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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post
    Name Virgin
    Type of Account Credit Card
    Date Commenced March 2017
    Date Defaulted June 2019
    Approx Balance £10,000
    Account Owner Cabot
    Arrangement/Not paying Not paying
    Last Date paid March 2021
    1. Early Feb - CCA Request sent to Cabot
    2. 26 Feb 21 - Response from Cabot - Need 12 days
    3. 11 Mar 21 - Response from Cabot - Still Processing (Account unenforceable)
    4. 07 May 21 - I made a F&F offer of £400
    5. 14 May 21 - Offer Rejected and counter made of £8k
    6. 21 Jun 21 - Letter received from Cabot - "We haven't been able to obtain the information you requested from the original lender. If this information becomes available to us later, we'll complete your request and send you the relevant information. Until we can supply this, your account is unenforceable".

    Hi everyone. Would you recommend making my F&F offer again? Thanks


    • #32
      Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post
      Name Halifax
      Type of Account Credit Card
      Date Commenced January 2016
      Date Defaulted January 2019
      Approx Balance £6,500
      Account Owner Halifax/Wescot
      Arrangement/Not paying Arrangement in Place
      Last Date paid May 2021
      1. Payment plan agreed with Westcot and ongoing
      2. I was of the opinion that sending a CCA request for a debt not sold on would be fruitless, but Di suggest to do so anyway. To be sent this week
      3. 15 June 2021 - CCA request sent
      4. Response from Wescot - "We refer to your recent communication requesting a copy of the credit agreement. This request has been noted and we will be in touch in due course. We can confirm the account has been placed on hold while we look into your request".
      Hi everyone. Whilst this account is "on hold" with Wescot, should I still keep up the payment arrangement, or stop it whilst they investigate? Thanks!


      • #33
        Whilst your CCA S.78 (plus £1) is outstanding these debts are NOT ENFORCIBLE in Law.
        You don't need to advise Cabot or Wescot because they know this.
        It also means the 6 year Statute Bar Clock is now running for you! Provided you do not write/pay or engage in correspondence which might restart the SBC clock!
        Thats by Letter/Txt/Email/Phone.

        Sit on your Hands and put whatever monies you have in a savings POT and stop payments.
        Wait and see what they write or do next and refer back to AAD


        • #34
          Originally posted by Roger View Post
          Whilst your CCA S.78 (plus £1) is outstanding these debts are NOT ENFORCIBLE in Law.
          You don't need to advise Cabot or Wescot because they know this.
          It also means the 6 year Statute Bar Clock is now running for you! Provided you do not write/pay or engage in correspondence which might restart the SBC clock!
          Thats by Letter/Txt/Email/Phone.

          Sit on your Hands and put whatever monies you have in a savings POT and stop payments.
          Wait and see what they write or do next and refer back to AAD
          Thanks, Roger.

          Sound advice. I will stop the DD for Wescot and transfer the funds to savings whilst I wait for the CCA. I haven't paid the Cabot/PRA unenforceable debts now for almost four months, and they are pretty quiet.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post

            Thanks, Roger.

            Sound advice. I will stop the DD for Wescot and transfer the funds to savings whilst I wait for the CCA. I haven't paid the Cabot/PRA unenforceable debts now for almost four months, and they are pretty quiet.
            They won't remain quiet! But start building up that POT! You are taking control here! Well Done!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post
              Name Shawbrook
              Type of Account Loan
              Date Commenced July 2018
              Date Defaulted May 2019
              Approx Balance £23,000
              Account Owner Cabot
              Arrangement/Not paying Not paying
              Last Date paid March 2021
              1. Early Feb - CCA Request sent to Cabot
              2. 26 Feb 21 - Response from Cabot - Need 12 days
              3. 11 Mar 21 - Response from Cabot - Still Processing (Account unenforceable)
              4. 07 May 21 - I made a F&F offer of £600
              5. 14 May 21 - Offer Rejected and counter made of £18k
              6. 24 Jun 21 - Received a wad of papers from Cabot and a letter saying that they now consider the account enforceable and that they are now entitled to obtain a CCJ against me. Sent to Webmaster for UE check

              Morning Ruined
              Cabot have sent to me what seems to be all the relevant information and documentation. Sent to Niddy for review.


              • #37
                Could be deemed to be UE. Plus, as Di says, there are may other components to a successful claim by a DCA. Need your poker face on.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post

                  Cabot have sent to me what seems to be all the relevant information and documentation. Sent to Niddy for review.

                  There's more to enforceability than just the credit agreement so wait to see what Niddy says but you should look at this debt in a 'holistic' way so things can be put in context.

                  What was the purpose of this loan, such as consolidation or business etc?

                  Did you apply for the loan direct to Shawbrook or was it arranged through a broker or intermediary of some sort?

                  Which Cabot is currently the owner e.g. Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd or another 'Cabot' ?



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post
                    Name Shawbrook
                    Type of Account Loan
                    Date Commenced July 2018
                    Date Defaulted May 2019
                    Approx Balance £23,000
                    Account Owner Cabot
                    Arrangement/Not paying Not paying
                    Last Date paid March 2021
                    1. Early Feb - CCA Request sent to Cabot
                    2. 26 Feb 21 - Response from Cabot - Need 12 days
                    3. 11 Mar 21 - Response from Cabot - Still Processing (Account unenforceable)
                    4. 07 May 21 - I made a F&F offer of £600
                    5. 14 May 21 - Offer Rejected and counter made of £18k
                    6. 24 Jun 21 - Received a wad of papers from Cabot and a letter saying that they now consider the account enforceable and that they are now entitled to obtain a CCJ against me. Sent to Webmaster for UE check
                    7. Niddy has reviewed the documentation and considers it to be enforceable

                    Bad news. Considered to be enforceable by Niddy. I'm now considering my next move. What is the best path to take? Do I make a payment arrangement now, or hold out for a bit? I'm a bit lost on this one. Thanks


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by PlanB View Post

                      There's more to enforceability than just the credit agreement so wait to see what Niddy says but you should look at this debt in a 'holistic' way so things can be put in context.

                      What was the purpose of this loan, such as consolidation or business etc?

                      Did you apply for the loan direct to Shawbrook or was it arranged through a broker or intermediary of some sort?

                      Which Cabot is currently the owner e.g. Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd or another 'Cabot' ?


                      Hi Di, and thanks for your swift answer.

                      AS you will have seen from my last post, Niddy considers this debt to be enforceable. So I'm now looking for my next move....

                      To answer your questions:

                      - It was a debt consolidation loan. This was my last attempt to avoid going under and defaulting on all my other loans/cards. Obviously, in hindsight, taking out a massive loan to pay other loans was madness.

                      - I made the application direct to Shawbrook

                      - The letter is headed up Cabot Financial (Europe) Ltd.... And it says at the bottom that "Cabot Financial (Europe) Limited is an Appointed Representative of Cabot Credit Management Group which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm reference number 677910"


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post
                        It was a debt consolidation loan. This was my last attempt to avoid going under and defaulting on all my other loans/cards. Obviously, in hindsight, taking out a massive loan to pay other loans was madness.

                        - I made the application direct to Shawbrook

                        Taking out a massive loan when you were financially challenged may have been the lender's responsibility too, not just your 'madness'. This issue is known are "unaffordable Lending" which is explained here on the FOS website >

                        I can see from your debt history that you took out the loan in July 2018 and you had defaulted on it by May 2019 only ten months later which suggests it may not have been manageable. Were you in full employment when you took out the loan and/or was your inability to keep up the payments due to a sudden income loss such as redundancy etc?

                        Was paying off your other existing debts a condition of the loan at inception or weren't they (Shawbrook) aware of your financial situation because they didn't ask you at the time?

                        Did you have any Defaults registered on your CRA files when the application was made?

                        I'll probably suggest you send a Subject Access Request (GDPR) to Shawbrook in case that sheds any light on the history. And there might also be something interesting in the Communications Log about their interaction with Cabot. Don't do that until things become clearer.

                        Don't lose heart just yet - explore all avenues first



                        • #42
                          Shawcross and a consolidation of various and different Cards/Loans and Shawcross knew this and where aware the previous Debts?
                          And it was Shawcross that offered this UNSECURED Loan?

                          1/ A SAR to Shawcross would make sense at this moment!

                          2/ Also you need to dig out the details on those old debts!

                          3/ The AAD response to a CCA S.78 documents being sent is do nothing! Sit on your Hands and report back here whatever Cabot's next move is!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by PlanB View Post

                            Taking out a massive loan when you were financially challenged may have been the lender's responsibility too, not just your 'madness'. This issue is known are "unaffordable Lending" which is explained here on the FOS website >

                            I can see from your debt history that you took out the loan in July 2018 and you had defaulted on it by May 2019 only ten months later which suggests it may not have been manageable. Were you in full employment when you took out the loan and/or was your inability to keep up the payments due to a sudden income loss such as redundancy etc?

                            Was paying off your other existing debts a condition of the loan at inception or weren't they (Shawbrook) aware of your financial situation because they didn't ask you at the time?

                            Did you have any Defaults registered on your CRA files when the application was made?

                            I'll probably suggest you send a Subject Access Request (GDPR) to Shawbrook in case that sheds any light on the history. And there might also be something interesting in the Communications Log about their interaction with Cabot. Don't do that until things become clearer.

                            Don't lose heart just yet - explore all avenues first


                            Thanks again, Di...

                            The debt was certainly unaffordable but the lender did not know this and (to my memory) did not assess my income and expenditure during the application process (and paying off existing debts was not a condition). I was in full time employment when I took out the loan, but our household income was lower due to my partner being on maternity leave.

                            No defaults registered when the application was made.

                            So, do you suggest sending the SAR now, or waiting for a bit?



                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Roger View Post
                              Shawcross and a consolidation of various and different Cards/Loans and Shawcross knew this and where aware the previous Debts?
                              And it was Shawcross that offered this UNSECURED Loan?

                              1/ A SAR to Shawcross would make sense at this moment!

                              2/ Also you need to dig out the details on those old debts!

                              3/ The AAD response to a CCA S.78 documents being sent is do nothing! Sit on your Hands and report back here whatever Cabot's next move is!

                              Thanks, Roger.

                              What could the SAR unearth? I'm not familiar with this type of request.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Tommy_the_cat View Post
                                Thanks, Roger.
                                What could the SAR unearth? I'm not familiar with this type of request.
                                Di tells you the reason here
                                I'll probably suggest you send a Subject Access Request (GDPR) to Shawbrook in case that sheds any light on the history. And there might also be something interesting in the Communications Log about their interaction with Cabot. Don't do that until things become clearer.
                                No two debt Cases are the same!

                                Di has raised perfectly sensible and reasonable thoughts and questions about how this debt came into existence.

                                I explain there is cap to the amount covered by the Consumer Credit Act. This is on the face of it a £25,000 Unsecured Loan.
                                This raises perfectly reasonable questions that are perhaps more applicable to Shawbrook than to you.

                                We daily see banking scams.
                                These are not a new feature and Banks are bound by checks and constraints in their relationship to both customers(you) and the banking regulators.
                                £25,000 on a Unsecured Debt is not something you would expect to be agreed without proper and reasonable checks and constraints.

