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Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

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  • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

    This has been an excellent thread. Going back to an earlier point about debt dodgers not being welcome. I was in a difficult situation with cash at the tail end of last year and asked for help from mbna with respect to a few months of smaller payments. They refused, cancelled my card and made me feel as guilty as they could for daring to ask for help.
    Now the thing is, i have stabilised a little (the wife found some more work) but by this time i am months behind with mbna, they have essentially forced me to find a site like this and excercise my rights, they have told me they cant currently supply my agreement and i have put the account into dispute. There is no way i can catch up under the terms they want so this is where i am. Having never missed a payment on ANYTHING in my life they put my rate up to 35% without telling me long before this all kicked off. My credit rating was 999 (as good as it gets i am told) but mbna would not discuss it. They are in the process of defaulting as i write.
    So am i a debt dodger and do i feel guilty? Not on your nelly, i have had that card for over ten years and never missed a beat on it. One moment of hardship and they treat me like a criminal. Stuff that.
    I have seen this sector for what it is really worth and it is the most disgusting and immoral entity ever. I am glad to be leaving their system. It is nothing more than slavery as a few people have mentioned.
    If i end up being in reciept of a proper agreement and having to pay the money back then so be it but it will be under terms i can afford, not what suits them. If i was to add it up they have had the money back so many times over. You can see from sites such as these that the worms are turning.
    My new found strength has come from realising i am not on my own and what the banking industry do isnt personal but merely a game. So thats how it must be treated, as a game. :-)

    Sorry if most of that was pointless but for some reason i had the urge to type lol. My missus is sick of hearing it haha. I feel better now!


    • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

      By far the best thing we can all do, long term, is to educate our children to realise that banks can never be trusted (nor can the weak politicians who currently support them).

      Keep the kids away from Credit Cards and Loans, and teach them to realise that they they will be far better off if they can try to avoid Debt, no matter what the short term pain that such a strategy might appear to cause.

      The banks have had Centuries to perfect their spin and propaganda, but just look at the effects of this. I think we are now living through the culmination of what appears to have been 40 years of wholly unrestrained banking.

      They have even managed to convince this once fine Country that banking is all we need, the magic bubble can be sustained indefinitely without any need to make things or grow things. When the Debt engine starts to splutter and run out of Debt Slaves, they have convinced our Self-Serving politicians that we can always import a few Million fully grown up brand new Debt Slaves to augment the financially exhausted and struggling indigenous population.

      It will take decades to reverse the effects of this, but the change starts right here, right now.

      The banks live forever, whereas we have maybe 40 or so years as working adults to make a difference. For most here, we are going through a 6-10 year period of destroyed financial standing. That's 25% of your working lifespan. That may be very sobering to fully contemplate and digest.

      Our economy is geared to what the banks want, and that is to generate Debt. Just watch the advertisements on TV (that now appear as little as every 7 minutes on many Commercial Channels), and analyse what is being pumped at you via your own TV (that is no doubt still being paid for via Debt).

      The majority of advertisements are now Debt Industry related, from actual nauseating bank adverts, to price comparison web sites (most owned by the CRAs by the way, all selling "invisible" products from insurance to straight debt, all whilst harvesting your Data in the process), to Chemical products (chemicals are cheap to produce and so generate huge profits be they Shampoo, Air Fresheners or Toiletries), to Sugar products (a killer substance if ever there was one), to Insurances (Debt Industry again, playing on people's fears to sell another invisible "product"), to throw away items that you know won't last more than a couple of years before you'll need a new Loan to buy another one.

      Educate your children to see through all of this, and the stranglehold that the banks currently have, might just begin to loosen.

      I just hope the change is not too late. It sure feels like it is too late, but not doing anything would just be selling out our Children to an even more unpleasant future.

      Last edited by Silverback; 24 June 2011, 14:28.


      • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue


        Wow fella that was an excellent post a true masterpiece if I may say so.

        This will scare the Debt Industry to the core, so the task now is to help Niddy to build AAD into the Debt Industry's worst nightmare.
        Totally agree with that point above, Furthermore we have an excellent arsenal of letters craftly put together by Niddy that when put to use will put us consumers on the right foot to start with.

        As for the TCF I am 110% in agreement with that and considering how long that has been around it has not been used enough.

        So the slogan is NOT ON YOUR NIDDY.

        Onwards and upwards time to give them a bashing as they have had the rub for too long and the boot is about to go on the other foot.

        Last edited by pompeyfaith; 24 June 2011, 14:27.


        • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

          Hey jet set, part of the "therapy" is to be able to loose off steam. Then your head clears and you can set about the task in hand with a cold cold logic.

          Just think about how the barrister QC to boot treated Milly Dowler's father in court this week and realise these are the people the banks are using against you. Then you can deal with them on their own terms. Once you do that they squeal like stuck pigs and want protection from their mates in chambers, the be-wigged buffoons on the bench.

          One way I look at it is that they treated me like vermin from the moment I tried to talk to them about our troubles (and we were up to date then), they have kicked me and beaten me with big metaphorical sticks and backed me into a corner. What does a rat do?

          He comes out with all the strength he can muster and goes for the jugular. At this moment I have my verminous incisors firmly stuck in the lenders jugular up to thier unpleasant hilt. If he shakes me off and I let go, he may beat me to death but he dies in the process. Its called that wonderful world of stalemate. Yes its unpleasant, yes its B****Y irksome but so far 16 of their legions have been seen off and 3 of their crack cavalry regiments of legal practices have run for the hills some at the first returned threat.

          Bullies and cowards at heart my friend.

          Last edited by garlok; 24 June 2011, 14:46.


          • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

            Originally posted by Silverback View Post
            By far the best thing we can all do, long term, is to educate our children to realise that banks can never be trusted (nor can the weak politicians who currently support them).

            Keep the kids away from Credit Cards and Loans, and teach them to realise that they they will be far better off if they can try to avoid Debt, no matter what the short term pain that such a strategy might appear to cause.
            Amen to that.


            • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

              Hey jet set, part of the "therapy" is to be able to loose off steam. Then your head clears and you can set about the task in hand with a cold cold logic.
              Just what I did this afternoon and the beauty of the hayling billy line is, there is the royal oak and the ship pubs on that route.

              Because out of all this we must take stock and understand that we have a life too.

              It is so easy to get rapped up in all this that it can take over the life you once had, so we all must take time out.

              Both dog friendly too.

              Last edited by pompeyfaith; 24 June 2011, 15:07.


              • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                ** Vote Silverback for President **


                • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                  ** Vote Silverback for President **
                  Well silverbacks knowlege and outlook is very welcome by me and I am sure the rest of the members.

                  It is those members that have been through it and came out the other side smiling that this site needs as that is power.


                  • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                    Both pubs have happy memories PF! And you are right about the time out and taking stock.



                    • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                      Originally posted by garlok View Post
                      Both pubs have happy memories PF! And you are right about the time out and taking stock.

                      And for me. Did you know Neville Shute, the author, used to live in that fantastic mill house on the seafront there?

                      Remember many a happy drink with my last dog sitting on that wall. Great walk if you do the full length of it (if you still can - you certainly could years back).

                      Also a better well known fact about Hayling Island is the beaches there were used as practice for the D-Day landings as the tides emulate almost exactly the conditions on the Normandy Beaches.

                      Silverback - those men died for our freedom. As you say we should continue their battle for them by passing on the lessons of history to our own children to avoid them facing the same problems most of us are or have had to face.


                      • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                        Remember many a happy drink with my last dog sitting on that wall. Great walk if you do the full length of it (if you still can - you certainly could years back).
                        Yes I always go from Havant railway gates as I have a dog that can out walk me lol

                        The council is in discussion about investing money in opening up the line on the Hayling side of Hayling bridge which has overgrown and fallen into disrepair that in my mind would be a good idea specially for cyclists as the Hayling Road does get very congested in peak season.
                        Last edited by pompeyfaith; 24 June 2011, 17:30.


                        • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                          Did you know Neville Shute, the author, used to live in that fantastic mill house on the seafront there?
                          Have spent many a happy time at the back of that house feeding the ducks and swans and there young.

                          Indeed that area is magical to me.


                          • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                            Nostalgia - isn't it funny how a thread like this makes you remember the GOOD times when all too often nowadays all we remember are the bad things.


                            • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                              Too many memories, my friends. My dad was an RN engineer officer working towards the end of the war (bilietted with four WRENS to look after him in Sinah Warren Golf Club -- my Mom was not a happy bunny) on what was then the secret Mulberry Harbour. There is still a broken section in the harbour and if you look closely at the Hayling shore into The Run you can still find where they slid the sections in.

                              Better get this thread back on track otherwise Niddy will be into us.



                              • Re: Dispensing with the "MORALITY" issue

                                Originally posted by garlok View Post

                                Better get this thread back on track otherwise Niddy will be into us.

                                I think it's good for morale (root = moral as in morality lol) to be nostalgic about happy things. Sets us up for battle with those who has less morals. How's that for a neat link back to topic - see Niddy, we never really left the issue!
                                Last edited by caspar; 24 June 2011, 19:04. Reason: Insert space between words.

