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spent2much UE diary

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  • Re: spent2much UE diary

    Originally posted by ScabHunter View Post
    Yes, you should definitely ignore this. Give them a chance to terminate on the back of a defective default notice, as this will give you another line of defence in addition to the unenforceability which already exists.

    I can't quite work out what is going on, though. It looks from what you've quoted above as though they have issued a default notice before, and not acted on it. The current one also gives a date of 1st May, which is far too soon to comply with the law. This one appears to be from '', while the previous one was from 'Kay&Co'.

    I don't think they've got a clue what they are doing. Whatever it is, I would just let them get on with it.

    I have been correcting the diary as i go along, changing red and blue so its easier to follow.

    I think this is the 2nd or 3rd default Notice .


    • Re: spent2much UE diary

      Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
      I have been correcting the diary as i go along, changing red and blue so its easier to follow.
      I noticed that! Thanks, it makes it much easier to follow.

      Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
      I think this is the 2nd or 3rd default Notice .
      It must be at least the second, which probably means they won't terminate anyway. It is not serious if they don't, as you just carry on following an unenforceability strategy. If they do, however, you will have another string to your bow should this end up in a court room.

      I should emphasise, though, that anyone taking this to court would be incredibly stupid, as the whole world knows these catalogue accounts are unenforceable.



      • Re: spent2much UE diary

        The whole world may know they are UE, DCA's are not of this world....
        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


        • Re: spent2much UE diary

          Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
          Type of account (overdraft)joint

          Date commenced (2003)

          Approx balance (£935)

          Date last paid (22 June 2012)

          Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

          Status (default/cca being sent )

          Account owner (HBOS)

          9/7/12 cca request sent
          28/9/12 from Halifax account passed to BLS 3/8/12

          26/10/12 repayment plan arrears

          14/11/12 payment reminder BLS

          from BLS

          Please find enclosed a statement of account as requested.

          Should you require any further assistance please telephone us.

          14/12/12 from BLS it is essential that you contact us today

          24/12/12 from Halifax
          Account passed to drysdenfairax solicitors

          31/12/12 drysdensfairfax solicitors ( both of us received a letter from these as it is a joint account )
          threatening charging orders and court action .

          31/12/12 sent sold while in dispute letter,
          not showing as received on royal mail website.

          17/01/13 from Drysdenfairfax
          17/01/13 from drysdenfairfax
          failure to pay , avoid further action you must pay the debt.

          sent sold while in dispute letter

          26/01/13 from drysdenfairfax solicitors

          I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 19 January 2013, together with the enclosures, and i note all your comments.

          I have reviewed your file and , unfortunately, i can find no record of us receiving your earleir letter of 31 December 2012. We were, therefore, unaware that this was in dispute. As a firm of solicitors, please be assured that we are well aware of our responsibilities with regard to the Office of Fair trading Debt Collection Guidance.

          As a result of your letter, we have contacted our client to clarify the current position and seek their further instructions. We will write to you , further, once they have responded. I confirm that, in the meantime, the matter is on hold.

          I trust this resolves any immediate concers, but if you do have any further queries, please let me know.

          06/04/13 from Halifax
          account passed to Capquest

          10/04/13 from capquest

          This correspondence is to inform you that your Halifax current account has been referred to capquest to manage your account in all matters relating to collection , which may include
          - Personal cisits by our doorstep collection agency
          - Possible Litigation

          It is our aim to ensure that a suitable payment plan is agreed and maintained . Our experienced team of negotators are here to assit you in finding a plan that will your indebtedness, without the need for further action.

          If you are not in a position to settle this account in full, you will need to contact us to discuss a suitable solution to this matter. Contact must be made by 15 Apr 13, by calling us on 0844********

          No contact will mean further action.

          How to pay: Please see reverse of this letter.

          sold while in dispute letter ?

          24/04/13 capquest
          Please be advised that we are now in the process of making arrangements for our doorspet recovery agents ScotCall Limited, to visit you due to your failure to make a repayment arrangement.

          If a response is not received by 30 Apr 13, we may choose to dispatch an agent and they will call at the address above between the hours of
          8.00am-8.30pm Mon-Fri
          9.00am-4.30pm Saturday
          The doostep agent is instructed to collect the full amount due or to compile a report as to your financial position to assist in any possible further action. All agents carry identifification and receipts for payment will be issued on request.
          To avoid a visit from this specialised doorstep collection agency, you must contact us by 30Apr 13.
          If you contact us before this date, we can offer you a settlement figure on your outstanding balance.
          Alternatively , we will be open to suggestions from you on how your account can be settled by way of instalments suitable to your present financial circumstances.We will not be demanding payment in full and will work with you to come to a final solution to this problem without the need for employing services of doorstep recovery agents.
          Should an agreement be reached to settle your outstanding account with a reduced payment and once the payment has been received and cleared, your account will be closed and your credit file updated showing that the balance has been satisfied with a special flag of parital settlement.
          You will find how you can pay and other relevant details that may assit you on the reverse of this letter.
          we trust that you will take this opportunity to contact us and get this matter settled without the need for visits by the doorstep collectors.



          • Re: spent2much UE diary

            I know the drill but they dont half build these doorsteppers up. Specialised doorstep collection agency. What a larf. Get off those doorsteps they are happy where they are.

            Almost makes me want one of these so I could write back.

            Dear Leeches

            By all means send one round at your cost so I can tell him face to face what I am telling you.

            And that is GFY. Deal with the issues of my dispute first.



            Am sure you will have better advice following on.


            • Re: spent2much UE diary

              You need to send this
              Harassment Threat of Doorstep-Visit - allaboutDEBT UK

              And keep a copy handy in case they try.
              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                £1989.20 is balance and i think it includes arrears, i only paid about £2.30 a month on this account when it was in the dmp with payplan .

                Do i ignore this ?
                Indeed, ignore this. If the arrears are less than the full balance due, then they have cocked it up.

                The DN should only demand arrears that are due and not money that is not yet due under the agreement.


                • Re: spent2much UE diary

                  Originally posted by cymruambyth View Post
                  You need to send this
                  Harassment Threat of Doorstep-Visit - allaboutDEBT UK

                  And keep a copy handy in case they try.
                  Follow CYM's advice and don't enter into any form of conversation in the remote event that they turn up.


                  • Re: spent2much UE diary

                    Originally posted by vint1954 View Post
                    Follow CYM's advice and don't enter into any form of conversation in the remote event that they turn up.
                    I have just sent the letter , i wouldn't talk to them anyway i would probably just sit reading while they are at the door.


                    • Re: spent2much UE diary

                      Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                      I have just sent the letter , i wouldn't talk to them anyway i would probably just sit reading while they are at the door.
                      There is no better way to make them feel inferior than by doing something of which they will not be capable.



                      • Re: spent2much UE diary

                        Originally posted by ScabHunter View Post
                        There is no better way to make them feel inferior than by doing something of which they will not be capable.


                        Getting out of bed in the morning?
                        "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

                        The consumer is that sleeping giant.!!

                        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                        • Re: spent2much UE diary

                          Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                          Type of account (overdraft Lloydstsb) husband's

                          Date commenced (2003)

                          Approx balance (£520)

                          Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                          Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                          Status (default/cca being sent )

                          Account owner (moorcroft)

                          9/7/12 cca request sent
                          13/7/12 request from moorcroft for £1.00 so they can deal with the cca request
                          16/7/12 sent moorcroft £1 postal order
                          1/8/12 moorcroft have sent postal order back saying it needs to be sent to and written out to LloydsTsb
                          14/11/12 moorcroft asking for payment or may start legal proceedings.
                          Letter from Moorcrof today, say they need a £1 before they can process mt request .
                          this is an overdraft account i thought no £1 payment was needed


                          Our records show that we have not received a payment from you since 02/08/12.

                          We must therefore ask you to make an immediate payment to us or contact this office within the next 48 hours.

                          Unless payment of this amount is received in the next 7 days we may remommend to our client that we take further debt recovery action against you without further notice.

                          Neither we nor our client wish to take this step and if you call us on the above number we would be happy to agree a repayment plan that you can afford and maintain.

                          Any payment may be attached to this letter and made payable to Moorcroft debt Recovery Ltd.

                          Yours sincerely.

                          30/11/12 Moorcroft,Our records show that despite our previous letters to you,payment has still not been received

                          your account is in arrears for the sum of £1.00
                          Contact your dmc to arrange payment , contact us if you are no longer dealing with this third party .

                          As a result of arrears the account has been passed to Home Collections Division for possible action

                          Threat of recovery action

                          21/1/13 from LloydsTsb account passed to Robinson Way

                          24/1/13 from robbers way
                          do not ignore they have been authorised to revover this debt in full , threat of court action

                          28/1/13 sent account sold while in dispute letter
                          1/2/13 from Robbers way

                          Your account has been passed to me for review. I am concerned that an affordable payment plan has not been agreed for payement of your account.

                          i want to make it simple for you to pay your account. Start to pay this account by making a MONTHLY PAYMENT OF JUST £30,(on due day of your choice), this can be agreed simply and quickly in one phone call to us. Or if you prefer, set the direct debit up online at

                          If that is not affordable we need to hear from you, call us now, or email us at Your circumstances will be considered.

                          If an affordable payment plan is not agreed with you, I will have no alternative but to pass your account for further action. Once your account leaves my hands there will be little more i can do to help you.

                          collections manager.


                          Please note we have noted the dispute/query you have raised.

                          We will make the necessary enquiries and let you know the outcome in due course.

                          Stopped all recovery action for time being

                          11/02/13 LloydsTsb
                          Cannot deal request until hubby sends a letter signed with his signature

                          13/02/13 to LloydsTsb CCA Request-Demand of Signature

                          18/02/2013 LloydsTsb

                          After looking into your complaint there is no record of you requesting a copy of the credit agreement for this account before now. I can assure you if we had been in reciept of this letter we would have responded sooner. Credit agreements do not apply to bank accounts and for this reason we cannot provide you with a copy of your credit agreement for the account requested.

                          I appreciate your concern with the fees which applied to your account. I can see you had a planned overdraft limit of £500. In providing you with this limit, we requested you to monitor the account and stay within its limit. I can see you last used your account on 26th february 2007 when you transferred £129.00 out of your account to leave £499.89 overdrawn. The transaction which took you overdrawn was the interest which we had pre notified you of. As such your account exceeded the planned overdraft and you were in an unplanned overdraft which was subject to unplanned overdraft fees as outlined in the terms and conditions of your account.

                          Fees continued to apply to your account until 2July 2007 , when we were made aware you were experiencing financial difficulties. From 26th Feb to 2 July 2007 £137.54 fees were applied correctly to your account.

                          When we were made aware you were experiencing difficulties and were dealing with Payplan we suspended all fees on the account and accepted the payments which were being made. Your account closed on 15 September 2008 with a debit balance of £599.68 and transferred to our Recoveries department as a longer repayment term was required . I can assure you no fees have been applied since 2 July 2007.

                          I appreciate you would rather make arrangements directly with us regarding payments, however, it is not practical for this to happen. It is normal for us to assign external recovery agents to act on our behalf (moorcroft) fromMay2011to August 2012. Due to no payments being made since then we assigned robinson way to contact you to discuss repayments.

                          To restore your confidence in us I have arranged for £137.54 fees to be credited to the account . Plese allow ten working days for the refunds to be processed at which point the amount owed will reduce to £384.89 . I will inform Robinson way of the revised balance.

                          21/02/13 LloydsTsb (no account number on this letter but i assume its for this account as hubbys tsb credit card is with 1st credit.

                          I was most concerned to receive your letter. Thank you for contacting us.

                          As your concerns relate to issues outside this control of this office, I have passed your concerns on to LloydsTSB's customer service recovery centre. It may take a while to gather all the facts together, but they will try to come back to you with a full response within the next few working days.

                          I think this letter has crossed with the one received a few days ago.

                          27/04/13 Robbers way

                          IMPORTANT PLEASE CONTACT US
                          Your account still remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls. Your account is due to be transferred to our solicitors, Horwich Farrelly in the next 10 days, who may consider court action.

                          If you would rather agree an affordable payment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to our solicitors, please contact us without delay.


                          • Re: spent2much UE diary

                            Originally posted by Spent2much View Post

                            27/04/13 Robbers way

                            IMPORTANT PLEASE CONTACT US
                            Your account still remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls. Your account is due to be transferred to our solicitors, Horwich Farrelly in the next 10 days, who may consider court action.

                            If you would rather agree an affordable payment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to our solicitors, please contact us without delay.

                            When you hear from Horwich Farrelly...same address, letters sent in the same envelopes ie next desk...I would send the 2nd overdraft letter allaboutFORUMS - View Single Post - Overdrafts - CCA Information (unlesss of course you want to set up a repayment plan )
                            Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                            • Re: spent2much UE diary

                              Originally posted by Pixie View Post
                              When you hear from Horwich Farrelly...same address, letters sent in the same envelopes ie next desk...I would send the 2nd overdraft letter allaboutFORUMS - View Single Post - Overdrafts - CCA Information (unlesss of course you want to set up a repayment plan )[/QUOTE]

                              ha ha nah! i will pass on the repayment plan :


                              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                                Thought you might
                                Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.

