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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post
    • 8 October 2018, 12:22
      Originally posted by Warwick65 View Post
      Just to say, if you have sent it via RM signed for and they have not updated the website- in the past I have complained and received proof of delivery along with 6 first class stamps

      I am not in favour of sending a 2nd request unless it benefits you - for example after two of my debts had been sold I sent new CCA requests which they couldn't satisfy (thank you cabot) and there was another 3K sorted

      I know debt is hard work, I lost many many hours of sleep over it in the past but it does get easier and frankly what is the worst that can happen? They can not get blood out of a stone
      The other morning received a reply from Lowell advising that they have received my request for CCA. They are going to contact Creation, curious as what they will send SAR was a little vague.

      Creation 9/07/2016

      Your agreement has now been referred to Moorcroft Debt Recovery for collection for the collection of the overdue amount. Any further payment or contact regarding your agreement show now be made to...

      Moorcoft 13/7/2016

      Your account detail have been passed to us by Creation Financial Services, outstanding balance £4900

      Moorcroft Debt 19/10/2016

      Please find text from letter.
      'Further to your recent communication in respect of the above account, we are writing to confirm we have been in contact with Creation Financial Services Ltd.

      Upon investigation of your account, our client has advised their records show that unfortunately, a copy of the agreement is unavailable due to the age of the account. However, please find enclosed statements to show how the balance was accrued.

      We hope this answers any queries you may have and as a result they believe the balance we hold to be correct and due for payment.

      We have placed your account on hold until the the 18th November to allow you time to receive and respond to this letter'. Then waffle.

      What do you think?
      Creation 8/3/2017
      I am disappointed to note that we have still not heard from you regarding payment of debt...

      Creation 13/10/2017
      We have been attempting to contact you for sometime to discuss this debt without success...

      Creation 24/10/2017
      Despite our efforts to contact you and assist you in clearing the above debt, by means of a repayment ...we therefore have no alternative but to sell this account to a debt purchaser.

      You have 10 days from the date of this letter...

      Creation Consumer Services Ltd 19/01/2018
      We are writing to notify you that Creation Financial Services Ltd sold your account to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on 27/12/2017. The total balance sold was £4800

      Lowell Portfolio I Ltd 19/01/2018
      We are Lowell Portfolio I Ltd, a specialist debt purchaser, which buys accounts from various organisations...The letter is intended to give you formal notice that your outstanding Asda account with Creation Financial Services Ltd was sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on 27/12/2017. Lowell Portfolio I Ltd has instructed Lowell Financial Ltd to manage your account.

      [I] Since then I haven't received any letters that directly relate to this debt, only letters that relate to three debts that they own.
      Thank you for posting the full history which makes things a lot easier to follow

      Unless I've misunderstood, you received a letter from Moorcroft in October 2016 which states that Creation Finance admit that they don't have your credit agreement.

      Was that letter sent in response to a formal s 77-79 CCA Request ?

      I'm pleased that Lowells haven't written to you since but if they do write post on your thread and it may make sense to reply letting them know the account is currently unenforceable (have you kept that Moorcroft letter?).

      Hi Di,

      Yes I still have the letter and documents, you haven't misunderstood and it was through a CCA request.


      I was wondering if someone could give some advice on this also. Cheers

      Just received Data Access Report, I have forwarded some information for Niddy to take a look. I have never received this type of information, what should I be looking out for?

      Should I send CCA Lowell regarding this debt, I feel the information (SAR) received was a little vague from Creation.

      5th September

      Prelegal Assessment Letter received from Lowell.

      Having assessed our options we intend to take legal action to recover this debt if you do not contact us to agree a repayment plan.

      Please call us by -/9/2018

      Best course of action?

      Bit of a query, I sent a CCA request 'signed for' on Friday of last week, at the moment when I check the post office track and trace it just states that it has been posted.

      Where does this leave me, Lowell wanted a reply from me this week otherwise they will commence with legal proceedings!

      Letter received from Lowell

      We refer to your recent request under section 77/78 of the consumer credit act 1974 for a copy of the documentation for this former Creation Financial Services Ltd Account. We have requested a copy of the documentation but have not received as yet.

      This account remains on hold while we wait...

      Judging what I saw from my SAR, will be interested what turns up!?
      Last edited by Strepsi; 12 November 2018, 14:12.

      Creation CC
      Amount £4250
      Account Opened -/12/2013
      Default April 2016 (Finally...)

      Creation /07/2016

      Your agreement has now been referred to Moorcroft Debt Recovery for collection for the collection of the overdue amount. Any further payment or contact regarding your agreement show now be made to...

      Moorcoft 1/7/2016

      Your account detail have been passed to us by Creation Financial Services, outstanding balance £4700

      Moorcroft Debt 1/10/2016

      Please find text from letter.
      'Further to your recent communication in respect of the above account, we are writing to confirm we have been in contact with Creation Financial Services Ltd.

      Upon investigation of your account, our client has advised their records show that unfortunately, a copy of the agreement is unavailable due to the age of the account. However, please find enclosed statements to show how the balance was accrued.

      We hope this answers any queries you may have and as a result they believe the balance we hold to be correct and due for payment.

      We have placed your account on hold until the the 18th November to allow you time to receive and respond to this letter'. Then waffle.

      What do you think?
      Creation /3/2017
      I am disappointed to note that we have still not heard from you regarding payment of debt...

      Creation 1/10/2017
      We have been attempting to contact you for sometime to discuss this debt without success...

      Creation 2/10/2017
      Despite our efforts to contact you and assist you in clearing the above debt, by means of a repayment ...we therefore have no alternative but to sell this account to a debt purchaser.

      You have 10 days from the date of this letter...

      Creation Consumer Services Ltd /01/2018
      We are writing to notify you that Creation Financial Services Ltd sold your account to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on /12/2017. The total balance sold was £4800

      Lowell Portfolio I Ltd 01/2018
      We are Lowell Portfolio I Ltd, a specialist debt purchaser, which buys accounts from various organisations...The letter is intended to give you formal notice that your outstanding Asda account with Creation Financial Services Ltd was sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on /12/2017. Lowell Portfolio I Ltd has instructed Lowell Financial Ltd to manage your account.

      [I] Since then I haven't received any letters that directly relate to this debt, only letters that relate to three debts that they own.
      Thank you for posting the full history which makes things a lot easier to follow

      Unless I've misunderstood, you received a letter from Moorcroft in October 2016 which states that Creation Finance admit that they don't have your credit agreement.

      Was that letter sent in response to a formal s 77-79 CCA Request ?

      I'm pleased that Lowells haven't written to you since but if they do write post on your thread and it may make sense to reply letting them know the account is currently unenforceable (have you kept that Moorcroft letter?).

      Hi Di,

      Yes I still have the letter and documents, you haven't misunderstood and it was through a CCA request.


      I was wondering if someone could give some advice on this also. Cheers

      Just received Data Access Report, I have forwarded some information for Niddy to take a look. I have never received this type of information, what should I be looking out for?

      Should I send CCA Lowell regarding this debt, I feel the information (SAR) received was a little vague from Creation.

      5th September

      Prelegal Assessment Letter received from Lowell.

      Having assessed our options we intend to take legal action to recover this debt if you do not contact us to agree a repayment plan.

      Please call us by -/9/2018

      Best course of action?

      Bit of a query, I sent a CCA request 'signed for' on Friday of last week, at the moment when I check the post office track and trace it just states that it has been posted.

      Where does this leave me, Lowell wanted a reply from me this week otherwise they will commence with legal proceedings!

      Letter received from Lowell

      We refer to your recent request under section 77/78 of the consumer credit act 1974 for a copy of the documentation for this former Creation Financial Services Ltd Account. We have requested a copy of the documentation but have not received as yet.

      This account remains on hold while we wait...

      Judging what I saw from my SAR, will be interested what turns up!?
      Received information regarding my CCA request to Lowell.

      They have sent what appears to be a reconstituted agreement I will send to Niddy this week.

      When I received it, it made check other information I have received. Just want to get some thoughts whether what I noticed is important:

      The sold date on letter I received is different to the date on the printout (log) on my SAR.
      The defaults date do not match.
      The credit agreement start date is incorrect on statement on account.
      On the credit agreement from Creation it doesn't state a variable interest rate on information from Creation it does.

      It maybe meaningless, just was wondering 'how exact' their information needed to be.

    Letter received last week.

    Notice of Acting received from Overdale Solicitors...
    "We are instructed to initiate legal proceedings against you unless you pay £amount...

    They don't 'appear' to specify a deadline for my reply.
    Today received LBC, going to reply next week. Will be ticking box B.

    This one fascinates me...

    Last edited by Strepsi; 26 May 2021, 18:46.

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  • PlanB
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post
    "Your account has been placed on a temporary hold
    while we contact our client with details of your query. We will inform you of the outcome as soon as a response is received from our client..."

    Second letter from.
    First line states "Your account is unenforceable
    Following the investigation into your query we regret to inform you that we have been unable to speak with Wescot to obtain the relevant documentation.

    We acknowledge that until we can provide such documents, your account is unenforceable."

    I think that is bit of a result...

    I think so too


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  • Warwick65
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post


    Received two letters.

    "Your account has been placed on a temporary hold while we contact our client with details of your query. We will inform you of the outcome as soon as a response is received from our client..."

    Second letter from.
    First line states "Your account is unenforceable
    Following the investigation into your query we regret to inform you that we have been unable to speak with Wescot to obtain the relevant documentation.

    We acknowledge that until we can provide such documents, your account is unenforceable."

    I think that is bit of a result...
    That is fabulous news. I would treat it as a win for now and long may their inability to provide documents continue. If nothing else, depending on when you last paid you are inching towards statute barred.

    Keep that letter saying its UE

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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post


    It is in fact from 2006. I sent CCA to Capquest and not to Arrow.

    So box I would be similar to what Warwick mentioned... "I would also tick box D and ask them for the agreement, Default notice, termination notice, notice of assignment and deed of assignment."

    Received two letters.

    "Your account has been placed on a temporary hold while we contact our client with details of your query. We will inform you of the outcome as soon as a response is received from our client..."

    Second letter from.
    First line states "Your account is unenforceable
    Following the investigation into your query we regret to inform you that we have been unable to speak with Wescot to obtain the relevant documentation.

    We acknowledge that until we can provide such documents, your account is unenforceable."

    I think that is bit of a result...

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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by PlanB View Post

    Help me to help you

    Was the £1 postal order returned to you by Arrow in response to your CCA Request to them which you may have copied to Drydens in response to their Letter of Claim for a HSBC Flexiloan?

    Or have I misunderstood your situation (it happens when a member has lots going on with their debts)?

    Who sent you that letter and what did it say e.g.something like "we don't have the documentation so have asked the original creditor for it" or words to that effect?

    Or better still the letter said that the debt is unenforceable until they can comply (I can but dream just like Martin Luther King )

    You are laying a paper trail so every letter/detail matters as potential evidence in case this ends up in legal proceedings. Let's hope not.

    It was sent from Arrow in response to CCA request.

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  • PlanB
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post

    Do you still have to pay £1.00 postal order, got it returned today along with compliment slip advising they aren't required.

    Help me to help you

    Was the £1 postal order returned to you by Arrow in response to your CCA Request to them which you may have copied to Drydens in response to their Letter of Claim for a HSBC Flexiloan?

    Or have I misunderstood your situation (it happens when a member has lots going on with their debts)?

    Who sent you that letter and what did it say e.g.something like "we don't have the documentation so have asked the original creditor for it" or words to that effect?

    Or better still the letter said that the debt is unenforceable until they can comply (I can but dream just like Martin Luther King )

    You are laying a paper trail so every letter/detail matters as potential evidence in case this ends up in legal proceedings. Let's hope not.

    Last edited by PlanB; 9 May 2021, 19:39. Reason: Typos

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  • nightwatch
    I take it you mean the fee for a CCA? If so sending the fee makes it a formal request, if they choose to send it back that is their problem, keep the letter safe.

    A SAR used to be £10, but the fee for that is no longer required.


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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by PlanB View Post


    Also have you ever sent a SAR to HSBC?

    Don't do that just yet, but it helps to know if you know what they may know.

    Do you still have to pay £1.00 postal order, got it returned today along with compliment slip advising they aren't required.

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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by PlanB View Post


    Also have you ever sent a SAR to HSBC?

    Don't do that just yet, but but helps to know if you know what they may know.

    I have never sent a SAR to HSBC.

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  • PlanB
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post


    It is in fact from 2006. I sent CCA to Capquest and not to Arrow.

    So box I would be similar to what Warwick mentioned... "I would also tick box D and ask them for the agreement, Default notice, termination notice, notice of assignment and deed of assignment."


    Also have you ever sent a SAR to HSBC?

    Don't do that just yet, but it helps to know if you know what they may know.

    Last edited by PlanB; 4 May 2021, 22:49. Reason: Typo

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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by PlanB View Post


    Just checking this is your HSBC Flexiloan from 2008 now owned by Arrow (is that correct?). You sent a CCA Request which has not been complied with so you could tick Box D to say you dispute the debt due to non compliance with your CCA Request - no need to say when it was sent or to whom it was sent (Capquest?).

    You can then add a list of other documents you require in Box I


    It is in fact from 2006. I sent CCA to Capquest and not to Arrow.

    So box I would be similar to what Warwick mentioned... "I would also tick box D and ask them for the agreement, Default notice, termination notice, notice of assignment and deed of assignment."

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  • PlanB
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post

    Sending my form back today, I have been advised in the past by Di to write something when ticking box D, could someone expand on this. I seem to remember the sentence being intentionally 'vague'. Something on the lines "I dispute the debt because..."?

    Just checking this is your HSBC Flexiloan from 2008 now owned by Arrow (is that correct?). You sent a CCA Request which has not been complied with so you could tick Box D to say you dispute the debt due to non compliance with your CCA Request - no need to say when it was sent or to whom it was sent (Capquest?).

    You can then add a list of other documents you require in Box I


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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by Warwick65 View Post

    I must be honest and say I haven't read all 52 pages but :

    I would reply sooner rather than later- I say this because I have had letters take a long time to arrive, certainly not the two days you would expect (it was my B/day last month and once card took a week first class to arrive ).

    I would also tick box D and ask them for the agreement, Default notice, termination notice, notice of assignment and deed of assignment.

    I see you sent a CCA request to Arrow way back in 2018- did Niddy ever say if it was UE or not? Is it Arrow who still own the debt ?

    If the cca request was enforceable or you don't know, I think I would send a new one to Arrow with a copy for information to Dryden Fairfax

    In answer to your other question about more letters than normal - it used to happen to me , almost in cycles, a bunch of letters then nothing then a few months later more letters. We have just entered the new tax year so that might have something to do with it- try not to worry

    I hope all the above makes sense

    I think if you leave it they will issue a claim but if you reply as above, it might stop them.
    Sending my form back today, I have been advised in the past by Di to write something when ticking box D, could someone expand on this. I seem to remember the sentence being intentionally 'vague'. Something on the lines "I dispute the debt because..."?


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  • Strepsi
    Originally posted by Strepsi View Post
    Type of Account: Natwest cc d
    Date Commenced: 8/2013
    Approx Balance: £4210
    Date last paid: Approx beginning of 2016
    Are you on arrangement to pay or not paying: Not paying
    Status (Default/ in arrears/ up to date): Default
    Account Owner (DCA or Lender): Cabot UK Ltd

    Natwest /8/2013 4210

    I am not convinced that I have CCA'd this one?!

    June 2016
    We have been unable to contact you or agree a suitable repayment plan therefore your account details have been passed to APEX Credit Management to act as collection agent and they will be dealing with your account.

    December 2016 Wescot
    Wescot is a specialist debt collection agency and we have been instructed by our client, Natwest UK Card Services to make contact with you to discuss the outstanding balance on this account and the repayment options available based on your personal circumstances..

    January 2017
    We have written to you on several occasions asking you to contact us about this account however to date we have not yet agreed a solution...
    Last edited by Strepsi; 3 July 2017, 14:22.

    **Updated 12/10/2020

    Account finally assigned to a DCA June 2020 to Cabot UK Ltd. The letter states that they are the legal owners of the debt.

    Since June several letters, but nothing as yet that is deemed threatening...

    As it stands I still haven't CCA'd this account.
    Nothing really happening, but received letter from Cabot advising that Resolvecall are going to call!! Think I need to send another letter....

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  • Strepsi
    • 8 October 2018, 12:22
      Originally posted by Warwick65 View Post
      Just to say, if you have sent it via RM signed for and they have not updated the website- in the past I have complained and received proof of delivery along with 6 first class stamps

      I am not in favour of sending a 2nd request unless it benefits you - for example after two of my debts had been sold I sent new CCA requests which they couldn't satisfy (thank you cabot) and there was another 3K sorted

      I know debt is hard work, I lost many many hours of sleep over it in the past but it does get easier and frankly what is the worst that can happen? They can not get blood out of a stone
      The other morning received a reply from Lowell advising that they have received my request for CCA. They are going to contact Creation, curious as what they will send SAR was a little vague.

      Creation 9/07/2016

      Your agreement has now been referred to Moorcroft Debt Recovery for collection for the collection of the overdue amount. Any further payment or contact regarding your agreement show now be made to...

      Moorcoft 13/7/2016

      Your account detail have been passed to us by Creation Financial Services, outstanding balance £4900

      Moorcroft Debt 19/10/2016

      Please find text from letter.
      'Further to your recent communication in respect of the above account, we are writing to confirm we have been in contact with Creation Financial Services Ltd.

      Upon investigation of your account, our client has advised their records show that unfortunately, a copy of the agreement is unavailable due to the age of the account. However, please find enclosed statements to show how the balance was accrued.

      We hope this answers any queries you may have and as a result they believe the balance we hold to be correct and due for payment.

      We have placed your account on hold until the the 18th November to allow you time to receive and respond to this letter'. Then waffle.

      What do you think?
      Creation 8/3/2017
      I am disappointed to note that we have still not heard from you regarding payment of debt...

      Creation 13/10/2017
      We have been attempting to contact you for sometime to discuss this debt without success...

      Creation 24/10/2017
      Despite our efforts to contact you and assist you in clearing the above debt, by means of a repayment ...we therefore have no alternative but to sell this account to a debt purchaser.

      You have 10 days from the date of this letter...

      Creation Consumer Services Ltd 19/01/2018
      We are writing to notify you that Creation Financial Services Ltd sold your account to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on 27/12/2017. The total balance sold was £4800

      Lowell Portfolio I Ltd 19/01/2018
      We are Lowell Portfolio I Ltd, a specialist debt purchaser, which buys accounts from various organisations...The letter is intended to give you formal notice that your outstanding Asda account with Creation Financial Services Ltd was sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on 27/12/2017. Lowell Portfolio I Ltd has instructed Lowell Financial Ltd to manage your account.

      [I] Since then I haven't received any letters that directly relate to this debt, only letters that relate to three debts that they own.
      Thank you for posting the full history which makes things a lot easier to follow

      Unless I've misunderstood, you received a letter from Moorcroft in October 2016 which states that Creation Finance admit that they don't have your credit agreement.

      Was that letter sent in response to a formal s 77-79 CCA Request ?

      I'm pleased that Lowells haven't written to you since but if they do write post on your thread and it may make sense to reply letting them know the account is currently unenforceable (have you kept that Moorcroft letter?).

      Hi Di,

      Yes I still have the letter and documents, you haven't misunderstood and it was through a CCA request.


      I was wondering if someone could give some advice on this also. Cheers

      Just received Data Access Report, I have forwarded some information for Niddy to take a look. I have never received this type of information, what should I be looking out for?

      Should I send CCA Lowell regarding this debt, I feel the information (SAR) received was a little vague from Creation.

      5th September

      Prelegal Assessment Letter received from Lowell.

      Having assessed our options we intend to take legal action to recover this debt if you do not contact us to agree a repayment plan.

      Please call us by -/9/2018

      Best course of action?

      Bit of a query, I sent a CCA request 'signed for' on Friday of last week, at the moment when I check the post office track and trace it just states that it has been posted.

      Where does this leave me, Lowell wanted a reply from me this week otherwise they will commence with legal proceedings!

      Letter received from Lowell

      We refer to your recent request under section 77/78 of the consumer credit act 1974 for a copy of the documentation for this former Creation Financial Services Ltd Account. We have requested a copy of the documentation but have not received as yet.

      This account remains on hold while we wait...

      Judging what I saw from my SAR, will be interested what turns up!?
      Last edited by Strepsi; 12 November 2018, 14:12.

      Creation CC
      Amount £4250
      Account Opened -/12/2013
      Default April 2016 (Finally...)

      Creation /07/2016

      Your agreement has now been referred to Moorcroft Debt Recovery for collection for the collection of the overdue amount. Any further payment or contact regarding your agreement show now be made to...

      Moorcoft 1/7/2016

      Your account detail have been passed to us by Creation Financial Services, outstanding balance £4700

      Moorcroft Debt 1/10/2016

      Please find text from letter.
      'Further to your recent communication in respect of the above account, we are writing to confirm we have been in contact with Creation Financial Services Ltd.

      Upon investigation of your account, our client has advised their records show that unfortunately, a copy of the agreement is unavailable due to the age of the account. However, please find enclosed statements to show how the balance was accrued.

      We hope this answers any queries you may have and as a result they believe the balance we hold to be correct and due for payment.

      We have placed your account on hold until the the 18th November to allow you time to receive and respond to this letter'. Then waffle.

      What do you think?
      Creation /3/2017
      I am disappointed to note that we have still not heard from you regarding payment of debt...

      Creation 1/10/2017
      We have been attempting to contact you for sometime to discuss this debt without success...

      Creation 2/10/2017
      Despite our efforts to contact you and assist you in clearing the above debt, by means of a repayment ...we therefore have no alternative but to sell this account to a debt purchaser.

      You have 10 days from the date of this letter...

      Creation Consumer Services Ltd /01/2018
      We are writing to notify you that Creation Financial Services Ltd sold your account to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on /12/2017. The total balance sold was £4800

      Lowell Portfolio I Ltd 01/2018
      We are Lowell Portfolio I Ltd, a specialist debt purchaser, which buys accounts from various organisations...The letter is intended to give you formal notice that your outstanding Asda account with Creation Financial Services Ltd was sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on /12/2017. Lowell Portfolio I Ltd has instructed Lowell Financial Ltd to manage your account.

      [I] Since then I haven't received any letters that directly relate to this debt, only letters that relate to three debts that they own.
      Thank you for posting the full history which makes things a lot easier to follow

      Unless I've misunderstood, you received a letter from Moorcroft in October 2016 which states that Creation Finance admit that they don't have your credit agreement.

      Was that letter sent in response to a formal s 77-79 CCA Request ?

      I'm pleased that Lowells haven't written to you since but if they do write post on your thread and it may make sense to reply letting them know the account is currently unenforceable (have you kept that Moorcroft letter?).

      Hi Di,

      Yes I still have the letter and documents, you haven't misunderstood and it was through a CCA request.


      I was wondering if someone could give some advice on this also. Cheers

      Just received Data Access Report, I have forwarded some information for Niddy to take a look. I have never received this type of information, what should I be looking out for?

      Should I send CCA Lowell regarding this debt, I feel the information (SAR) received was a little vague from Creation.

      5th September

      Prelegal Assessment Letter received from Lowell.

      Having assessed our options we intend to take legal action to recover this debt if you do not contact us to agree a repayment plan.

      Please call us by -/9/2018

      Best course of action?

      Bit of a query, I sent a CCA request 'signed for' on Friday of last week, at the moment when I check the post office track and trace it just states that it has been posted.

      Where does this leave me, Lowell wanted a reply from me this week otherwise they will commence with legal proceedings!

      Letter received from Lowell

      We refer to your recent request under section 77/78 of the consumer credit act 1974 for a copy of the documentation for this former Creation Financial Services Ltd Account. We have requested a copy of the documentation but have not received as yet.

      This account remains on hold while we wait...

      Judging what I saw from my SAR, will be interested what turns up!?
      Received information regarding my CCA request to Lowell.

      They have sent what appears to be a reconstituted agreement I will send to Niddy this week.

      When I received it, it made check other information I have received. Just want to get some thoughts whether what I noticed is important:

      The sold date on letter I received is different to the date on the printout (log) on my SAR.
      The defaults date do not match.
      The credit agreement start date is incorrect on statement on account.
      On the credit agreement from Creation it doesn't state a variable interest rate on information from Creation it does.

      It maybe meaningless, just was wondering 'how exact' their information needed to be.

    Letter received last week.

    Notice of Acting received from Overdale Solicitors...
    "We are instructed to initiate legal proceedings against you unless you pay £amount...

    They don't 'appear' to specify a deadline for my reply.

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