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Night Monkey's diary

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  • The Tech Clerk
    THEY would never commit themselves.

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  • Joanna Connolly Solicitors
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post

    Today received sn unexpected cheque for £50 to "compensate for quality of service received from Collections and/or Recoveries which did not meet that standard that we would expect".

    I've noticed a few of these on the forum lately, have we decided that's it's safe to bank them?

    This debt is still with HSBC isn't it?

    You only stopped paying them recently so a long way off becoming Statute Barred (if you acknowledge the debt) but I'm interested to know what "quality of service" didn't meet their standard (which is not exactly high in my book ) so email me that letter to see if it has any potential further down the line in the event legal proceedings are ever issued.

    You already have my email


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  • The Tech Clerk
    no i am still paying gross over charges near double owed in a CCJ to real amount , corruption in chambers allowed

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  • Night Monkey
    Originally posted by The Tech Clerk View Post
    50 pounds. Dam I got 25
    I must have suffered twice as much as you without noticing.

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  • The Tech Clerk
    50 pounds. Dam I got 25

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  • Night Monkey
    Type of account - HSBC credit card
    Date commenced - Approx 2005
    Approx balance - £6514
    Date last paid - Early 2018
    Are you on arrangement or not paying - DMP with StepChange
    Status - default
    Account owner - HSBC Repayment Services

    29.9.19 Finally sent CCA request, using one of the returned postal orders :-)

    11.10.19 Received a hand-addressed letter today, presumably from HSBC, containing my letter requesting a CCA and the postal order. No covering letter, no compliments slip, nothing else at all. Seemed a bit rude, tbh. I'm thinking 'I've asked, you haven't supplied the necessaries, no further action from me required'. Does anyone disagree? Oh, and I'm glad I used recorded delivery :-)
    25.3.20 Informed StepChange that we intend to self-manage from now on, redirected £308 monthly standing order to separate savings account.
    4.6.20 Received a letter from HSBC (badly auto-generated with blanks where StepChange should be mentioned) saying they've contacted SC following missed payments and received no response so assume they are no longer representing me and they will now contact me directly. Important that we contact them, etc. ~£6100 owing so they've had ~£400, ~£100 missed payments. Filed.
    18.8.20 Letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd., account has been passed to them to act as a collection agent, they offer a flexible approach etc. and will be in contact in the coming days. Filed.
    26.8.20 to 15.12.20 - Lots of letters from Moorcroft
    Today received sn unexpected cheque for £50 to "compensate for quality of service received from Collections and/or Recoveries which did not meet that standard that we would expect".

    I've noticed a few of these on the forum lately, have we decided that's it's safe to bank them?
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 15 December 2020, 12:57.

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  • Night Monkey
    I've just noticed that Moorcroft carried out a hard search on my credit file in August of this year when an HSBC credit card was passed to them to have a go at collecting. I'm not overly worried as I'm not intending to look for credit any time soon but it seems a bit much. Is that something that they'd usually do?

    I'd expect maybe a soft search to check for a current address but not something that would actually affect my (already trashed) file.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 16 November 2020, 09:35.

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  • Night Monkey
    I've held off sending another GDPR request for the moment - It transpires that the replies I've had (both effectively 'we don't know who you are') came from the GDPR department at the address in post #105 above so it looks like my requests found their way to where they needed to be.

    The only way forward will be to provide more information, which I'm reluctant to do in case it helps PRA should they go asking for things. Any thoughts on how 'helpful' I should be, given that I want to see what they have on me but not make life easy for PRA who I'm expecting to issue proceedings at some point?

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  • nightwatch
    ooohh good, let us know what happens x

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  • Night Monkey
    devil in the detail
    Indeed it is

    This was specifically the Barclaycard general enquiries number, and the given address for Barclaycard.

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  • nightwatch
    ii this for BARCLAYS or BARCLAYCARD, devil in the detail.

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  • Night Monkey
    I got some more id certified at the local Barclays branch to save time, and they told me that the general inquiries number is 0333 200 9090. They in turn confirmed the GDPR request address to be:

    General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Team,
    LE87 2BB.

    I'll get a new request off this afternoon.

    Is there a place on the forum where we can collect this information as we gather it?

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  • Night Monkey
    Cheers NW. I initially applied online, and then tried again with id to the address on the letter from their GDPR department.

    I’m not at home at the moment so will investigate trying again on Monday.

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  • nightwatch
    Barclays Bank and barclay card are seperate, All under the same heading
    So you can have a bank account with barclays and a CC with Barclaycard, they may/Will show up on your online banking but the bank may not know what is happening with the card unless they are told by card sevices
    the only address I can find is; General Enquiries: Barclaycard House, 1234 Pavilion Drive, Northampton, NN4 7SG, Mail Van area 24,
    You may need to provide a ref / card no. off your last letter from them.

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  • Night Monkey
    Type of account - Barclaycard credit card
    Date commenced - Approx 2012
    Approx balance - £7300
    Date last paid - Early 2018
    Are you on arrangement or not paying - DMP with StepChange
    Status - default
    Account owner - PRA Group (UK) Ltd.

    28.3.19 Letter from Barclaycard, 'We've now transferred your Barclaycardover to PRA Group (UK)Ltd.'
    28.3.19 Letter from PRA Group, 'We have recently purchased your outstanding balance with Barclaycard'
    17.8.19 Requested CCA details
    22.8.19 Returned £1 postal order with above letter, no specific mention of this account
    25.3.20 Informed StepChange that we intend to self-manage from now on, redirected £308 monthly standing order to separate savings account.
    26.3.20 Received statement from PRA, ~£6700 outstanding, ~£650 received.
    14.8.20 Letter from PRA Group (UK) Ltd., account is now with Investigations & Litigation Department. If they do not hear from us in the next 30 days then our account will be considered for the next stage etc.
    17.9.20 Letter Before Action with form to fill in. Spoke to Di, ignoring for now.
    17.9.20 Sent GDPR request to Barclays online
    1.10.20 Received letter from Barclays saying that they were unable to comply with GDPR request as the details I provided did not match their records, asking that I provide id at a branch and resubmit.
    Sent certified copies of passport & driving license with new request.
    17.10.20 Letter from Barclays, they are unable to carry out my GDPR request as they are unable to 'locate the customer from the information provided'.
    Barclays are unable to provide any information as they are unable to 'locate the customer from the information provided'. Despite them sending me a letter to this address in March, telling me that they had transferred my account to PRA. If I wish to submit the request they ask that I provide an account number, any previous names and addresses and date of birth. I don't think so.

    Unfortunately I can't find any correspondence from before March, I'm not sure why that is.

    Do Barclays Bank have different systems to Barclaycard?

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