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Night Monkey's diary

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  • Joanna Connolly
    More likely it is somewhere in the postal system

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  • Night Monkey
    The plot thickens. Apparently the information was posted to me by first class mail on 23rd March, so I suspect it's sitting in an 'out' tray in their mailroom. I'm most looking forward to seeing the 'System file notes' but I suspect it will be some time before I receive anything.

    Oh well, back to the gardening.

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  • Night Monkey
    Fair comment. My gentle reminder was in fact a request for an eta, but given the situation perhaps that's even an optimistic request.

    What strange times we live in, but I do have a very tidy house atm.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 15 April 2020, 10:50.

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  • nightwatch
    NM, I think you will find that If the person dealing with your SAR is working from home, they won't have access to your full personal details, DPA come's into play, so will be unable to deal with your request. nore would they be able to print it all out, or post it to you.
    I would be rather unhappy to find that any tom, Dick or Henretta, could have acess to my details at home where they can sit with their partner, or even just a housemate, have a coffee and chat about what is on my file.
    I am sure they will get back to you when they can.

    Now, enjoy the sunshine and stop worrying.

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  • Night Monkey
    Originally posted by Roger View Post
    Learn to SIT ON YOUR HANDS!!
    I'm aware, thanks. I've requested an SAR from StepChange which wasn't clear due to typo in my original post. I'm hoping it will shed light on any conversations they've had.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 14 April 2020, 21:46.

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  • Roger
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    Things may understandably be delayed in these difficult times but StepChange promised me completion of my 'on or before the 8th April'.

    I've sent them a polite and gentle reminder.
    Learn to SIT ON YOUR HANDS!!
    StepChange and their Partners!!

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  • Night Monkey
    Things may understandably be delayed in these difficult times but StepChange promised me completion of my SAR 'on or before the 8th April'.

    I've sent them a polite and gentle reminder.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 14 April 2020, 21:00.

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  • Joanna Connolly Solicitors
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    Should I start again with a CCA request or just go straight to SAR


    It's hard to break the habit of responding or reacting to debt purchasers and/or DCAs, but sometimes the best response is no response.

    You will undoubtedly hear from PRA again once they realise you've stopped paying via your DMP. Post on this thread when you do.

    It's too soon to send a SAR to Barclaycard because you want to capture any logged interaction between them and PRA which may not have concluded just yet.


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  • Night Monkey
    Type of account - Barclaycard credit card
    Date commenced - Approx 2012
    Approx balance - £7300
    Date last paid - Early 2018
    Are you on arrangement or not paying - DMP with StepChange
    Status - default
    Account owner - PRA Group (UK) Ltd.

    28.3.19 Letter from Barclaycard, 'We've now transferred your Barclaycardover to PRA Group (UK)Ltd.'
    28.3.19 Letter from PRA Group, 'We have recently purchased your outstanding balance with Barclaycard'

    17.8.19 Requested CCA details
    22.8.19 Returned £1 postal order with above letter, no specific mention of this account
    26.3.20 Received statement from PRA, ~£6700 outstanding, ~£650 received.
    Can you just clarify whether you sent your CCA Request to Barclaycard or to PRA as I can't see when the debt was assigned to PRA?
    Letters regarding the account transfer were filed but not diaried for some reason, apologies for that. I've added the details in red above.

    You say the letter didn't specifically mention the account, but was there an account (PRA) reference anywhere on the letter even if there wasn't any mention of it being ex-Barclaycard in the body of the letter?

    PRA's letters usually say they will ask the original creditor for the documents etc. What exactly did your letter say?
    I requested the CCA from PRA, and as far as I can recall there was no covering letter which does seem odd. If there was I certainly can't find it now. Should I start again with a CCA request or just go straight to SAR since I don't seem to have a default notice either? I'm expecting contact from them fairly soon when this month's payment doesn't appear.

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  • Joanna Connolly Solicitors
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    Type of account - Barclaycard credit card
    Date commenced - Approx 2012
    Approx balance - £7300
    Date last paid - Early 2018
    Are you on arrangement or not paying - DMP with StepChange
    Status - default
    Account owner - PRA Group (UK) Ltd.

    17.8.19 Requested CCA details
    22.8.19 Returned £1 postal order with above letter, no specific mention of this account
    26.3.20 Received statement from PRA, ~£6700 outstanding, ~£650 received.

    Can you just clarify whether you sent your CCA Request to Barclaycard or to PRA as I can't see when the debt was assigned to PRA?

    It appears to have been sent to PRA but I thought I should check because if you've had a response from PRA returning your postal order then they have acknowledged receipt of your request (otherwise how would they have got your postal order).

    You say the letter didn't specifically mention the account, but was there an account (PRA) reference anywhere on the letter even if there wasn't any mention of it being ex-Barclaycard in the body of the letter?

    PRA's letters usually say they will ask the original creditor for the documents etc. What exactly did your letter say?

    I would hesitate to send a new request until the facts are clear.

    And because I don't think it's necessary for you to risk your life (literally) by going to the Post Office to buy another postal order and send the letter by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery during the coronavirus lockdown!

    This can wait


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  • Night Monkey
    it should look the same, with the possability that the one's sold on having the original settled/default replaced, with the company that have bought it now reporting the original default.
    Cool, thanks.

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  • nightwatch
    it should look the same, with the possability that the one's sold on having the original settled/default replaced, with the company that have bought it now reporting the original default.

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  • Night Monkey
    Can anyone tell me what my credit report will look like once I stop paying? I've just checked via a free 'checkmyfile' trial and I currently have seven defaults across cards and overdrafts. Three are listed as 'U', one as 'US', one 'D' and bizarrely two 'S', those being an HSBC card and a Barclaycard.

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  • nightwatch
    just sticking my nose in, BUT, there may not be anyone in the "office" dealing with post , so no one to sign for it, Just send it with proof of posting from the post office.

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  • MisterK
    If you've got absolutely nothing to show for it then if it were me I would certainly do it again and keep the entire chain, eg copy of letter sent, scan of cheque/PO, printout of delivery signature from RM website, in addition to anything received back even including the envelope it arrived in. As also recommended by others.

    Your word might count for something but not nearly as much as a stack of evidence would.

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