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StressHead's UE Diary

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  • Re: EGG Loan

    Originally posted by StressHead View Post
    Should I respond to these latest letters??
    I wouldn't..........

    Originally posted by StressHead View Post
    Any response required to last contact from Midas?
    I would send this----> Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation
    Originally posted by StressHead View Post
    GULP! What should I do next?
    I would send this if it were me--->Final Response - Unenforceable (CCA Received)
    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


    • Re: BARCLAYCARD Credit Card

      Happy New Year everyone!
      Do I need to respond to this?

      Originally posted by StressHead View Post
      Date commenced: June 2000
      Approx balance: £7,495.70 (updated 01/08/11)
      Date last paid in full: ?
      Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
      Status: No default issued. Barclaycard doesn’t even show on Credit Expert. Apex Credit Management is showing the account as Satisfactory.
      Account Owner: Was sold to Apex Credit Management in Jan 2011.

      13 MAY 2010: Letter from DMP Company to Barclaycard requesting CCA. No response received.
      21 JAN 2011: Letter to me from Barclaycard saying that they have sold the debt to Apex Credit Management. It says ‘this letter is formal notice of the assignment of the debt and the closure of your account with Barclaycard’.
      21 JAN 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have bought to debt from Barclaycard.
      9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Apex.
      14 FEB 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have requested the CCA from Barclaycard.
      1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no further response.
      25 MARCH 2011: Letter from Apex stating that CCA and T's&C's are enclosed. Still waiting for SOA, will be sent as soon as received.
      4 APRIL 2011: Niddy says as only terms were sent and no agreement.
      4 APRIL 2011: CCA Query - T's&C's Supplied letter sent to Apex.
      1 JUNE 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Niddy says to ignore.
      1 AUGUST 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Have been receiving 1-3 calls a day from APEX for the last couple of weeks.
      1 SEPT 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      3 NOV 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      1 JAN 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      1 FEB 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      3 MAR 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      1 SEPT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      9 SEPT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      1 OCT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
      23 OCT 2012: Letter from Apex for 'Notice of Sums in Arrears'.
      23 NOV 2012: Letter from Apex for 'Notice of Sums in Arrears'.
      21 DEC 2012: Letter from Apex 'Default Notice served in accordance with Section 87 (1) of the CCA 1974'.
      Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
      May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
      Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


      • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

        just file it away in your excellent filing system

        Happy New Year!


        • Re: MBNA Credit Card

          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
          Date commenced: Sept 2006
          Approx balance: £10,570
          Date last paid in full: ?
          Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
          Status: Defaulted Aug 2008. Default Notice received from Arrow Global Oct 2008.
          Account Owner: According to DMP, account is with MBNA. Credit Expert says it’s with Arrow Global. Last letter I received was from Fredrickson International in Oct 2008.

          15 JUNE 2010: Letter to DMP Company from MBNA stating that ‘accordingly the credit agreement and current terms and conditions were sent to you’. No CCA or T’s&C’s were received by DMP Company.
          8 FEB 2011: Letter to me from Arrow Global asking me to send proof of new address. Letter received on 11/02/11. I moved in Aug 2009.
          9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Fredrickson International.
          1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no response. Have I sent the request to the right company? Have checked the recorded delivery code and it says that it’s still being processed through the Royal Mail system.
          4 APRIL 2011: Letter still hasn't been delivered and PO hasn't been cashed. Letter requesting CCA sent again to Fredrickson International.
          31 MAY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Arrow Global hold the legal rights of this account and until further notice, all correspondence should be directed to us. We do not accept that we are the creditor as envisaged by the above statute. However, we are willing to assist in obtaining the CCA. We will now process your request from the creditor and will revert in due course. We confirm that all collection activity will be suspended pending provision of the documents'. Amount owing as stated on this letter is £10,201.08.
          JUNE 2011: Niddy says to just wait.
          27 JULY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Thank you for your recent communication in which you informed us of a different address. We are required to verify... provide us with 2 of the following...'. Presume they're referring to letter on 04/04/11. Still haven't had any further communication from them regarding their letter on 31/05/11.
          1 APRIL 2011: Checked my Experian credit report and this debt is showing but they've never got back to me.
          29 SEPT 2012: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. Possible litigation letter.
          27 OCT 2012: Letter from Midas Credit Services (part of Moorcroft) - Litigation warning.
          2 JAN 2013: Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation letter sent to Moorcroft.
          7 JAN 2013: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. 'in reference to your letter... we are no longer dealing with this account. For the avoidance of doubt you should resubmit your request to the client'. Should I send the letter directly to MBNA?
          What do you think?
          Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
          May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
          Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


          • Re: MBNA Credit Card

            Originally posted by StressHead View Post
            Date commenced: Sept 2006
            Approx balance: £10,570
            Date last paid in full: ?
            Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
            Status: Defaulted Aug 2008. Default Notice received from Arrow Global Oct 2008.
            Account Owner: According to DMP, account is with MBNA. Credit Expert says it’s with Arrow Global. Last letter I received was from Fredrickson International in Oct 2008.

            15 JUNE 2010: Letter to DMP Company from MBNA stating that ‘accordingly the credit agreement and current terms and conditions were sent to you’. No CCA or T’s&C’s were received by DMP Company.
            8 FEB 2011: Letter to me from Arrow Global asking me to send proof of new address. Letter received on 11/02/11. I moved in Aug 2009.
            9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Fredrickson International.
            1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no response. Have I sent the request to the right company? Have checked the recorded delivery code and it says that it’s still being processed through the Royal Mail system.
            4 APRIL 2011: Letter still hasn't been delivered and PO hasn't been cashed. Letter requesting CCA sent again to Fredrickson International.
            31 MAY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Arrow Global hold the legal rights of this account and until further notice, all correspondence should be directed to us. We do not accept that we are the creditor as envisaged by the above statute. However, we are willing to assist in obtaining the CCA. We will now process your request from the creditor and will revert in due course. We confirm that all collection activity will be suspended pending provision of the documents'. Amount owing as stated on this letter is £10,201.08.
            JUNE 2011: Niddy says to just wait.
            27 JULY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Thank you for your recent communication in which you informed us of a different address. We are required to verify... provide us with 2 of the following...'. Presume they're referring to letter on 04/04/11. Still haven't had any further communication from them regarding their letter on 31/05/11.
            1 APRIL 2011: Checked my Experian credit report and this debt is showing but they've never got back to me.
            29 SEPT 2012: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. Possible litigation letter.
            27 OCT 2012: Letter from Midas Credit Services (part of Moorcroft) - Litigation warning.
            2 JAN 2013: Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation letter sent to Moorcroft.
            7 JAN 2013: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. 'in reference to your letter... we are no longer dealing with this account. For the avoidance of doubt you should resubmit your request to the client'.
            17 JAN 2013: Letter from Scotcall, on behalf of creditor Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd. Impending Debt Collection Visit Letter.
            22 JAN 2013: Phonecall to my work mobile from Scotcall. Told them to write to me and not to call my work mobile phone again. I don't know how they would have got this number as I don't give it to anyone debt related.
            Just realised that the letter from Scotcall is to do with this debt as well... any advice on where to go from here?
            Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
            May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
            Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


            • Re: MBNA Credit Card

              Originally posted by StressHead View Post
              Just realised that the letter from Scotcall is to do with this debt as well... any advice on where to go from here?
              I'd send this if it were me----> Account Sold whilst in Dispute
              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


              • Re: MBNA Credit Card

                Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                Just realised that the letter from Scotcall is to do with this debt as well... any advice on where to go from here?
                Hi Stresshead

                Just another thought and being mischievous.....

                May be worth a complaint to MBNA and the OFT as they are in breach of the following section in the guidelines on OFT Debt Collection guidelines:

                Physical/psychological harassment
                • 3.6 Putting undue pressure on debtors or relevant third parties27 (for example, appointed representatives) is considered to be oppressive and an unfair or improper practice.

                • 3.7 Examples of unfair or improper practices are as follows:
                  • contacting debtors at unreasonable times and/or at unreasonable intervals
                  • pressurising debtors to raise funds by selling their property or by taking on further borrowing (including extending their existing borrowing)
                  • multiple businesses seeking to recover the same debt at the same time, resulting in repetitive and/or frequent contact with the debtor (or his representative) by different parties

                I think its fair to say that you have been subjected to psychological harassment due to multiple businesses seeking to recover the above debt at the same time.

                I would consider writing a letter of complaint referring to the above section, more just to also demonstrate that you know what they should/shouldn't be doing. Its likely that they won't uphold the complaint, but should it ever (read unlikely) get to court, I think it would be good to establish a pattern of harassment.

                "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

                The consumer is that sleeping giant.!!

                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                • Re: BARCLAYCARD Credit Card

                  Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                  Date commenced: June 2000
                  Approx balance: £7,495.70 (updated 01/08/11)
                  Date last paid in full: ?
                  Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                  Status: No default issued. Barclaycard doesn’t even show on Credit Expert. Apex Credit Management is showing the account as Satisfactory.
                  Account Owner: Was sold to Apex Credit Management in Jan 2011.

                  13 MAY 2010: Letter from DMP Company to Barclaycard requesting CCA. No response received.
                  21 JAN 2011: Letter to me from Barclaycard saying that they have sold the debt to Apex Credit Management. It says ‘this letter is formal notice of the assignment of the debt and the closure of your account with Barclaycard’.
                  21 JAN 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have bought to debt from Barclaycard.
                  9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Apex.
                  14 FEB 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they have requested the CCA from Barclaycard.
                  1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no further response.
                  25 MARCH 2011: Letter from Apex stating that CCA and T's&C's are enclosed. Still waiting for SOA, will be sent as soon as received.
                  4 APRIL 2011: Niddy says as only terms were sent and no agreement.
                  4 APRIL 2011: CCA Query - T's&C's Supplied letter sent to Apex.
                  1 JUNE 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Niddy says to ignore.
                  1 AUGUST 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. Have been receiving 1-3 calls a day from APEX for the last couple of weeks.
                  1 SEPT 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  3 NOV 2011: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  1 JAN 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  1 FEB 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  3 MAR 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  1 SEPT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  9 SEPT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  1 OCT 2012: Letter from Apex saying that they haven't received any minimum payments from me and they want me to pay them £29.30/month. No calls recently.
                  23 OCT 2012: Letter from Apex for 'Notice of Sums in Arrears'.
                  23 NOV 2012: Letter from Apex for 'Notice of Sums in Arrears'.
                  21 DEC 2012: Letter from Apex 'Default Notice served in accordance with Section 87 (1) of the CCA 1974'. Advised to ignore.
                  16 JAN 2013: Letter from Apex 'Your agreement is terminated'.
                  Do I need to do anything here or just leave it for now? Thanks as always
                  Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                  May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                  Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                  • Re: BARCLAYCARD Credit Card

                    Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                    Do I need to do anything here or just leave it for now? Thanks as always
                    Nothing ....see what they send next.
                    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                    • Re: MBNA Credit Card

                      Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                      Date commenced: Sept 2006
                      Approx balance: £10,570
                      Date last paid in full: ?
                      Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                      Status: Defaulted Aug 2008. Default Notice received from Arrow Global Oct 2008.
                      Account Owner: According to DMP, account is with MBNA. Credit Expert says it’s with Arrow Global. Last letter I received was from Fredrickson International in Oct 2008.

                      15 JUNE 2010: Letter to DMP Company from MBNA stating that ‘accordingly the credit agreement and current terms and conditions were sent to you’. No CCA or T’s&C’s were received by DMP Company.
                      8 FEB 2011: Letter to me from Arrow Global asking me to send proof of new address. Letter received on 11/02/11. I moved in Aug 2009.
                      9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Fredrickson International.
                      1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no response. Have I sent the request to the right company? Have checked the recorded delivery code and it says that it’s still being processed through the Royal Mail system.
                      4 APRIL 2011: Letter still hasn't been delivered and PO hasn't been cashed. Letter requesting CCA sent again to Fredrickson International.
                      31 MAY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Arrow Global hold the legal rights of this account and until further notice, all correspondence should be directed to us. We do not accept that we are the creditor as envisaged by the above statute. However, we are willing to assist in obtaining the CCA. We will now process your request from the creditor and will revert in due course. We confirm that all collection activity will be suspended pending provision of the documents'. Amount owing as stated on this letter is £10,201.08.
                      JUNE 2011: Niddy says to just wait.
                      27 JULY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Thank you for your recent communication in which you informed us of a different address. We are required to verify... provide us with 2 of the following...'. Presume they're referring to letter on 04/04/11. Still haven't had any further communication from them regarding their letter on 31/05/11.
                      1 APRIL 2011: Checked my Experian credit report and this debt is showing but they've never got back to me.
                      29 SEPT 2012: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. Possible litigation letter.
                      27 OCT 2012: Letter from Midas Credit Services (part of Moorcroft) - Litigation warning.
                      2 JAN 2013: Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation letter sent to Moorcroft.
                      7 JAN 2013: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. 'in reference to your letter... we are no longer dealing with this account. For the avoidance of doubt you should resubmit your request to the client'.
                      17 JAN 2013: Letter from Scotcall, on behalf of creditor Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd. Impending Debt Collection Visit Letter.
                      22 JAN 2013: Phonecall to my work mobile from Scotcall. Told them to write to me and not to call my work mobile phone again. I don't know how they would have got this number as I don't give it to anyone debt related.
                      24 JAN 2013: Text to my work mobile from Scotcall.
                      24 JAN 2013: Account sold whilst in dispute letter sent to Scotcall.
                      FEB 2013: Envelope with copy of a CCA in and a Scotcall compliments slip.
                      I'll send Niddy a copy of the CCA - very random that it didn't even come with a letter? And they haven't even acknowledged my letter from 24/01/13?
                      Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                      May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                      Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                      • Re: StressHead's UE Diary


                        you're expecting civility and efficiency?
                        from a DCA?


                        send it off to Nids and see what he says


                        • Re: MBNA Credit Card

                          Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                          Date commenced: Sept 2006
                          Approx balance: £10,570
                          Date last paid in full: ?
                          Other info: Partial payment paid by DMP, last one in Feb 2011. No payments being made now.
                          Status: Defaulted Aug 2008. Default Notice received from Arrow Global Oct 2008.
                          Account Owner: According to DMP, account is with MBNA. Credit Expert says it’s with Arrow Global. Last letter I received was from Fredrickson International in Oct 2008.

                          15 JUNE 2010: Letter to DMP Company from MBNA stating that ‘accordingly the credit agreement and current terms and conditions were sent to you’. No CCA or T’s&C’s were received by DMP Company.
                          8 FEB 2011: Letter to me from Arrow Global asking me to send proof of new address. Letter received on 11/02/11. I moved in Aug 2009.
                          9 FEB 2011: First letter requesting CCA sent to Fredrickson International.
                          1 MARCH 2011: End of 14 working days and no response. Have I sent the request to the right company? Have checked the recorded delivery code and it says that it’s still being processed through the Royal Mail system.
                          4 APRIL 2011: Letter still hasn't been delivered and PO hasn't been cashed. Letter requesting CCA sent again to Fredrickson International.
                          31 MAY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Arrow Global hold the legal rights of this account and until further notice, all correspondence should be directed to us. We do not accept that we are the creditor as envisaged by the above statute. However, we are willing to assist in obtaining the CCA. We will now process your request from the creditor and will revert in due course. We confirm that all collection activity will be suspended pending provision of the documents'. Amount owing as stated on this letter is £10,201.08.
                          JUNE 2011: Niddy says to just wait.
                          27 JULY 2011: Letter from Arrow Global 'Thank you for your recent communication in which you informed us of a different address. We are required to verify... provide us with 2 of the following...'. Presume they're referring to letter on 04/04/11. Still haven't had any further communication from them regarding their letter on 31/05/11.
                          1 APRIL 2011: Checked my Experian credit report and this debt is showing but they've never got back to me.
                          29 SEPT 2012: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. Possible litigation letter.
                          27 OCT 2012: Letter from Midas Credit Services (part of Moorcroft) - Litigation warning.
                          2 JAN 2013: Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation letter sent to Moorcroft.
                          7 JAN 2013: Letter from Moorcroft Debt. 'in reference to your letter... we are no longer dealing with this account. For the avoidance of doubt you should resubmit your request to the client'.
                          17 JAN 2013: Letter from Scotcall, on behalf of creditor Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd. Impending Debt Collection Visit Letter.
                          22 JAN 2013: Phonecall to my work mobile from Scotcall. Told them to write to me and not to call my work mobile phone again. I don't know how they would have got this number as I don't give it to anyone debt related.
                          24 JAN 2013: Text to my work mobile from Scotcall.
                          25 JAN 2013: Account sold whilst in dispute letter sent to Scotcall.
                          FEB 2013: Envelope with copy of a CCA in and a Scotcall compliments slip.
                          7 MAR 2013: Letter from Arrow Global 'Thank you for your letter dated 25/02/13. Having reviewed your comments we understand that you request documentation pursuant to the CCA 1974. We are keen to resolve your query however your address has changed blah blah blah...'.
                          12 APR 2013: Letter from Arrow Global 'We contacted you recently in regard to the new address you have provided and are awaiting proof before we can address your enquiry. Blah blah blah...'.
                          Apparently I can call them to confirm new address so we can start the ball rolling with the 'Account sold while in dispute' response from them. Shall I call them?
                          Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                          May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                          Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                          • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                            Any developments ?
                            if you do it today and you like it you can always do it again tomorrow

                            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                            • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                              Hi Nanna,

                              Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you - I've just checked my Experian report for the first time in 2.5yrs and it seems that things are much better - I have a score of 752!!! (FAIR) This is amazing although I obviously have a way to go.

                              I've just read my first post on here and I remember that there were days back then when I really thought that there was only 1 way out, the stress, the heart palpitations - it was all so dark for me and I didn't know where to turn.

                              With all AAD's advice and support, I managed to see the light after such a long time and my, how things have changed for me.
                              Two and a half years ago, I put a deposit down on a house (all in my other half's name due to my bad credit rating).
                              We then got engaged in 2013, married last year and I'm now expecting our first child.
                              I write this thinking that maybe someone will read this who is where I was financially/ mentally 4 years ago and hope that this shows them that things do get better... especially when you start to face up to it and deal with it.
                              It's not easy and it's a long journey but there has never been a better today to start the ball rolling.

                              Stresshead xx
                              Debt as of Feb 2011 - £69,121 (and ever increasing due to charges/interest) across 6 credit cards, 2 loans and an overdraft.
                              May 2011 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987. Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.
                              Jan 2012 - In limbo £10,570. Enforceable £8,987 (all settled or paid off apart from £1,600). Unenforceable £33,885. Written off £15,679.


                              • Re: StressHead's UE Diary

                                Originally posted by StressHead View Post
                                I've just read my first post on here and I remember that there were days back then when I really thought that there was only 1 way out, the stress, the heart palpitations - it was all so dark for me and I didn't know where to turn.

                                . . . how things have changed for me.

                                We then got engaged in 2013, married last year and I'm now expecting our first child.
                                What a lovely ending to your debt story and beginning to your new life.

                                It gives hope and inspiration to all newbies who arrive on the forum in bits (like me in 2011).

                                Congratulations on starting a family

                                Plan B x

