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Night Monkey's diary

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  • Night Monkey
    A brief update to the number of defaults I have listed with ClearScore, see post #157 above for full details.

    The most recent default is now four years and a few days old and unlike the others hasn't disappeared from the summary, so that view still says that I have 1 default. All six defaults are listed in the full report as expected, since they are not yet six years old.

    So, just as I think I'm starting to understand things ...

    If the above changes I'll report back, but as far as everything else goes everyone seems to be in silence mode. Long may that continue.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 7 February 2023, 17:48.

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  • Night Monkey
    Type of account - HSBC overdraft
    Date commenced - Approx 2000
    Approx balance - £3847
    Date last paid - Early 2018
    Default date - February 2019
    Are you on arrangement or not paying - Not paying (StepChange DMP canceled March '20)
    Status - default
    Account owner - HSBC Repayment Services
    Current status: UE pending production of requested CCA
    The smallest of updates, I've just received notification that a legacy payment of £118 from a draw-down pension I closed a few years ago would be paid 'into the account held on file' - meaning that it would disappear into an overdraft I no longer have access to. After arguing that letting the payment 'bounce' would automatically result in a cheque being issued I convinced them that the sensible way forward was to cut straight to issuing a cheque. Hopefully that's Christmas dinner paid for .

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  • Night Monkey
    As an aside if anybody wants a play in Google Sheets and enters a date (in this case of a default) in say cell C5 in the format =DATE(2019,3,8) then the elapsed number of days can be calculated by a formula in D5, =int(now()-C5).

    In addition:

    The elapsed years =D5/365
    Years =DATEDIF(0,D5,"Y")
    Months =DATEDIF(0,D5,"YM")
    Days =DATEDIF(0,D5,"MD")

    Those last three can be used to build a natural language summary of years / months / days elapsed to save anyone counting on their fingers from several default dates like I used to .

    =DATEDIF(0,D5,"Y")&" years "&DATEDIF(0,D5,"YM")&" months "&DATEDIF(0,D5,"MD")&" days "
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 4 November 2022, 12:38.

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  • Night Monkey
    Two of the others are three years & eleven months old, so I’ll check again in a few weeks and report back
    Two of the remaining three defaults that were flagged at the summary level are now four years and a few days old, and in turn are no longer highlighted - under 'let's improve' it states 'You have one default or repossession on your account'. All of them still appear in the full report as expected. So no major changes (the 'score' remains the same) but it does feel like another small step along the way.

    We're a few months away from the last one reaching the four-year mark, I'll update if anything happens then.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 17 November 2022, 11:23.

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  • Night Monkey
    I’ve just been looking at my report on ClearScore to make sure that nothing untoward had appeared, & noticed that the ‘score’ had increased significantly. I don’t normally put much store in these but was intrigued at what might have changed, so looked deeper and saw that I was now being reported as having three defaults rather than six - the five noted in the diary and a ~£100 HSBC overdraft that had slipped under the radar and hardly seemed worth worrying about in the scheme of things. All expected defaulted accounts were listed in the accounts section.

    However, cross-referencing these with my records shows that the accounts defaulting more than four years ago are no longer highlighted, so if I follow the ‘things to improve’ link it takes me to a list of the three younger accounts.

    I haven’t looked to see if this pattern is repeated elsewhere, but wondered if anyone had seen anything similar - the defaults are still there and will presumably remain so until I reach the six years. I’m not looking for credit atm so it makes little difference, just looking for some understanding.

    Two of the others are three years & eleven months old, so I’ll check again in a few weeks and report back .

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  • stuckinarut
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post

    From reading other diaries I'm expecting a couple of quiet years and then a flurry of contact just before SB.

    We'll see, but if you'd told me three years ago that I'd be partly enjoying the process I'd have struggled to believe you
    Yes the time sure does fly past, Your next 3 will fly by as well

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  • Night Monkey
    I found the next 3 years were on the whole a lot quieter than the first 3
    From reading other diaries I'm expecting a couple of quiet years and then a flurry of contact just before SB.

    We'll see, but if you'd told me three years ago that I'd be partly enjoying the process I'd have struggled to believe you

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  • Still Waving
    Good progress.

    I found the next 3 years were on the whole a lot quieter than the first 3.

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  • Night Monkey
    I've just noticed that today is the third anniversary of me joining this site, and starting my diary.

    At that time I believed I'd have to spend the next ten years paying off some £35k of alleged debt, which was a crippling thought. Of those alleged debts one has now gone completely due to a failed court action by PRA and the rest are currently unenforceable. The defaults are between three & a half and four and a half years old, and the last payments made towards anything were over two years ago. We feel well along the road to getting free of our situation in 2019.

    So, to anybody starting on the UE road now, know that time flies, the process doesn't have to be as intimidating as it might first seem and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Onward and upward...

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  • Roger
    Originally posted by ca71 View Post

    I've had the same email. Not intending to follow the link.
    Tick and restart the Statute Bar?? ticking clock comes to mind!
    Last edited by Roger; 29 April 2022, 23:58.

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  • ca71
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    A slight variant on the regular weekly email from PRA, it's an 'Updated Data Protection Information Notice'. It refers to a 'fair processing notice' sent to me when they acquired the alleged debt and invites me to click a link to review the updated version.

    I have no intention of doing such, but wondered if anyone else has received something similar? Is it a valid part of their legal duties or a fishing expedition to check the validity of email addresses, or perhaps push for engagement?

    Or am I doing the usual and overthinking?
    I've had the same email. Not intending to follow the link.

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  • Still Waving
    If you have no contact with them they've nothing to process.

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  • Night Monkey
    A slight variant on the regular weekly email from PRA, it's an 'Updated Data Protection Information Notice'. It refers to a 'fair processing notice' sent to me when they acquired the alleged debt and invites me to click a link to review the updated version.

    I have no intention of doing such, but wondered if anyone else has received something similar? Is it a valid part of their legal duties or a fishing expedition to check the validity of email addresses, or perhaps push for engagement?

    Or am I doing the usual and overthinking?

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  • Still Waving
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    Overall we're in a much better position than we were in 2020, due in no small part to the advice and support received through this forum and JCS. Thanks to all.

    And to anyone new here, you've found the right place.

    I shudder to think where I would have been if I had not discovered the simply fantastic resource and the helpful forum members on AAD back in 2012. It turned everything right around for me.

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  • Night Monkey
    Since we're now approaching the two-year mark I thought I'd summarise where we are in a single post. A 'Second Annual Report' if you will (let's pretend I did on last year, eh?), more for my benefit than anyone else's.

    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted October 2018. Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    Regular standard letters, texts and emails ignored.
    Current status UE since 'varied T&Cs are unavailable.'

    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted August 2018. Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    Current status UE due to failed legal action by PRA.

    Last full payment early 2018, not appearing on credit reports for some reason. Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    The last contact other than statements was from drydensfairfax in February '21.
    Current status UE since a CCA was supplied but it’s a random one not specific to me, with no signature.

    HSBC credit card
    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted October 2018. Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    With Wescot April ’21, no contact since.
    Currently UE pending production of requested CCA.

    HSBC current account
    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted February 2019. Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    With Wescot March ’21, no contact since.
    Currently UE pending production of requested CCA.

    As a bonus all the defaults are now more than three years old, and we're one-third of the way through the six-year UE journey.

    Overall we're in a much better position than we were in 2020, due in no small part to the advice and support received through this forum and JCS. Thanks to all.

    And to anyone new here, you've found the right place.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 2 March 2024, 17:34.

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