Originally posted by Saint X
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As an example above - if you can offer £4k to settle a debt then you've effectively told the creditor or DCA that you have access to not an insubstantial amount of money - this could be like a red rag to a bull and encourage them to come after you for more. You want them to understand that you have NOTHING and they have no hope of seeing anything for years. Each decision they make is a commercial decision, so you have to think of things that way too.
Originally posted by Saint X
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The most important thing to remember now is that although this is very personal to you, its not personal at all to your creditors. As I mentioned that will be making commercial decisions based on numbers. So patience is key, try not to let things get on top of you, and remember with each letter you receive, unless its a statutory demand, you have at the least a few days before even considering responding (if at all), so lots of time to get some help.
Good luck!