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Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

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  • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

    Glad to hear that things have been okay and that you seem to enjoying the holidays (or what you can remember of them!).
    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

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    • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

      And still enjoying as we have Hogmanay to come.

      Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
      Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


      • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

        Well my Friends, its New Years Eve. Time to leave 2012 behind and Welcome in 2013.

        I Will raise my Glass at midnight to Family, Friends and My AAD Family as well as those who have Been and Gone.

        I always go a little silent at midnight as 23 years ago I lost my Father on the morning of New Years Day.

        He was a man of few words unlike myself, but always had a comment to pass on everything. I often wonder what he would think of what is happening in the world today.

        But anyway back to the plot, for me this year has had plenty of ups and downs. Some Bad Moments and some Funny.

        From an AAD point of View, I have not heard anything all year from any of the DCA's that were plagueing me in 2010-11.
        Indeed for most of the time I have kept my head above the water.

        The Boss Lady Hooray almost had me on anti depressants in the early part of the year, but for the last few weeks has been almost nice. Shame it never lasts.

        February and March of this year was so warm and dry, that I actually thought I would finally knock the 6 1/2 acres of Gardens and Woodland into shape. Then the floods arrived. If anything the condition of the gardens have gone back to what they were three years ago.

        Still plenty of Building, Decorating and Plumbing work was found for me. The Boss doesn't like to see me idle.

        I lost my Cat, and adopted another. Millie has turned out to be Shadow MK2 Plus. There is never a dull moment when she wants to play.

        Flash, my Black Lab had to have his tail amputated, he hasn't even realised it's gone yet. At least he hasn't knocked any cups off the coffee table since it went.

        Family, well nothing changes much. They all want advice, but won't act or even bother to do much about their problems.

        And Basically that's it. Not many adventures.

        Still next year has a 13 in the date. I'm not superstitious, but who knows what the New Year will hold for any of us.

        So Here's to you and yours, Good Health, Love and Happyness to you all.

        Slangevar ( "Slainte Mhath") and Regards.

        Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
        Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


        • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

          Good health to you too, Handy.

          Thank you for the giggles, the tears and the tantrums. It's been a blast!

          I hope that 2013 is good to you and that you have many happy and exciting adventures to report!
          If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow, why, oh why can't I?



          • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

            Good to hear from you Handy.

            Happy New Year! x
            Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


            • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

              Well we are only 9 days into the New Year and already the world is falling in on me. Friday Last my Brother in Law called me to say that Mums Care home had gone into administration. That the letter said there would be a meeting of residents families today (09/01/13), no one was to worry as they were hoping to find a new buyer.

              It turned out that the home is to close on Feb the 9th, so that only gives a month for not only us but all the other 27 residents, some of which are on Palliative care to find new places.

              Kid Sis went to the meeting as she lives just a few miles away. The first thing they were told was that Sharkleys had pulled the plug on the company as it had debts of 150K. The reason for this was they had failed a fire inspection last year which meant they had reduced the number of residents, which in turn had made the business less cost effective.

              OK 27 X £400 per week = 10,800 I can see that there isn't much money in Granny Farming (WTF)

              We did start to wonder a little last year when the Manager left to join the Care Quality Commission (and look at the news about them today )

              This evening after just a little digging, I discovered the 2 directors have a string of Care Homes and a record of going into liquidation just as things start to get expensive, just like meeting the Fire Standards, which was all about Night Staffing Levels as much as Fire Doors and Exits.

              All this and in just 4 years all of the money from the sale of Mums House has been used up, so much for Care in the Community and paying ones way.

              It just makes you want to die before you get old doesn't it.

              Before I finish, no one from Nottingham Social Services was available to attend today's meeting, though we were assured that a social worker would be assigned to each resident in the next couple of days.

              So off we go to look for somewhere that can take Mum. I already know of one Home she certainly will not be going to. She was only there 5 weeks and the CPN assigned her pulled her out at his second visit. Though we could not prove it there were signs she had been abused. So a Month is not nearly long enough to check that all is as it seems with some of these homes.

              Rant over, and If anyone is interested I am not giving up drinking and smoking for the New Year. Now all the Guests have gone home Mrs H is as Grumpy as Hell, and Lady Hooray is working up to Bitch Mode.

              I should change the name of this Thread to Disasters of a Handyman.

              Regards all, Handy
              Last edited by Handyman; 9 January 2013, 23:14. Reason: typo
              Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
              Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


              • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                Flippin' heck Handy, I am sorry and sending big hugs

                Got my fingers crossed they get your Mum into another home quickly xxx
                "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"


                • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                  O handy that's terrible makes me sick !!!!

                  Love to you all hun

                  And drinks n fags are allowed !!



                  • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                    Things can only get better? I certainly hope so x
                    If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow, why, oh why can't I?



                    • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                      When parents get infirm it is a criminal offence to forsake alcohol!
                      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                      • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                        Oh Handy, that's shocking. It really pisses me off when people's lives are treat as just another business asset

                        Sending you hugs x
                        Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                        • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                          I have some empathy with what you are going through Handy. However it is absolutely appalling that the directors are no doubt getting very rich at the expense of the vulnerable elderly people for whom they profess to care.

                          Currently my Dad is in hospital, and it now seems highly unlikely he will come out of there alive. In the past 9 weeks he has degenerated enormously. Mum is at home, bed bound, by herself. It's where she wants to be, and she still hopes Dad will return - after 56 years of marriage that is allowed, I think.

                          They were not rich, but they were comfortable. We are now facing the prospect of selling the house in which she wants to live to pay for her care (their care). This will not last long with bills of £1500+ per week (YES WEEK, it's not a typo).

                          It is quite appalling what happens to the elderly.

                          We have seen money stolen by her carers. We've seen her abandoned by the night time carer. We've seen Dad forced to walk around with no trousers or underpants after having an accident due to a medical condition.

                          This is our reality of care for the elderly.

                          Best of luck, my friend. There are some superb homes out there - I hope sincerely you find one.


                          • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                            Bboo Cheers mate, I now have a new project in life. Just recently I have been banging on about the misuse of the Liverpool Pathway and the financial incentives given by Government to Local Health Authorities. Now comes the time to get Vocal about the closure of Council (not for Profit) homes.

                            It's time the people of this country woke up and realised that we really are just classed as commodities.

                            Sorry to hear about your own problems. Keep a close eye on how they are treated and as usual if there is Owt the old Handyman can do to help?

                            Mother Nature Don't Draw Straight lines, We are Broken Moulds in Life's Grand Design, We look a Mess but we're doing fine,
                            Life Long Card Carrying Member Of the Union of Different Kinds.


                            • Re: Hooray Hall - Adventures of a Handyman Part 2

                              That goes both ways Handy - equally anything I can do. There is much I am exceedingly unhappy about with elderly care at present. We were fortunate just before Christmas when someone tried exactly the same thing here - a buyer was found, one of the bigger chains of home owners.

                              Sadly, my parents are a five hour drive away, and that makes things difficult. Substantial savings have been devoured in months, and the future is bleak.

                              However, it is up to us to do something - they've done their bit for us. We must act for ourselves and the next generation. What is being allowed to happen is nothing short of criminal. Here, the victims are the very ones who it is all about - the elderly.

                              There's also evidence, on a slightly different tack, that the elderly get a lower level of care in hospital than younger patients. There was a programme on TV recently about it which was engrossing.

                              Good luck in your crusade, and as I say, if I can help, shout!


                              • Re: Hooray Hall. Adventures of a Handyman pt2

                                Originally posted by Handyman View Post
                                My Doctor told me that for a Man of my age I'm a wreck.

                                He asked me Do I drink? yes.

                                Do I smoke? yes.

                                How about Sex he asked?

                                I said infrequently. Cheeky Booger asked me if that was one word or two
                                And out just as often?

                                If my doctor had asked me, "How about sex?", I'd have politely declined her request.

