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Wonga Clearing my Debt?

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  • Wonga Clearing my Debt?

    Hey guys,

    It seems every time I come back here someone contacts me with regards to my debts

    Wonga emailed me and advised they're wiping my debt? The debt was sold to Portfolio Recovery Associates however they've said this will be removed and updated as Satisfied. I want to chase this and obviously get the default removed ASAP but I have another debt with PRA and I think that contacting them will be like poking the hornets nest.

    Any thoughts?


    On Debt Row

    AAD has so much to offer and wants so little back. Take advantage while you can.

  • #2
    Re: Wonga Clearing my Debt?

    They won't (and can't) remove the DN. As you DID default they'll not remove it and guidance backs them.

    Just leave sleeping dogs
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