Re: Building a Hackintosh
Ah, it wasn't that. It just required the computer to be completely powered off for more than half a minute for the settings to take effect.
So I got past that hurdle and now have an actual Mac screen inside VirtualBox.
The current snag is that it says "Select the disk where you want to install..." but doesn't actually give me any drives to choose from. Obviously I'm going to have to play with the VB settings a bit more.
Will show a screenshot later. At the moment, I still haven't got around to reinstalling Photoshop since installing Windows 8.
UPDATE: I simply had to virtually format the virtual hard drive in Mac format. The virtual Mac is currently installing itself to this virtual disc.
Originally posted by rizzle
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So I got past that hurdle and now have an actual Mac screen inside VirtualBox.
The current snag is that it says "Select the disk where you want to install..." but doesn't actually give me any drives to choose from. Obviously I'm going to have to play with the VB settings a bit more.
Will show a screenshot later. At the moment, I still haven't got around to reinstalling Photoshop since installing Windows 8.
UPDATE: I simply had to virtually format the virtual hard drive in Mac format. The virtual Mac is currently installing itself to this virtual disc.