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Mum's Debts - Unenforceable?

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  • Mum's Debts - Unenforceable?

    Good morning all

    My mum has had a Capital One CC since around 1999. Started off with a £200 credit limit, which is now £2500, despite never agreeing/asking for an increase, they just sent her new cards as and when they felt like it stating "your credit limit has been increased"

    I wasnt sure if this was now UB as she's never received new terms and conditions?


    My mum and dad had PPI on their mortgage, and when she was made redundant she was refused a payout because she wasn't the main holder of the policy. (My dad had left by this point, and he was quite elusive, even a private investigator couldn't find him)

    She was also miss-sold this policy because she wasnt told that when she first took it out. (This would have been 1995/6)

    Any help would be greately appreciated, as I know you guys are awesome, I'm sure you can


    On Debt Row

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