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spent2much UE diary

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  • Re: spent2much UE diary

    Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
    Type of account (credit card)husband's

    Date commenced (2005) i put 2005 but they may be before this also

    Approx balance.( £1,284.70

    Date last paid (22/06/2012)

    Are you on arrangement or not paying (stopping dmp )

    Status ( cca being sent )

    Account owner (1st credit ) original creditor LloydsTSB.
    9/7/12 cca request
    received today 06/10/2012

    21/9/12 account sold to cabot

    heard nothing since from both Cabot or 1st credit

    29/6/13 from Cabot
    Recall of your account from 1st credit

    we would like to inform you that the Cabot Credit Management Group have now recalled your from 1st credit

    All payments should now be made directly to cabot with immediate effect.

    Choice of payment methods

    direct debit
    credit of debit card
    standing order
    online banking
    cash or cheque at a post office or payzone using cabot payment card.

    contacting cabot

    The most important thing for you to do now is to contact us. Call 0800

    6/9/13 from Cabot a replica of the above but this added

    If you don't contact us to agree a suitable repayment plan we'll have to move your account to the next stage of our collections process.

    16/01/2014 Cabot

    We've tried to contact you on several occasions and its now important you contact Cabot to discuss your account.

    If we don't hear from you

    we will continue to contact you and at the same stage review your account for our next stage of collections activity .

    update, shall I wait see what happens next ?


    • Re: spent2much UE diary

      LOL they make me laugh...

      "Why are you ignoring us? please contact us... if you don't... ooohhh if you don't then know what?? Know what we will do!! Yeah, we will continue to try and contact you .. yeah take that!! And then.. then we will try and figure out what to do next so yeah.. contact us! coz we mean it now!"


      • Re: spent2much UE diary

        Originally posted by patchouli View Post
        LOL they make me laugh...

        "Why are you ignoring us? please contact us... if you don't... ooohhh if you don't then know what?? Know what we will do!! Yeah, we will continue to try and contact you .. yeah take that!! And then.. then we will try and figure out what to do next so yeah.. contact us! coz we mean it now!"
        idiots aren't they, the thing is they kept phoning when my mum was very ill and at one point when they phoned I just said ' I really don't have time to speak to you as your blocking this line my mother is seriously ill and I am waiting for the hospital to call me , so do not phone anymore thank you . I put the phone down : I just got so sick of them


        • Re: spent2much UE diary

          I would wait to see what they send next, except the doorstep threat. I would send the doorstep visit letter to this one.


          • Re: spent2much UE diary

            Originally posted by vint1954 View Post
            I would wait to see what they send next, except the doorstep threat. I would send the doorstep visit letter to this one.
            thanks I did wonder about a doorstep visit threat letter ,not bothered if they turn up on my doorstep I wouldn't answer the door anyway but I will send them one just to let them know where they stand lol


            • Re: spent2much UE diary

              Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
              Type of account (overdraft Lloydstsb) husband's

              Date commenced (2003)

              Approx balance (£384.89)original balance was £525

              Date last paid (22 June 2012)

              Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

              Status (default/cca being sent )

              Account owner (moorcroft)

              9/7/12 cca request sent
              13/7/12 request from moorcroft for £1.00 so they can deal with the cca request
              16/7/12 sent moorcroft £1 postal order
              1/8/12 moorcroft have sent postal order back saying it needs to be sent to and written out to LloydsTsb
              14/11/12 moorcroft asking for payment or may start legal proceedings.
              Letter from Moorcrof today, say they need a £1 before they can process mt request .
              this is an overdraft account i thought no £1 payment was needed


              Our records show that we have not received a payment from you since 02/08/12.

              We must therefore ask you to make an immediate payment to us or contact this office within the next 48 hours.

              Unless payment of this amount is received in the next 7 days we may remommend to our client that we take further debt recovery action against you without further notice.

              Neither we nor our client wish to take this step and if you call us on the above number we would be happy to agree a repayment plan that you can afford and maintain.

              Any payment may be attached to this letter and made payable to Moorcroft debt Recovery Ltd.

              Yours sincerely.

              30/11/12 Moorcroft,Our records show that despite our previous letters to you,payment has still not been received

              your account is in arrears for the sum of £1.00
              Contact your dmc to arrange payment , contact us if you are no longer dealing with this third party .
              As a result of arrears the account has been passed to Home Collections Division for possible action

              Threat of recovery action

              21/1/13 from LloydsTsb account passed to Robinson Way

              24/1/13 from robbers way
              do not ignore they have been authorised to revover this debt in full , threat of court action

              28/1/13 sent account sold while in dispute letter
              1/2/13 from Robbers way

              Your account has been passed to me for review. I am concerned that an affordable payment plan has not been agreed for payement of your account.

              i want to make it simple for you to pay your account. Start to pay this account by making a MONTHLY PAYMENT OF JUST £30,(on due day of your choice), this can be agreed simply and quickly in one phone call to us. Or if you prefer, set the direct debit up online at

              If that is not affordable we need to hear from you, call us now, or email us at Your circumstances will be considered.

              If an affordable payment plan is not agreed with you, I will have no alternative but to pass your account for further action. Once your account leaves my hands there will be little more i can do to help you.

              collections manager.


              Please note we have noted the dispute/query you have raised.

              We will make the necessary enquiries and let you know the outcome in due course.
              Stopped all recovery action for time being

              11/02/13 LloydsTsb
              Cannot deal request until hubby sends a letter signed with his signature

              13/02/13 to LloydsTsb CCA Request-Demand of Signature

              18/02/2013 LloydsTsb

              After looking into your complaint there is no record of you requesting a copy of the credit agreement for this account before now. I can assure you if we had been in reciept of this letter we would have responded sooner. Credit agreements do not apply to bank accounts and for this reason we cannot provide you with a copy of your credit agreement for the account requested.

              I appreciate your concern with the fees which applied to your account. I can see you had a planned overdraft limit of £500. In providing you with this limit, we requested you to monitor the account and stay within its limit. I can see you last used your account on 26th february 2007 when you transferred £129.00 out of your account to leave £499.89 overdrawn. The transaction which took you overdrawn was the interest which we had pre notified you of. As such your account exceeded the planned overdraft and you were in an unplanned overdraft which was subject to unplanned overdraft fees as outlined in the terms and conditions of your account.

              Fees continued to apply to your account until 2July 2007 , when we were made aware you were experiencing financial difficulties. From 26th Feb to 2 July 2007 £137.54 fees were applied correctly to your account.

              When we were made aware you were experiencing difficulties and were dealing with Payplan we suspended all fees on the account and accepted the payments which were being made. Your account closed on 15 September 2008 with a debit balance of £599.68 and transferred to our Recoveries department as a longer repayment term was required . I can assure you no fees have been applied since 2 July 2007.

              I appreciate you would rather make arrangements directly with us regarding payments, however, it is not practical for this to happen. It is normal for us to assign external recovery agents to act on our behalf (moorcroft) fromMay2011to August 2012. Due to no payments being made since then we assigned robinson way to contact you to discuss repayments.

              To restore your confidence in us I have arranged for £137.54 fees to be credited to the account . Plese allow ten working days for the refunds to be processed at which point the amount owed will reduce to £384.89 . I will inform Robinson way of the revised balance.

              21/02/13 LloydsTsb (no account number on this letter but i assume its for this account as hubbys tsb credit card is with 1st credit.

              I was most concerned to receive your letter. Thank you for contacting us.

              As your concerns relate to issues outside this control of this office, I have passed your concerns on to LloydsTSB's customer service recovery centre. It may take a while to gather all the facts together, but they will try to come back to you with a full response within the next few working days.

              I think this letter has crossed with the one received a few days ago.

              27/04/13 Robbers way

              Your account still remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls. Your account is due to be transferred to our solicitors, Horwich Farrelly in the next 10 days, who may consider court action.

              If you would rather agree an affordable payment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to our solicitors, please contact us without delay.

              Just trying to update this, I'm now confused, 27 th April 13 Robinson Way threatened to transfer this account to their solicitors Horwich farrelly, and then 15 May 2013 drysden/fairfax wrote saying their client has instructed them to collect this debt.

              18/5/13 sent SWID to drysdenfairfax

              24/5/13 drysdenfairfax- pay up or may consider court action
              19/6/13 Robinson way doorspet visit threat
              26/7/13 Account from Capquest
              This letter is to inform you that your LRSB overdraft account has been referred to capquest to manage.

              We have made enquires with experian crb who have confirmed that this is the current address for you.

              it is our aim to agree a suitable plan with you to repay this debt. Our experienced team of negotiatiors are here to assit you in arranging a suitable arrangement . It is important an agreement is reached .

              If contact is not made by this date your account will escalate to the next stage of recoveries (NO DATE WAS GIVEN)

              09/08/2013 - Lloyds TSB
              As we haven't been able to agree a suitable repaymnet plan we've transferred your Ltsb to capquest , please contact capquest asap to arrange to pay back the outstanding amount.

              27/08/2013 capquest - this correspondence is to inform you that your ltsb account has been referred to capquest to manage in all matters relating to collection , which may include:

              personal visits by our doorstep collection agency
              possible litigation

              it is our aim to ensure that a suitable payment plan is agreed and maintained. Our experienced team of negotiators are here to assist you in finding a plan that will clear your indebtedness, without the need for further action.
              If you are not in a position to settle the account in full, you will need to contact us to discuss a suitable solution to this matter .
              es your account for a pre-litigation review. Your account may be passed to our solicitors who may commence legal action on or around 16 th Oct 13.

              Through the litigation process we will seek to obtain a County Court Judgement directing you to pay the monies outstanding. If we are successful and no payments are made towards your account, it maybe necessary to enforce the judgement through the courts by either a Warrant of Execution which will result in a bailiff visiting your address; by applying to the court for an attachment of earnings order which my result in deductions from you earnings by your employer or by seeking a charging order over you property to secure the judgement.

              All of this action is avoidable . It is therefore in your interest to prevent the above course of action by contacting this office immediately to discuss settlement or a proposed arrangement to settle this debt.Our experienced pre-litigation team are on hand to assist you but this can only happen if you make contact before 16 Oct 13. Failure to respond by the date outlined may result in legal action being instigated.

              31/10/2013 capquest
              Please be advised that we are now in the process of making arrangements for our doorstep recovery agents ScotCall Limited, to visit you due to your failure to make a repayment arrangement.

              goes on about agents want full amount , but will consider a f&f

              must contact them before 07 Nov 13 to discuss account to avoid doorstep visit

              12/12/13 Lloyds Bank - account passed to westcot

              28/12/13 westcot REMINDER NOTICE
              Our latest enquiries have now confirmed that you are still resident at this address but we have nor received a reply to our previous correspondence.

              Unless you contact us to agree repayment within the next 10 days, further debt recovery will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance .

              Please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt.

              4/1/14 westcot
              Final attempt to avoid further action reduced settlement offer .
              This offer is only available until 11/01/14 , if don't contact them the offer will be withdrawn and further action will continue to recover the full oustanding balance.

              22/01/2014 westcot

              the opportunity to take control of your outstanding balance

              We understand that there may be many reasons why you not responded to use us in relation to this account/

              this debt will not go away and now is the time to act. To take up the offer you need to contact us on the number above where one of our dedicated operators will help you make a fresh start


              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                Originally posted by Spent2much View Post

                22/01/2014 westcot

                the opportunity to take control of your outstanding balance

                We understand that there may be many reasons why you not responded to use us in relation to this account/

                this debt will not go away and now is the time to act. To take up the offer you need to contact us on the number above where one of our dedicated operators will help you make a fresh start
                Oh dear, Wescot breaching the CSA (of which they are a member) guidance on the format of letters again - what a surprise!
                "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

                The consumer is that sleeping giant.!!

                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                • Re: spent2much UE diary

                  I will ignore for now then


                  • Re: spent2much UE diary

                    Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                    Type of account (credit card)husband's

                    Date commenced (2005) i put 2005 but they may be before this also

                    Approx balance.( £1,284.70

                    Date last paid (22/06/2012)

                    Are you on arrangement or not paying (stopping dmp )

                    Status ( cca being sent )

                    Account owner (1st credit ) original creditor LloydsTSB.
                    9/7/12 cca request
                    received today 06/10/2012

                    21/9/12 account sold to cabot

                    heard nothing since from both Cabot or 1st credit

                    29/6/13 from Cabot
                    Recall of your account from 1st credit

                    we would like to inform you that the Cabot Credit Management Group have now recalled your from 1st credit

                    All payments should now be made directly to cabot with immediate effect.

                    Choice of payment methods

                    direct debit
                    credit of debit card
                    standing order
                    online banking
                    cash or cheque at a post office or payzone using cabot payment card.

                    contacting cabot

                    The most important thing for you to do now is to contact us. Call 0800

                    6/9/13 from Cabot a replica of the above but this added

                    If you don't contact us to agree a suitable repayment plan we'll have to move your account to the next stage of our collections process.

                    16/01/2014 Cabot

                    We've tried to contact you on several occasions and its now important you contact Cabot to discuss your account.

                    If we don't hear from you

                    we will continue to contact you and at the same stage review your account for our next stage of collections activity .

                    24/01/2014 cabot

                    OUR OFFER TO YOU

                    We understand that it can be difficult to clear your account in a short period of time.
                    Especially when there are other priorities to take into account.

                    We believe we understand debt and we wanted to share our thoughts with you.

                    We will work with you to understand your financial situation . If we can find an opportunity for you to repay this account in the short term then we will help you make that happen. Of course , we ensure that all your priority expenditure is up to date and anything you can arrange with us is affordable and fair.

                    We own your account and are prepared to reduce the balance in order to help you be debt free quicker.
                    Payments with us do not have to be paid all at once and we can look for solutions over several months and still help you.we can also extend plans over several years and still help you.

                    CONTACTING CABOT
                    We help thousands of customers clear their accounts and we would like to help you too, just call one of customer consultants on 0000000 and we can create a personal plan for you.

                    This account may affect your credit rating and ability to get credit in the future , ask our team if your account is registered.

                    update, i wrote the whole letter out its so kind and considerate :


                    • Re: spent2much UE diary

                      They are just so kind, considerate and helpful
                      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                      • Re: spent2much UE diary

                        Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                        Type of account (overdraft)mine

                        Date commenced (2003)

                        Approx balance (£246)

                        Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                        Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                        Status (default/cca being sent )

                        Account owner (HBOS)
                        9/7/12 cca request sent
                        28/9/12 from Halifax account sold to BLS 3/8/12

                        repayment plan arrears
                        overdue account ,
                        10 days to repay the amount owing

                        14/11/12 pay today reminder

                        from BLS

                        Please find enclosed a statement of account as requested.

                        Should you require any further assistance please telephone us.
                        BLS essential that you contact us today

                        22/12/12 from Halifax
                        As we haven't been able to agree a suitable repayment plan we've trasferred your account ot Moorcroft

                        28/12/12 from moorcroft

                        advising me Halifax have instructed them to collect the overdue debt of £246.26

                        It is a legal requirement to send a notice of intended litigation before legal proceedings in the county Court are issued. We believe that this letter fulfils this requirement even if it is not actually read by you .

                        To prevent our recommeding to our client that solicitors commence legal proceedings, it is essential that you settle this debt without delay. Payment should be submitted in full within 7 dyas or contact made with this office immediately, by telephone on 000000000000 or by letter, with your payment offer. Both our client and we do not wish to take this action but if agreement cannot be reached by 31/12/12 , a claim may be issued by solicitors to act on behalf of our client without further notice.


                        We would emphasise that should judgement be entered agaisnt you this may affect any future credit application you may make elsewhere . Legal cost mentioned also blah blah

                        10/01/13 from Moorcroft
                        pay before the 15/01/13 by calling us .

                        23/01/13 from Moorcroft
                        MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER

                        08/02/13 from midascreditservies
                        We are part of the Moorcroft Group and are aware that you have failed to reach repayment agreement with Moorcroft .
                        contact Moorcroft now to prevent possible further action

                        22/02/13 from Moorcroft

                        DISCOUNT OFFER installments .

                        30/ 03/13 from Moorcroft

                        discount offer

                        I am disappointed to note that despite our numerous attempts to contact you no satisfactory agreement has been reached regarding the balance oustanding of £246 on the above account.

                        However in one last attempt to come to an arrangement to prevent the possibility of further debt recovery action being recommneded our client has informed us that we may be able to offer you a substantial discount from your outstanding balance. This means that if you able to pay an acceptable lump sum within the next 14 days we will not pursue the remaining balance of the debt .

                        ignore ?
                        29/04/13 Halifax
                        Account transferred to Westcot Credit Services Ltd

                        18/05/13 SWID to westcot
                        07/05/13 Westcot

                        We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.

                        You should read both sides of this notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY. If you have any queries or any of the information supplied is incorrect, please contact us on the number supplied .


                        07/05/13 Westcot
                        We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.
                        You should read both sides of this notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY.If you have any queries or any of the information supplied is incorrect, please contact us .

                        15/05/13 Westcot
                        FINAL NOTICE
                        Our latest enquiries have now confirmed that you are still resident at this address but we have not received a reply to our previous corrospondence.

                        Unless you contact us to agree repayment of £246.26 within the next 10 days , further collection activity will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance.

                        Please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt .

                        31/05/13 Westcot

                        We acknowledge that have raised a query on this account and we would like to confrim to you how this will be investigated.

                        We will suspend all collections activity on the above account whilst the matter is under investigation.This means that we will not write to you, or telephone you in pursuit of the account whilst it is being investigated.
                        10/06/2013 westcot
                        We refer to your recent communication. Having contacted our client they have advised that the above balance is correct and due for payment .They state that the above balance relates to a current account, therefore no credit agreement is available.

                        In the circumstances, we believe the dispute has now been resolved and the full balance or an agreed monthly instalment is required by return. Payment can be made by direct debit or online

                        If in the event you believe you still have a valid dispute , please contact us with the details within the next 14 days otherwise your account will be returned to our recovery team for collection

                        8/11/2013 from capquest
                        (wrong information about account they are saying it is a bank of Scotland credit card when it is a Halifax overdraft )
                        capquest have been asked to manage the account , usual threats of may send doorstep agents, possible litigation .
                        must contact them by the 15/11/2013 , if no contact then account will be passed to their solicitors HL Legaln

                        no contact will mean further action

                        23/11/2013 HL LEGAL solicitors
                        capquest has appointed us, on behalf of Bank of Scotland Credit Card. (this account is an overdraft ) not a credit card.

                        TAKE NOTICE THAT unless this account is paid in full or a satisfactory proposal for settlement is received by 05 Dec Court proceedings may be issued against you without further notice.

                        court costs explained

                        In the event that judgement is obtained against you,enforcement action will result in further costs .

                        I am going to send a quid to these muppets as they requested even though I begrudge it lol, must send it today though as I forgot about it .

                        ps notice the blue is working it seems to work on my laptop but not my main pc .

                        03/01/2014 sent £1 as requested will wait for them to realise it isn't a credit card but an overdraft

                        13/01/2014 capquest
                        we have been advised by bank of scotland that section 74 of cca 1974 provides that an overdraft on a current account will not fall within the documentation requirements of the cca . Therefore we are not providing a copy agreement for the above account. Please find enclosed your £1.00 postal order fee.

                        Please contact to discuss the payment options for this account.

                        31/01/2014 capquest
                        sending doorstep agents scotcall limited to arrange repayment

                        If a response is not made by 31/01/2014 an agent will be despatched and will call at the above address .

                        To avoid agent calling contact us by 31/01/2014

                        If contact is made before this date (impossible as this letter arrived today 31/01/2014,so bull shit as usual) they will offer a settlement figure of £184.70 to clear the amount.
                        will only show as parital settlement on credit file.

                        or can settle the account in instalments


                        • Re: spent2much UE diary

                          Send to Capquest (you can remove the part about them repeatedly phoning if they haven't)

                          Did you send the second OD letter in response to their letter on 13th Jan?
                          Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                          • Re: spent2much UE diary

                            Originally posted by Pixie View Post
                            Send to Capquest (you can remove the part about them repeatedly phoning if they haven't)

                            Did you send the second OD letter in response to their letter on 13th Jan?
                            no they thought it was a credit card , but I will send one and put it in the same envelope as the harassment letter .


                            • Re: spent2much UE diary

                              Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                              no they thought it was a credit card , but I will send one and put it in the same envelope as the harassment letter .
                              Good idea, that'll shut them up.
                              I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                              If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                                Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
                                Good idea, that'll shut them up.
                                hope so they are seriously getting on my nerves now , as if they didn't know it was an overdraft lol

