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stuffthebanks' UE diary

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  • #46
    Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

    Barclays is mate

    Just terms; nothing that links it to you at all
    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


    • #47
      Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

      Status:Not in default
      Last payment:Feb 2012 £17.00 on plan.

      This one has given me a conscience..they have been ok with me,despite one or 2 hic up's.
      I have read lots of stuff on Barclaycard...they seem very persistent once you stop paying.....
      So here we go anyway......

      22/2/12....Niddy confirms account ....Terms template letter to go out on 23/2/12


      • #48
        Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

        Originally posted by Flowerpower
        A conscience? With Barclays? They ripped me off blind by signing me up for a service I never asked for or knew about and charging me £20/month for the privilege on my business current acct! Bankers have no conscience!

        Basically they haven't got your CCA, that's great news!

        Shame the balance is so low…
        I am way too soft Flower.....
        On the balance.....i guess every penny counts these days....

        Thanks for the reply...


        • #49
          Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

          Sorry to read about the bad news with MBNA and I know it's of no help, but my MBNA CC from 2006 is too, so you're not quite alone!

          I've been paying them £1 a month since last Sept when the CCA was confirmed as sound, but they've not been any hassle at all (yet) - my diary entry for them is here: allaboutFORUMS - View Single Post - DNW's UE Diary
          Last edited by DNW; 23 February 2012, 00:28.


          • #50
            Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

            Argos card

            Started: September 2001
            Balance: £1053..
            Last payment made £10.00 October 2011
            Not paying anything at all
            Status: Argos sold to Lowell's on 3/11/2011

            30/11/2011 ..Letter of sale from Argos..and Lowell introduction letter received.
            5/12/11....CCA and SAR request sent to Argos
            12/12/11...LETTER RECEIVED FROM LOWELL..we are here to help..I do not reply...
            22/12/11...CCA request received from Argos....Its an application form.... unenforceable.....
            23/12/11..Letter from Lowell...We want to help you clear your account.....I do not reply
            3/1/12...We would like to help you free up your finances...I do not reply
            13/1/12...Statement of account from Lowell....Showing a payment of £30.00 not sure where it came from....Do not reply..
            16/1/12..We can still help you....What you could face if we don't hear from you....Do not reply...
            1/2/12...Letter from Lowell's....Our next steps....this is the last time they will contact me,it will be passed on to Red next...(Surprise,surprise)Also they drone ofn about taking me to court to petition for bankruptcy....Is that a threat??????
            Its not too late to make them an offer...
            Still ignore....any thoughts???
            17/2/12..Just back from a break,and letter received from Red...threats to apply to the courts for CCJ...or if account meets certain criteria apply for a statutory demand....I wont respond..unless anyone thinks otherwise???
            18/2/12...Email sent to red with the account in dispute template.
            23/2/12..Letter from Red....Copy attached below.....any thoughts??
            Is this an acceptable response to the account in dispute template i sent them on 18/2/12??

            I dont think so personally...

            Update in purple...23/2/12



            • #51
              Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

              Originally posted by stuff the banks View Post
              MBNA CREDIT CARD

              Started 12/10/04
              Balance - £2300
              Last payment £30.00 January 2012
              Status. Not in default

              CCA received on 12/2/12...No expert,but looks unenforceable to i'm going down the UE route with this one now.

              17/2/12 ...CCA posted on secure database for Niddy to look at
              19/2/12....Thanks for looking Niddy....end of the road with this one.....
              Sadly I have an enforcable one from MBNA as well, shame you are joining me with yours
              When you have nothing you have nothing to lose


              • #52
                Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                Originally posted by Susie View Post
                Sadly I have an enforcable one from MBNA as well, shame you are joining me with yours
                Thanks Susie and DNW....we are the chosen few...


                • #53
                  Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                  Originally posted by Flowerpower
                  Lowells can pass it on to whoever they want! If you never signed an agreement then no amount of blank forms will make it enforceable.

                  Lowells are well known for buying all sorts of lemons hoping that their threats will make people pay, fortunately those of us lucky to be here know better! Discount offers are also meant to trick people into acknowledging the debt resetting the SB clock.

                  Let's see who contacts you next.
                  Thanks as always Flower......
                  I have re sent to Red, the email from 17/2/12 RE.Account in dispute...i will also send tomorrow, a duplicate copy, recorded post to Lowell's customer relations....
                  I did also mention in the email to Red that Argos have also failed to supply me with the SAR i requested at the beginning of December 2011.


                  • #54
                    Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                    Originally posted by stuff the banks View Post
                    23/2/12..Letter from Red....Copy attached below.....any thoughts??
                    Is this an acceptable response to the account in dispute template i sent them on 18/2/12??
                    I dont think so personally...
                    It isn't, but the Leeds losers are all mouth and cheap polyester trousers with a shiny backside and wonky seams, knocked out in a Chinese sweat-shop and not even up to Primark standards.

                    Other observations and musings:
                    1. Despite the impression their letter might give, HL Legal is not a firm of solicitors.
                    2. HL Legal is actually just the next desk down in the call centre
                    3. If HL Legal is their "legal department", does that imply that their other departments are illegal?
                    4. How can one have any respect for a company that seems never to have heard of (link) rhyming slang?
                    Last edited by CleverClogs (RIP); 24 February 2012, 04:24.


                    • #55
                      Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                      Originally posted by CleverClogs View Post
                      It isn't, but the Leeds losers are all mouth and cheap polyester trousers with a shiny backside and wonky seams, knocked out in a Chinese sweat-shop and not even up to Primark standards.

                      Other observations and musings:
                      1. Despite the impression their letter might give, HL Legal is not a firm of solicitors.
                      2. HL Legal is actually just the next desk down in the call centre
                      3. If HL Legal is their "legal department", does that imply that their other departments are illegal?
                      4. How can one have any respect for a company that seems never to have heard of (link) rhyming slang?
                      Thanks CC...wit and facts....made my Friday morning start with a smile...cheers mate....


                      • #56
                        Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                        Originally posted by stuff the banks View Post
                        Thanks as always Flower......
                        I have re sent to Red, the email from 17/2/12 RE.Account in dispute...i will also send tomorrow, a duplicate copy, recorded post to Lowell's customer relations....
                        I did also mention in the email to Red that Argos have also failed to supply me with the SAR i requested at the beginning of December 2011.
                        Try and get out of this email habit - snail mail is good - anything else is bad

                        Why are you sending things to Red? No need. And why duplicate Lowells into things? Just leave things as they are, save your postage and ink costs and chase whomever you requested the info from so if the OC has not complied with SAR then you complain to the ICO (after 40 days).

                        Why are you conversing with Red, who is Red for that matter and would you ever consider writing to them when Lowell are dealing with this? Only if Lowell have assigned the debt do you go to the new owner, but Red is not a new DCA is it - it's part of the Leeds Losers

                        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                        • #57
                          Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                          Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                          Try and get out of this email habit - snail mail is good - anything else is bad

                          Why are you sending things to Red? No need. And why duplicate Lowells into things? Just leave things as they are, save your postage and ink costs and chase whomever you requested the info from so if the OC has not complied with SAR then you complain to the ICO (after 40 days).

                          Why are you conversing with Red, who is Red for that matter and would you ever consider writing to them when Lowell are dealing with this? Only if Lowell have assigned the debt do you go to the new owner, but Red is not a new DCA is it - it's part of the Leeds Losers

                          A Niddy spanking...the CC fine witty post,followed by the Niddy smackdown.....Oh my......
                          I send by email sometimes Nid because i know they will get it,and i have a definite record of it being sent,without the postage expense of snail mail...
                          My follow up letter is actually to Lowell's complaints dept.
                          I have never responded to them before...just thought it appropriate that the 1st communication was as a complaint...

                          On the SAR front...i left it alone on your advice.....but if you are now updating that with my need to contact the ICO,then i can do that over the weekend no problem..

                          On the whole Lowell/Red/Hamptons....i am aware of the tactics these people try, i have read loads of posts on them....i sometimes have to step back and realise my way of response is not always the best long term approach......but through you guys on here i am learning.....s-l-o-w-l-y.........
                          Thanks for the wake up call Niddy...


                          • #58
                            Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                            Originally posted by stuff the banks View Post
                            I send by email sometimes Nid because i know they will get it,and i have a definite record of it being sent,without the postage expense of snail mail...
                            Hello Stuffy!

                            I can see the logic re. emails. However, receiving emails is still quite a hassle; a bit like phone calls -- interrupting your day (possibly multiple times) and making you jump through their hoops in a way. Receiving a maximum of one postal delivery in any given day is a lot more manageable in that regard.

                            Also -- if things ever did get nasty, re. court etc. or if you'd need the help of solicitors, sifting through evidence of correspondence via email and printing them out could get really messy, and hard to follow, particularly re. long threads back and forth, copying replies of replies of replies of replies each time! Some emails might also slip through the sifting process. A physical file of letters sent and letters received by Royal Mail though is a lot easier to deal with, despite the expense of recorded delivery. Everything is there, instantly, literally at your fingertips. I know it's just 10p less, but unless a letter is urgent, I send them 2nd class recorded. It's not much, £1.13 vs. £1.23, but it's still Buy 12, Get One Free!

                            Not to knock your logic of sending emails, but these are just some of my (newbie) thoughts!


                            • #59
                              Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                              Originally posted by Pip View Post
                              Hello Stuffy!

                              I can see the logic re. emails. However, receiving emails is still quite a hassle; a bit like phone calls -- interrupting your day (possibly multiple times) and making you jump through their hoops in a way. Receiving a maximum of one postal delivery in any given day is a lot more manageable in that regard.

                              Also -- if things ever did get nasty, re. court etc. or if you'd need the help of solicitors, sifting through evidence of correspondence via email and printing them out could get really messy, and hard to follow, particularly re. long threads back and forth, copying replies of replies of replies of replies each time! Some emails might also slip through the sifting process. A physical file of letters sent and letters received by Royal Mail though is a lot easier to deal with, despite the expense of recorded delivery. Everything is there, instantly, literally at your fingertips. I know it's just 10p less, but unless a letter is urgent, I send them 2nd class recorded. It's not much, £1.13 vs. £1.23, but it's still Buy 12, Get One Free!

                              Not to knock your logic of sending emails, but these are just some of my (newbie) thoughts!

                              Hello Pip...i like the Stuffy nickname......
                              Thanks for taking time to reply.......
                              I see where you and Nids are coming from with the emails.....but i had a cunning plan all along......i have used an old email address i only ever use for sending out rubbish,and to people i dont like....
                              Up to now i have never ever recieved a reply from any of my creditors.....but thats ok...they usually waste there money replying by snail mail......

                              To be honest Pip, inever really thought about using 2nd class recorded delivery, and i never realised you could do it so i thank you for that info.....i shall do that in future........


                              • #60
                                Re: Stuff the banks ue diary

                                Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                                Try and get out of this email habit - snail mail is good - anything else is bad
                                On the other hand, it is rather more difficult to send a computer virus or trojan program (accidentally!) by snail mail.

                                Snail mail is better, though:
                                1. it will provide a better audit trail.
                                2. it may help to keep the Royal Mail in business

                                Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt
                                Why are you conversing with Red, who is Red for that matter and would you ever consider writing to them when Lowell are dealing with this? Only if Lowell have assigned the debt do you go to the new owner, but Red is not a new DCA is it - it's part of the Leeds Losers
                                Would you concur that Lowells, Red and "HL Legal" are all a lot of useless Hamptons?

