Hi There, I'm enquiring regarding my Partners Dad, He has had numerous letters from several people over the years regarding a Credit Card he got from Capital One in 1999, Now i know from The person concerned that he made payments on the card when it was first used when he received the card, BUT the so called paperwork (statements) that Lowells provided (After a CCA request), have been doctored to suit their own needs, as NONE of the payments that DO register on this paperwork tally with what records my inlaws DO have, unfortunately they dont have ALL records, but what records they do have, certainly provides proof that Lowells have sent inaccurate false documentation!
I have a scanned image of a few pages that Lowells sent him (as i couldn't do it all!)
If I post them could someone please let us know our next cause of action! Many Thanks
I have a scanned image of a few pages that Lowells sent him (as i couldn't do it all!)
If I post them could someone please let us know our next cause of action! Many Thanks