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Night Monkey's diary

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  • Roger
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post

    And the ClearScore changes are in. The existing HSBC current account defaults remain, one ~£4k and one ~£100 that I didn't bother to add to the diary. Lowell have added two credit cards, one ~£5.5k and one ~£3.5k. With a bit of cross-referencing with my 'time since defaults' spreadsheet I can see that the missing credit card has been added, and the overdraft has been duplicated as a credit card with a different default amount. There doesn't seem to be any reference to dates of default, and fwiw the credit 'score' remains the same, and apparently quite high when compared to the average.

    It seems to me that all that's been achieved is a muddying of the waters as far as any debt chasing is concerned.
    And Muddy waters is GOOD!
    We know that CRA's objections etc.. Have been used in Court to prove acknowledgment of a Debt!
    But these public entries work both ways especially if a Debt is clearly being misreported.

    I watched my debts and took the worst case calculation of the Statute Bar Date!
    Made up my mind that I would stay SILENT make notes and watch the CRA's read Diaries make personal notes.
    Stay current!
    Tactics have change over time and what I did at one time I would never do now!

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  • Night Monkey
    I had an email notification today from ClearScore that a 'credit agreement' was about to be added to my report - checking the account shows that two Lowell accounts are due to be added, both listed as a 'credit or store card'.

    The HSBC accounts were last updated in April 2017, with no mention of the credit card atm. I'll update in a couple of days when the changes have happened.
    And the ClearScore changes are in. The existing HSBC current account defaults remain, one ~£4k and one ~£100 that I didn't bother to add to the diary. Lowell have added two credit cards, one ~£5.5k and one ~£3.5k. With a bit of cross-referencing with my 'time since defaults' spreadsheet I can see that the missing credit card has been added, and the overdraft has been duplicated as a credit card with a different default amount. There doesn't seem to be any reference to dates of default, and fwiw the credit 'score' remains the same, and apparently quite high when compared to the average.

    It seems to me that all that's been achieved is a muddying of the waters as far as any debt chasing is concerned.

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  • Roger
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    Ain't that the truth. I tend to keep my eye on ClearScore, which is free and (I believe) sources its data from Equifax. I'm aware of one glaring omission that is reported elsewhere via Experian but I try not to overthink it. Whenever we're about to do something major (remortgage for a better rate, for example) we'll cast the net wider to see if anything is lurking elsewhere. Consistency doesn't seem too much to ask, but there we are.
    Doing your homework which is very important! Well Done.

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  • Night Monkey
    One of the really confusing things with credit agencies is that not everyone reports to every credit agency...
    Ain't that the truth. I tend to keep my eye on ClearScore, which is free and (I believe) sources its data from Equifax. I'm aware of one glaring omission that is reported elsewhere via Experian but I try not to overthink it. Whenever we're about to do something major (remortgage for a better rate, for example) we'll cast the net wider to see if anything is lurking elsewhere. Consistency doesn't seem too much to ask, but there we are.

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  • Pat
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    I had an email notification today from ClearScore that a 'credit agreement' was about to be added to my report - checking the account shows that two Lowell accounts are due to be added, both listed as a 'credit or store card'.

    The HSBC accounts were last updated in April 2017, with no mention of the credit card atm. I'll update in a couple of days when the changes have happened.
    One of the really confusing things with credit agencies is that not everyone reports to every credit agency and some creditors do not always report- barclaycard for example only seem to report every three months or so and that is on a live account.

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  • Night Monkey
    I had an email notification today from ClearScore that a 'credit agreement' was about to be added to my report - checking the account shows that two Lowell accounts are due to be added, both listed as a 'credit or store card'.

    The HSBC accounts were last updated in April 2017, with no mention of the credit card atm. I'll update in a couple of days when the changes have happened.

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  • Night Monkey
    ...of course Iron Mountain storage facility disaster for many banks etc.
    Plenty to look forward to then

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  • The Tech Clerk
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post

    Fair point, I'll give it until next month & then send it. I would like to see what HSBC actually still have, these counts hail from the '90s.
    most HSBC 90s and pre are from other banks before acquisition, and midland bank etc had a white one piece form for application? & of course Iron Mountain storage facility disaster for many banks etc.

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  • Night Monkey
    I think I would be inclined to let the dust settle a bit, to ensure their systems are updated. In any case, in all probability Lowell have bought a job lot of accounts from HSBC, and there won't be any specific conversations to discover.
    Fair point, I'll give it until next month & then send it. I would like to see what HSBC actually still have, these accounts hail from the '90s.
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 1 June 2023, 16:32. Reason: Typo correction

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  • Still Waving
    I think I would be inclined to let the dust settle a bit, to ensure their systems are updated. In any case, in all probability Lowell have bought a job lot of accounts from HSBC, and there won't be any specific conversations to discover.

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  • Night Monkey
    Why Lowell ?
    That's a very good question - now would be the perfect time to GDPR HSBC to capture whatever they have & any conversations with Lowell. I had an unformed thought that if I was going to GDPR HSBC then I'd have done it years ago, when I've actually been waiting for them to sell the accounts on before doing it.

    I'll recycle the one I sent to MBNA in 2020, unless it's been updated since then.

    Any thoughts on reasons why I shouldn't send it just yet?
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 26 May 2023, 14:47.

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  • Still Waving
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post

    I await Lowell's contact with interest, which I will studiously ignore. In the meantime I'm minded to GDPR Lowell, does anybody have thoughts on this, or the best timing?
    Why Lowell ?

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  • Night Monkey
    Strange goings on with two HSBC accounts, one current and one credit card. A ClearScore flag a couple of days ago alerted me to the fact that the credit card account was being removed from the file, and today I get two envelopes with one letter from HSBC and one from Lowell in each telling me that the accounts had been sold on.

    As to the detail, the HSBC letter says that the accounts have been sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd ('LPI') who have appointed Lowell Financial Ltd ('Lowell') to manage them. There are the usual smatterings of the 'contact us, we can help' blurb.

    The £108 HSBC account which appears on the credit file that I haven't diaried appears to not exist as far as HSBC are concerned and is not included in these shenanigans.

    I await Lowell's contact with interest, which I will studiously ignore. In the meantime I'm minded to GDPR Lowell, does anybody have thoughts on this, or the best timing?
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 26 May 2023, 09:21.

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  • Night Monkey
    Night Monkey's Third Annual Report

    We've now reached three years since stopping all payments on five alleged debts so once again, primarily for my benefit, a summary of where we are in a single post.

    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted October 2018
    Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    Standard letters and texts continue, all ignored.
    Current status UE since 'varied T&Cs are unavailable.'

    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted August 2018.
    Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    Current status UE due to failed legal action by PRA.

    Last full payment early 2018, not appearing on credit reports for some reason.
    Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    The last contact from drydensfairfax was February '21. Since then statements and a transfer to ‘Financial Support’, together with a random refund (to the account) of £12.
    Current status UE since a CCA was supplied but it’s a random one not specific to me, with no signature.

    HSBC credit card
    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted October 2018.
    Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    With Wescot April ’21, no contact since.
    Currently UE pending production of requested CCA.

    HSBC current account
    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted February 2019.
    Stopped payments to StepChange in March ’20.
    With Wescot March ’21, no contact since.
    Currently UE pending production of requested CCA.

    All the defaults are now more than four years old, and while they’re showing on a credit report they’re not highlighted in the summary. We are halfway through the six-year UE journey. How time flies, etc.

    From reading other diaries I’m expecting the next eighteen months to be relatively quiet, followed by a flurry of activity as we approach statute barred status.

    Onward & upward...
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 2 March 2024, 17:32.

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  • Night Monkey
    ...and the mention of the default in the summary duly disappears, sort of as expected just after the four-year mark.

    All the defaults are listed in the 'accounts' section, the most recent update to any of them being July 2021.

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