Name | Tesco |
Type of Account | Credit Card |
Date Commenced | July 2005 |
Date Defaulted | December 2018 |
Approx Balance | £8,500 |
Account Owner | Intrum |
Arrangement/Not paying | Not paying |
Last Date paid | May 2021 |
2. 09 Mar 21 - Response from Intrum with a stack of papers, including the credit agreement
3. Send to Niddy for review - Considers it to be unenforceable
4. 14 Jun 21 - DD cancelled
5. 24 Jun 21 - Letter received from Intrum. "Please get in touch to talk about your outstanding balance....". Ignored.
6. 16 Jul 21 - Letter received from Intrum. "We may take legal action if you don't get in touch....." Ignored
7. 26 Jul 21 - Letter received from Intrum. "We're thinking of taking you to court. We don't want to. But, if you don't get in touch soon, we'll pass your account to our legal team. They'll consider applying for a CCJ, which could make it harder for you to borrow money in the future. They may also add court fees of £410 and solicitors costs of £100 to your balance....... Get in touch in the next 10 days...."
8. 06 Aug 21 - Letter received from Intrum. "Would you like a discount? We want to help you pay tour debt without taking you to court..... So, if you get in touch within 10 days We'll give you a discount on the amount you owe....."
9. 13 Aug 21 - Letter received from Intrum. "We're getting ready for legal action. We're planning to hand your account over to our legal team on 19/08/21. They may apply for a CCJ to demand you repay the money by a certain date....... We'd like to help you..... If you get in touch before 19/08/21, we'll try to work out a repayment plan that helps you avoid legal action".
10. 17 Aug 21 - Letter received from Intrum. "Introducing our legal team. We're now in charge of getting a CCJ issued against you, to demand you pay the money back.... Get in touch within 10 days or we'll pass your account to our solicitors... They'll write to you explaining what you owe and giving you a last chance to pay. If you don't pay, they may apply for a CCJ.... We can still help.... Call us on.... "
11. 10 Sep 21 - Letter received from Lester Aldridge. LETTER OF CLAIM.
12. 22 Feb 22 - Letter received from Lester Aldridge. "In the event you fail to make payment of the outstanding sum with 14 days, we may be instructed by our client to issue court proceedings for £x,xxx together with a claim for court fees. If you allow court proceedings to be commenced, our client may obtain judgement against you..."
13. 09 Mar 22 - County Court Claim letter received. Email sent to Colin of JCS
14. 27 Sep 22 - Lester Aldridge/Intrum decided to discontinue (Court date was set for 07 October)