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  • #31
    Re: My recent results

    Originally posted by vint1954 View Post
    Yes Di,

    My kidney issues started after the second BP medication. It was Lercanidepene they gave me, a calcium channel blocker.

    Problem is that that one also helps the mild Angina.
    Golly, so sorry you also have these problems Vint, do you know how much function you have? (if you don't mind me asking)? and are you under a specialist (nephrologist)?


    • #32
      Re: My recent results

      ..........the tab I continue to have for BP is called Adizem XL 180MG, take one a day, that is the one I been on for a number of years and the one they taken off me was called Perindopril 2mg, that used to be at 1 a day.


      • #33
        Re: My recent results

        The problem is with Kidney protein leakage. I was under a specialist, but they said it was improving last visit which surprised them. They let me go back to my GP to monitor. What I didn't tell them was that I had stopped the statins, still have and all they say at checkup is that the cholesterol is a little high but not too much.

        Those statins caused me all sorts of problems. I would sooner not take anything given the choice.


        • #34
          Re: My recent results

          Originally posted by vint1954 View Post
          The problem is with Kidney protein leakage. I was under a specialist, but they said it was improving last visit which surprised them. They let me go back to my GP to monitor. What I didn't tell them was that I had stopped the statins, still have and all they say at checkup is that the cholesterol is a little high but not too much.

          Those statins caused me all sorts of problems. I would sooner not take anything given the choice.
          Yes me too Vint.

          Even though my cholesterol level had improved, my doc said some numbers within the cholesterol she was not overly happy with and asked me straight if I was taking all my statins (that was on the last statin) I said no because of horrific cramps, (I did complain about it before to them but I was told I didnt give them a chance to settle down). So she said it was in my interest to take them in case of blocked arteries (also due to elavated potassium levels), so that's when she changed them. If I had my way I would not bother

          I was surprised when she said she was referring me to a nephrologist, because I researched that they would generally do this if your in stage 4 and up, but being in stage 3 - she said it will be some time before i get to see one, maybe October or even November, unless things get worse.

          I go back for bloods at my docs in May now, so they will be keeping a check until I'm referred.
          I am hoping to see a better result and if this is the case, maybe this is proof that it was that 2nd BP tablet that decreased the kidney function.

          I do hope things work out for you Vint, have they given you an angina spray for for your tongue?


          • #35
            Re: My recent results

            Hi Di,

            It was just good luck that the Lercanidepene is also used for Angina. I'm not telling them about it at the moment. Just don't want any more medication.

            All I can say for certain, is that I felt an awful lot better before I started taking the drugs.

            White whine lowers my blood pressure, but they refuse to give Chablis on the NHS.

            I think all drugs give you other problems. I guess you just weigh up if it is worth it for a few extra years.

            I'm a great believer in enjoying life to the best of your ability. I don't want to be comfortable when old and you cant enjoy it. So we enjoy ourselves now and my daughter and granddaughter get spoilt now. I cant do it from 6ft under.


            • #36
              Re: My recent results

              Originally posted by vint1954 View Post
              Hi Di,

              It was just good luck that the Lercanidepene is also used for Angina. I'm not telling them about it at the moment. Just don't want any more medication.

              All I can say for certain, is that I felt an awful lot better before I started taking the drugs.

              White whine lowers my blood pressure, but they refuse to give Chablis on the NHS.

              I think all drugs give you other problems. I guess you just weigh up if it is worth it for a few extra years.

              I'm a great believer in enjoying life to the best of your ability. I don't want to be comfortable when old and you cant enjoy it. So we enjoy ourselves now and my daughter and granddaughter get spoilt now. I cant do it from 6ft under.

              I totally agree, and before I was first prescribed years ago, I felt as fit as a fiddle, jogging, Aerobics, walking, weights etc and do feel these meds have brought me down.

              I have a great fear of tablets, as my dad bless him when he was here was on pages and pages of them, and I'm sure these caused a number of many health issues for him.

              Too right Vint, I'm the same, although when I was told about CKD it hit me for 6, so been researching and learning on best diets etc, and to keep myself well hydrated, and now just looking forward and not back.
              And of course enjoy everyday as it comes
              I'm the same with my boys too xx


              • #37
                Re: My recent results

                More on Kidney Disease.....



                • #38
                  Re: My recent results

                  Have you seen this Di:

                  "Statins - Are YOU Taking These Dangerous Cholesterol Drugs?"


                  • #39
                    Re: My recent results

                    Originally posted by pompeyfaith View Post

                    Bloody hell!!! Cheers Pompey.
                    I'm on Pravastatin now, think I shall have to make an appointment to see my doc x


                    • #40
                      Re: My recent results

                      Di I have been chatting to a girl who is studying Nutrition at uni, ill copy one of her posts here for you and her FB id

                      Mel Ferguson The big pharma companies are not there to make us better - they are there to make money. The reason there has been a war reigned on vitamins and natural therapies, is because there is no money in healthy people. Same reason there is crap put in our foods.

                      I'm studying Nutrition at the moment, and as part of my degree have been doing research on some famous people who have cured illnesses by using just nutrition and vitamins. Jason Vale,Juice Master, has had cancer 3 times. Cured it the first time with chemo and nutrition, the second with nutrition and a small bit of chemo, and the 3rd time - just with Nutrition. He was put in prison for making the claim in his book that apricot seeds has cancer fighting agents. Another nutritionist works and lives in Mexico, as it is illegal in most western countries for Doctors to treat cancer with anything but chemo. Chemo is a carcinogen! A different type of cancer than what a paitent has to destroy the cancer they have. Vitamin C, given in high doses via an IV drip kills cancerous cells, with no side effects...

                      Each vitamin can combat a number of different illnesses - because the body only needs a certain amount of vitamins to stay healthy, and have the power to fight off illnesses. Places like Japan have one of the highest health rates in the world - because they are not subjected to the rubbish we westerners put in our systems. For instance, Cardiovascular Disease is completley reversable - using diet and vitamins. The link between Heart attacks and stress is as follows: when your body is stressed, your system converts Vitamin C to adrenaline. This puts a massive strain on your heart. replace the Vit C, and cut down the risk of heart attacks...

                      And its not the doctors fault either. Big Pharma companies pay the regulators, they pay the researchers, and they pay the universities. When people realise how much can be changed using vitmins and a good, healthy, organic diet they become healthy - thus making less money for the pharma companies. Which is why things like vitamins, natural foods and natural therapies have been demonised...

                      Bill W, the man who started AA, treated and completley stopped his severe depression using a vitamin called Niacin (B3). He wanted to use this for all AA members, but then AA was infiltrated by the pharma companies. Another lady had severe suicidal depression. Nothing had worked for her, until she tried extreemly high doses of Niacin. Complete turn around. When her doc found out, h said that much vitamins is not good for you' so she stopped. Within a week, she was back to square one.

                      10,000 people a year in the UK die from adverse reactions to prescription medication. In 15 years, worldwide, 23 people have died as a direct reaction to vitamins...

                      Hippocrates said: 'Let Food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food'. There was a reason that many highly intelligent people, including Albert Einstein, used food and vitamins as medicine...

                      A really good docu to watch on this is called 'Food Matters' ...I would recommend everyone watches that...



                      • #41
                        Re: My recent results

                        Thank you Pompey,
                        a great read there and yes I agree.
                        How else are they going to make their money? exactly!

                        I still say it now, the pages and pages of meds that my dad was prescribed was enough for 20 people or more, and I still believe now they provoked other illnesses.
                        He started off with just one illness, then came the meds, which esculated on to more health conditions, most of them were serious as well.



                        • #42
                          Re: My recent results

                          Appointment coming up in May already! More bloods to give!

                          I may get my appointment for the Nephrologist (*kidney specialist) at my local hospital earlier than assumed, so it could be a matter of anytime now.
                          I do get nervy thinking about it but still it's for the best.

                          I was told the first appointment may go on for about an hour and a half, as the neph will go through everything with me, family history, my med history and so on and wee and blood samples, bp to be taken, weight. The neph will decide on a scan from there.

                          Hopefully still stable at stage 3 CKD, or maybe better with a bit of luck of going back a stage if I'm lucky, I don't think it's possible going back to the first stage, but better than it progressing to 4 and 5 , so fingers crossed.

                          Have stuck it out well on the renal diet, was difficult at the start and I'm probably about 8 and a half stone now and not 9 and a half, I dont want to lose anymore x


                          • #43
                            Re: My recent results

                            I have my fingers crossed for you Di that all will be well and you are right don't lose any more weight matey
                            "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


                            • #44
                              Re: My recent results

                              Hope everything goes well for you when you see the nephrologist Di x
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                              • #45
                                Re: My recent results

                                Good luck from me as well Di..... xxx
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