personal papers were scattered in the snow and could not be recovered )

                    Account owner (originally monument but passed to Barclaycard )
                    09/07/2012 sent CCA request
                    27/07/2012 barclaycard they are dealing with request

                    12/02/2013 from barclaycard

                    cca recon sent to niddy

                    13/02/13 sent missing pt's
                    22/02/2013 from Barclaycard
                    About your complaint

                    Thank you for contacting us on 13 feb 2013 regarding your Barclaycard

                    I am sorry that you have had reason to complain.
                    I understand you are not satisfied that we have complied with our boligations under section 78 of CCA . We believe your credit agreement to be fully
                    compliant with the Act and any allegations that it is not will be opposed. I realise this is not the answer you wanted,so I have given the details below so you can see the reasons behind our decision .

                    I am aware that we made errors in our previous response which i have amended accordingly. Feedback has been given to the member of staff who made this error.

                    I would like to assure you that the provision of a high level of service is of paramount importance to us and apologise for the oversight in the information provided with our previous letter.

                    I would like to acknowledge your request for a copy of your original agreement and I am able to confirm that this has been sent to the relevant department who will contact you directly regarding this.


                    It goes on to explain about the case of Carey v HSBC then about the statement of the terms of the agreement as varied regulation 7 of CNC regulations provides that, where an agreement has been varied in accordance with section 82(1) of the Act(as is the case with your credit agreement)


                    another 2 pages of statement of account
                    compliance with section 61 of the Act
                    office of fair trading.

                    your options
                    Please take this letter as our final response to your complaint. If anything is unclear or if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your complaint. please write to the above address. I will do all I can to answer your questions and reach an agreement with you .

                    28/02/2013 from barclaycard

                    Thank you for contacting Barclaycard.

                    Arrangements have been made for a copy of your ofiginal agreement to be issued to you, under separate cover, in due course.

                    May i also advise that your other queries are being handled by another deprartment and they will reply to you shortly.

                    I hope this information is of some assistance to you.

                    07/03/2013 from Barclaycard
                    they have semt an application form saying it is a cca. I have sent it to niddy

                    Niddy says still

                    23/08/2013 Barclaycard
                    I am writing to inform you that the was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKDP LLP on 16 August 2013

                    This means that the effective owners of the above account are now MKDP LLP.

                    MKDP LLP has appointed MK Rapid Recoveries as their servicing agent to manage your account on their behalf. All contact regarding your account should now be directed to Rapid Recoveries.

                    I confirm that the amount outstanding on your account as at August was £2324.18

                    With effect from date of this notice all payments due to Barclaycard shall be paid to MKDP LLP.
                    11/10/13 from Rapid Recoveries
                    Further to our recent communication regarding transfer of ownership of your balance we have not received your offer of payment.

                    We want to help you and are in a position to offer an instalment arrangement to clear the outstanding balance, but we can only do this after speaking to you.

                    Pleas call us to discuss ways we can help.

                    Until we reach an agreement to clear this balance we will continue to contact you telephone or letter so we would advise you to contact us to resolve this matter.
                    24/10/2013-MKrapid recoveries
                    As you have not taken up our offer of help, we have no option but for your account to now be referred to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
                    They may commence litigation against you which will increase the amount payable due to costs incurred .Should the matter proceed they could take against your property (if you are a homeowner)or have monies deducted directly from your salary (if you are employed)

                    It is not too late to resolve this matter, please contact us immediately to allow us to help you avoid this.

                    26/11/2013 from Barclaycard , they have sent the same cca as last time , just to make sure though i have sent it onto Niddy to take a look .
                    Still UE .

                    4/12/13 received a pile of statements from MKDP and a cover letter saying their client had fulfilled their obligation by providing them and the UE forms they sent .

                    5/12/13 MKDP Further to your letter of acknowledgment we sent you in regards to the above account.

                    At this time, we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and we will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them.

                    15/02/2014 MKDP

                    Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                    At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                    Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                    At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                    Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                    At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                    Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                    At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                    Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                    At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                    Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                    At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                    2/10/2014 Barclaycard/Monument

                    cca as requested .
                    The cca they have sent is exactly the same as the last one which niddy said is UE , i won't even bother sending niddy this as it is identical so i shall send a missing P&T template

                    30/10/2014 sent missing P&T

                    sorry this is in blue it won't typein red

                    6/11/2014 received from MKP
                    Whilst i am sorry you remain dissatisfied , we have nothing further to add.

                    You made reference to the prescribed terms under section 60, please note all relevant terms are enclosed supplied to you , therefore we do not believe that any issue of unenforceability arises .

                    We can confirm we have spoken to an employee of Barclaycard who has confirmed that in accordance with the information stored on their systems and in line with their procedures, a properly executed agreement was in place in accordance with section 91.(1) of the consumer credit act 1972.

                    There is no requirement to provide you with an original signed copy of the executed agreement. Our obligation is satisfied by providing you with a reconstructed copy which is legible. As you are aware we have provided you with a copy previously .

                    As no new information has been provided to us regarding this matter i must advise you that our complaints procedure has been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence regarding this matter.
                    should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concerns to the financial ombudsman service. This must be done within six months of the final response daated 10th october 2014 where a leaflet was previously enclosed which explains how to do this .

                    19/11/2014 again i can't type it in red

                    KEYNES COLLECTIONS


                    As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the outstanding balance in accordance with your agreement .

                    You had an agreement with Barclaycard which was assigned to
                    MKDP LLP . Under the agreement the balance was to be repaid but you defaulted , breaching the agreement which has now been terminated . The full amount is now due and you are required to pay the outstanding balance to MKDP LLP.

                    This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment of £2.323.18 and i make in accordance with the Practice Direction.

                    This letter requires your immediate attention, Unless full payment or a suitable payment plan is agreed within 14 days from the date of this letter (10/11/2014) , legal action to recover the debt may be taken against you without further warning and your liability for costs may increase .

                    Please reply in writing quoting your full name and reference or alternatively you wish to cal us to discuss you account

                    12/12/2014 MKDP activity suspended whilst they investigate , as soo0n as they find anything out they will let me know

                    3/1/2015 MKDP

                    I write further to your recent correspondence and to our letter of acknowledgement in regards to the outstanding balance on your acount. Please accept this as our Final Response to your concerns.

                    I understand you are looking for further documents relating to the above mentioned account , i note you have referred to PD-PAC in your letter of the dated the 20th November 2014. At this point no legal action has been taken and we are currently trying to supply you with the relevant information so we can work together to come to a suitable arrangement.

                    i have enclosed

                    statements of account

                    reconstructed credit agreement

                    default notice

                    copy of the notice of assignment

                    I can confirm that a Barclaycard have not issued a termination notice for this account, and we not have to supply communications between ourselves and Barclaycard .

                    As verified in the enclosed documentation , you are liable for the outstanding balance stated above and we will resume our attempts to contact you to discuss a suitable repayment.

                    Due to the information above i regret to inform you that we will not be able to uphold your complaint.

                    We therefore request you contact us on 00000000000000000 to discuss your account. our opening times are *************

                    Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concern to the FOS . This must be done within six months of the date of this letter and i have enclosed a leaflet which explains how to do this .

                    2/1/2015 MKDP still liaising with original creditor .

                    20/08/2015 MKDP
                    statement in relation to the below Agreement which is governed by the consumer credit act 1974.

                    This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of the cca 1974

                    (gives the opening balance , total payments received , closing balance , period covered.

                    12/10/2015 Robinson Way

                    Your account details have been passed to us by our client to act as a collection agent and we will now be dealing withthis account on their behalf .

                    swid letter .


                    • Re: spent2much UE diary

                      Has this passed to Hoist Portfolio, and Robinson way are collecting agents? if so look here;
                      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                      • Re: spent2much UE diary

                        Originally posted by nightwatch View Post
                        Has this passed to Hoist Portfolio, and Robinson way are collecting agents? if so look here;
                        Thank you i have joined the thread as i have received the same letter as you and the others x


                        • Re: spent2much UE diary

                          Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                          Type of account (credit card) husband's

                          Date commenced (2005) i put 2005 but they may be before this also

                          Approx balance.( £2,242.71

                          Date last paid (22/06/2012)

                          Are you on arrangement or not paying (stopping dmp )

                          Status (default received but don't have it as was burgled in 2010 and some of our personal papers were scattered in the snow and could not be recovered )

                          Account owner (originally monument but passed to Barclaycard )
                          09/07/2012 sent CCA request
                          27/07/2012 barclaycard they are dealing with request

                          12/02/2013 from barclaycard

                          cca recon sent to niddy

                          13/02/13 sent missing pt's
                          22/02/2013 from Barclaycard
                          About your complaint

                          Thank you for contacting us on 13 feb 2013 regarding your Barclaycard

                          I am sorry that you have had reason to complain.
                          I understand you are not satisfied that we have complied with our boligations under section 78 of CCA . We believe your credit agreement to be fully
                          compliant with the Act and any allegations that it is not will be opposed. I realise this is not the answer you wanted,so I have given the details below so you can see the reasons behind our decision .

                          I am aware that we made errors in our previous response which i have amended accordingly. Feedback has been given to the member of staff who made this error.

                          I would like to assure you that the provision of a high level of service is of paramount importance to us and apologise for the oversight in the information provided with our previous letter.

                          I would like to acknowledge your request for a copy of your original agreement and I am able to confirm that this has been sent to the relevant department who will contact you directly regarding this.


                          It goes on to explain about the case of Carey v HSBC then about the statement of the terms of the agreement as varied regulation 7 of CNC regulations provides that, where an agreement has been varied in accordance with section 82(1) of the Act(as is the case with your credit agreement)


                          another 2 pages of statement of account
                          compliance with section 61 of the Act
                          office of fair trading.

                          your options
                          Please take this letter as our final response to your complaint. If anything is unclear or if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your complaint. please write to the above address. I will do all I can to answer your questions and reach an agreement with you .

                          28/02/2013 from barclaycard

                          Thank you for contacting Barclaycard.

                          Arrangements have been made for a copy of your ofiginal agreement to be issued to you, under separate cover, in due course.

                          May i also advise that your other queries are being handled by another deprartment and they will reply to you shortly.

                          I hope this information is of some assistance to you.

                          07/03/2013 from Barclaycard
                          they have semt an application form saying it is a cca. I have sent it to niddy

                          Niddy says still

                          23/08/2013 Barclaycard
                          I am writing to inform you that the was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKDP LLP on 16 August 2013

                          This means that the effective owners of the above account are now MKDP LLP.

                          MKDP LLP has appointed MK Rapid Recoveries as their servicing agent to manage your account on their behalf. All contact regarding your account should now be directed to Rapid Recoveries.

                          I confirm that the amount outstanding on your account as at August was £2324.18

                          With effect from date of this notice all payments due to Barclaycard shall be paid to MKDP LLP.
                          11/10/13 from Rapid Recoveries
                          Further to our recent communication regarding transfer of ownership of your balance we have not received your offer of payment.

                          We want to help you and are in a position to offer an instalment arrangement to clear the outstanding balance, but we can only do this after speaking to you.

                          Pleas call us to discuss ways we can help.

                          Until we reach an agreement to clear this balance we will continue to contact you telephone or letter so we would advise you to contact us to resolve this matter.
                          24/10/2013-MKrapid recoveries
                          As you have not taken up our offer of help, we have no option but for your account to now be referred to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
                          They may commence litigation against you which will increase the amount payable due to costs incurred .Should the matter proceed they could take against your property (if you are a homeowner)or have monies deducted directly from your salary (if you are employed)

                          It is not too late to resolve this matter, please contact us immediately to allow us to help you avoid this.

                          26/11/2013 from Barclaycard , they have sent the same cca as last time , just to make sure though i have sent it onto Niddy to take a look .
                          Still UE .

                          4/12/13 received a pile of statements from MKDP and a cover letter saying their client had fulfilled their obligation by providing them and the UE forms they sent .

                          5/12/13 MKDP Further to your letter of acknowledgment we sent you in regards to the above account.

                          At this time, we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and we will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them.

                          15/02/2014 MKDP

                          Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                          At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                          Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                          At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                          Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                          At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                          Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                          At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                          Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                          At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                          Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                          At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                          2/10/2014 Barclaycard/Monument

                          cca as requested .
                          The cca they have sent is exactly the same as the last one which niddy said is UE , i won't even bother sending niddy this as it is identical so i shall send a missing P&T template

                          30/10/2014 sent missing P&T

                          sorry this is in blue it won't typein red

                          6/11/2014 received from MKP
                          Whilst i am sorry you remain dissatisfied , we have nothing further to add.

                          You made reference to the prescribed terms under section 60, please note all relevant terms are enclosed supplied to you , therefore we do not believe that any issue of unenforceability arises .

                          We can confirm we have spoken to an employee of Barclaycard who has confirmed that in accordance with the information stored on their systems and in line with their procedures, a properly executed agreement was in place in accordance with section 91.(1) of the consumer credit act 1972.

                          There is no requirement to provide you with an original signed copy of the executed agreement. Our obligation is satisfied by providing you with a reconstructed copy which is legible. As you are aware we have provided you with a copy previously .

                          As no new information has been provided to us regarding this matter i must advise you that our complaints procedure has been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence regarding this matter.
                          should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concerns to the financial ombudsman service. This must be done within six months of the final response daated 10th october 2014 where a leaflet was previously enclosed which explains how to do this .

                          19/11/2014 again i can't type it in red

                          KEYNES COLLECTIONS

                          NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL ACTION

                          As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the outstanding balance in accordance with your agreement .

                          You had an agreement with Barclaycard which was assigned to
                          MKDP LLP . Under the agreement the balance was to be repaid but you defaulted , breaching the agreement which has now been terminated . The full amount is now due and you are required to pay the outstanding balance to MKDP LLP.

                          This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment of £2.323.18 and i make in accordance with the Practice Direction.

                          This letter requires your immediate attention, Unless full payment or a suitable payment plan is agreed within 14 days from the date of this letter (10/11/2014) , legal action to recover the debt may be taken against you without further warning and your liability for costs may increase .

                          Please reply in writing quoting your full name and reference or alternatively you wish to cal us to discuss you account

                          12/12/2014 MKDP activity suspended whilst they investigate , as soo0n as they find anything out they will let me know

                          3/1/2015 MKDP

                          I write further to your recent correspondence and to our letter of acknowledgement in regards to the outstanding balance on your acount. Please accept this as our Final Response to your concerns.

                          I understand you are looking for further documents relating to the above mentioned account , i note you have referred to PD-PAC in your letter of the dated the 20th November 2014. At this point no legal action has been taken and we are currently trying to supply you with the relevant information so we can work together to come to a suitable arrangement.

                          i have enclosed

                          statements of account

                          reconstructed credit agreement

                          default notice

                          copy of the notice of assignment

                          I can confirm that a Barclaycard have not issued a termination notice for this account, and we not have to supply communications between ourselves and Barclaycard .

                          As verified in the enclosed documentation , you are liable for the outstanding balance stated above and we will resume our attempts to contact you to discuss a suitable repayment.

                          Due to the information above i regret to inform you that we will not be able to uphold your complaint.

                          We therefore request you contact us on 00000000000000000 to discuss your account. our opening times are *************

                          Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concern to the FOS . This must be done within six months of the date of this letter and i have enclosed a leaflet which explains how to do this .

                          2/1/2015 MKDP still liaising with original creditor .

                          20/08/2015 MKDP
                          statement in relation to the below Agreement which is governed by the consumer credit act 1974.

                          This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of the cca 1974

                          (gives the opening balance , total payments received , closing balance , period covered.

                          12/10/2015 Robinson Way

                          Your account details have been passed to us by our client to act as a collection agent and we will now be dealing with this account on their behalf .

                          12/11/2015 Robinson way - offer of reduced balance over three months to pay .



                          • Re: spent2much UE diary

                            [QUOTE=Spent2much;206748]Type of account (credit card)mine

                            Date commenced (2003)maybe even before cannot remmeber

                            Approx balance (£8,530)

                            Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                            Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                            Status (default/cca being sent )

                            Account owner (Lloydstsb)
                            9/7/12 cca request
                            16/8/12 received postal order back , letter saying they don't deal with this product, They think it is a loan not a credit card.
                            28/8/12 sent back saying this was a payment for a cca request only
                            13/9/12 received statement and all information about allocation of payment
                            18/9/12 threat of action payment arrears
                            20/9/12 new condtions added to agreement.
                            24/9/12 cca reminder sent
                            1/10/12 po sent back same thing cannot pay into loan account , they request another po. Niddy says send it againwith the normal cca request.
                            4/10/12 cca sent by them sent to niddy

                            15/10/12 sent missing pt's
                            9/11/12 account sold to Cabot

                            29/12/12 from Cabot

                            Your account is overdue

                            You agreed to make monthly repayments to Cabot via a Debt councellor (no i did not ), but according to our records, these payments have now stopped.

                            We appreciate that your circumstances may have changed.

                            What should you do next ?

                            If you would still like your debt counsellor to act on your behalf, please contact them immediately so that they can inform Cabot of your circumstances.

                            If we don't hear from you or your Debt Counsellor ?

                            If you or your Debt counsellor do not contact us within the next 14 days, to make a suitable new payment arrangement , this may result in your account being returns to our Collections department.

                            RE Lloydstsb card

                            Thank you for your letter received ,I regret you have felt cause to contact CF(europe) and apologise for any inconvenience that you have experienced in relation to this matter.

                            OUR UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR COMPLAINT
                            You state that we are harassing you thus breaching legislation and regulatory guidance as Lloyds TSB remain in default of your request for information under section 77/78 of the consumer credit act 1974 (CCA)

                            OUR INVESTIGATION
                            Upon review of our records i can confirm we recently purchased this account from Lloystsb on 2nd Oct 12 and were not made aware of any outstanding request for information. Therefore we attempted to contact you accordingly. I note we have sent two letters regarding the repayment of your account however I must advise you that the failure to provide a copy of your agreement in time does not affect the legality of your debt with Cabot but merely renders the credit agreement unenforceable until such time as the agreement can be produced. It has been well established in English law, that 'enforcement' constitutes obtaining judgment at Court. The reporting of a default entry to the Credit reference agencies or cabot requesting repayment of your account does not amount to enforcement.

                            In light of the above it is clear Cabot have not knowingly breached any legislation or regulatory guidance and therefore I refute your comments of harassment. Notwithstanding , we have requested information from LloydsTSB and anticipate that we will be able to provide this information within 40 days. In the event we are unlikely to obtain this information within this time frame, we will write to you accordingly.

                            In the meantime we recommend that you arrange to make payments towards the outstanding balance on this account and upon receipt of the relevant documentation we will supply you with the same.

                            also enclosed is a complaints procedure for FOS .

                            19/04/13 Cabot

                            Your request for information under the consumer credit act.

                            Unfortunately Cabot has not been able to provide you with the requested information within the relevant time period.

                            What happens next?

                            We shall continue to request the information from the original lender to assist you with your request. In the meantime, we would like inform you that your account shall remain on hold with the customer assurance department until such time we can comply with your request.

                            Your account

                            Please not , you are still obliged to repay the outstanding balance as confirmed in this letter and therefore we would recommend you contact us as soon as possible to set a repayment arrangement or continue with your existing plan.

                            19/11/2015 cabot
                            statements of account , you do not need to do anything .

                            [/QUOTE/] update


                            • Re: spent2much UE diary

                              Same situation, been going on for several years, fortunately they will never receive the information, as it does not exist!


                              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                                Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                                Type of account (credit card) husband's

                                Date commenced (2005) i put 2005 but they may be before this also

                                Approx balance.( £2,242.71

                                Date last paid (22/06/2012)

                                Are you on arrangement or not paying (stopping dmp )

                                Status (default received but don't have it as was burgled in 2010 and some of our personal papers were scattered in the snow and could not be recovered )

                                Account owner (originally monument but passed to Barclaycard )
                                09/07/2012 sent CCA request
                                27/07/2012 barclaycard they are dealing with request

                                12/02/2013 from barclaycard

                                cca recon sent to niddy

                                13/02/13 sent missing pt's
                                22/02/2013 from Barclaycard
                                About your complaint

                                Thank you for contacting us on 13 feb 2013 regarding your Barclaycard

                                I am sorry that you have had reason to complain.
                                I understand you are not satisfied that we have complied with our boligations under section 78 of CCA . We believe your credit agreement to be fully
                                compliant with the Act and any allegations that it is not will be opposed. I realise this is not the answer you wanted,so I have given the details below so you can see the reasons behind our decision .

                                I am aware that we made errors in our previous response which i have amended accordingly. Feedback has been given to the member of staff who made this error.

                                I would like to assure you that the provision of a high level of service is of paramount importance to us and apologise for the oversight in the information provided with our previous letter.

                                I would like to acknowledge your request for a copy of your original agreement and I am able to confirm that this has been sent to the relevant department who will contact you directly regarding this.


                                It goes on to explain about the case of Carey v HSBC then about the statement of the terms of the agreement as varied regulation 7 of CNC regulations provides that, where an agreement has been varied in accordance with section 82(1) of the Act(as is the case with your credit agreement)


                                another 2 pages of statement of account
                                compliance with section 61 of the Act
                                office of fair trading.

                                your options
                                Please take this letter as our final response to your complaint. If anything is unclear or if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your complaint. please write to the above address. I will do all I can to answer your questions and reach an agreement with you .

                                28/02/2013 from barclaycard

                                Thank you for contacting Barclaycard.

                                Arrangements have been made for a copy of your ofiginal agreement to be issued to you, under separate cover, in due course.

                                May i also advise that your other queries are being handled by another deprartment and they will reply to you shortly.

                                I hope this information is of some assistance to you.

                                07/03/2013 from Barclaycard
                                they have semt an application form saying it is a cca. I have sent it to niddy

                                Niddy says still

                                23/08/2013 Barclaycard
                                I am writing to inform you that the was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKDP LLP on 16 August 2013

                                This means that the effective owners of the above account are now MKDP LLP.

                                MKDP LLP has appointed MK Rapid Recoveries as their servicing agent to manage your account on their behalf. All contact regarding your account should now be directed to Rapid Recoveries.

                                I confirm that the amount outstanding on your account as at August was £2324.18

                                With effect from date of this notice all payments due to Barclaycard shall be paid to MKDP LLP.
                                11/10/13 from Rapid Recoveries
                                Further to our recent communication regarding transfer of ownership of your balance we have not received your offer of payment.

                                We want to help you and are in a position to offer an instalment arrangement to clear the outstanding balance, but we can only do this after speaking to you.

                                Pleas call us to discuss ways we can help.

                                Until we reach an agreement to clear this balance we will continue to contact you telephone or letter so we would advise you to contact us to resolve this matter.
                                24/10/2013-MKrapid recoveries
                                As you have not taken up our offer of help, we have no option but for your account to now be referred to Keynes Collections for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf.
                                They may commence litigation against you which will increase the amount payable due to costs incurred .Should the matter proceed they could take against your property (if you are a homeowner)or have monies deducted directly from your salary (if you are employed)

                                It is not too late to resolve this matter, please contact us immediately to allow us to help you avoid this.

                                26/11/2013 from Barclaycard , they have sent the same cca as last time , just to make sure though i have sent it onto Niddy to take a look .
                                Still UE .

                                4/12/13 received a pile of statements from MKDP and a cover letter saying their client had fulfilled their obligation by providing them and the UE forms they sent .

                                5/12/13 MKDP Further to your letter of acknowledgment we sent you in regards to the above account.

                                At this time, we must apologise, as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and we will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them.

                                15/02/2014 MKDP

                                Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                                At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                                Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                                At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                                Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                                At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                                Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                                At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                                Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                                At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                                Further to our letter of acknowledgement sent you in regard to the above account, we write to advise you on the progress of your query.

                                At this time, we aplolgise , as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liaising with the original creditor, and will contact you as soon as we receive a response from them. As stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving you query.

                                2/10/2014 Barclaycard/Monument

                                cca as requested .
                                The cca they have sent is exactly the same as the last one which niddy said is UE , i won't even bother sending niddy this as it is identical so i shall send a missing P&T template

                                30/10/2014 sent missing P&T

                                sorry this is in blue it won't typein red

                                6/11/2014 received from MKP
                                Whilst i am sorry you remain dissatisfied , we have nothing further to add.

                                You made reference to the prescribed terms under section 60, please note all relevant terms are enclosed supplied to you , therefore we do not believe that any issue of unenforceability arises .

                                We can confirm we have spoken to an employee of Barclaycard who has confirmed that in accordance with the information stored on their systems and in line with their procedures, a properly executed agreement was in place in accordance with section 91.(1) of the consumer credit act 1972.

                                There is no requirement to provide you with an original signed copy of the executed agreement. Our obligation is satisfied by providing you with a reconstructed copy which is legible. As you are aware we have provided you with a copy previously .

                                As no new information has been provided to us regarding this matter i must advise you that our complaints procedure has been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence regarding this matter.
                                should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concerns to the financial ombudsman service. This must be done within six months of the final response daated 10th october 2014 where a leaflet was previously enclosed which explains how to do this .

                                19/11/2014 again i can't type it in red

                                KEYNES COLLECTIONS

                                NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL ACTION

                                As you have failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the outstanding balance in accordance with your agreement .

                                You had an agreement with Barclaycard which was assigned to
                                MKDP LLP . Under the agreement the balance was to be repaid but you defaulted , breaching the agreement which has now been terminated . The full amount is now due and you are required to pay the outstanding balance to MKDP LLP.

                                This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment of £2.323.18 and i make in accordance with the Practice Direction.

                                This letter requires your immediate attention, Unless full payment or a suitable payment plan is agreed within 14 days from the date of this letter (10/11/2014) , legal action to recover the debt may be taken against you without further warning and your liability for costs may increase .

                                Please reply in writing quoting your full name and reference or alternatively you wish to cal us to discuss you account

                                12/12/2014 MKDP activity suspended whilst they investigate , as soo0n as they find anything out they will let me know

                                3/1/2015 MKDP

                                I write further to your recent correspondence and to our letter of acknowledgement in regards to the outstanding balance on your acount. Please accept this as our Final Response to your concerns.

                                I understand you are looking for further documents relating to the above mentioned account , i note you have referred to PD-PAC in your letter of the dated the 20th November 2014. At this point no legal action has been taken and we are currently trying to supply you with the relevant information so we can work together to come to a suitable arrangement.

                                i have enclosed

                                statements of account

                                reconstructed credit agreement

                                default notice

                                copy of the notice of assignment

                                I can confirm that a Barclaycard have not issued a termination notice for this account, and we not have to supply communications between ourselves and Barclaycard .

                                As verified in the enclosed documentation , you are liable for the outstanding balance stated above and we will resume our attempts to contact you to discuss a suitable repayment.

                                Due to the information above i regret to inform you that we will not be able to uphold your complaint.

                                We therefore request you contact us on 00000000000000000 to discuss your account. our opening times are *************

                                Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concern to the FOS . This must be done within six months of the date of this letter and i have enclosed a leaflet which explains how to do this .

                                2/1/2015 MKDP still liaising with original creditor .

                                20/08/2015 MKDP
                                statement in relation to the below Agreement which is governed by the consumer credit act 1974.

                                This notice is given in compliance with the provisions of the cca 1974

                                (gives the opening balance , total payments received , closing balance , period covered.

                                12/10/2015 Robinson Way

                                Your account details have been passed to us by our client to act as a collection agent and we will now be dealing with this account on their behalf .

                                12/11/2015 Robinson way - offer of reduced balance over three months to pay .

                                3/12/2015 Robinson way -The above overdue amount remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls. Your account is now due to be transferred to Howard Cohen & Co solicitors in the next 10 days , who will consider court action . If court action is taken, our clients solicitors will ask the court for an order adding legal costs and interest to the amount you owe. If the court grants their request , then the amount you owe will be increased.

                                If you would rather agree an affordable repyayment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to HOward &Co , or if you believe you have a valid dispute relating to this account, please contact us without delay.


