Re: Daughters Employer Doesn't Give Holiday Pay
If the other part timer works same hours as you then you should get the same entitlement. End Of. Something sounds fishy about your employer too. !!!!!!
How many days do you get for hours worked and how many does the other get and their hours ?
I'll look into the holidays they are booking for you too.... just incase it's changed. Still sure they can only do this a couple of times a year. So they could make you take a week off twice a year, but the other 3 weeks holidays would be yours to book yourself as long as you give them notice. They cant tell you when to take ALL your holidays.
If the other part timer works same hours as you then you should get the same entitlement. End Of. Something sounds fishy about your employer too. !!!!!!
How many days do you get for hours worked and how many does the other get and their hours ?
I'll look into the holidays they are booking for you too.... just incase it's changed. Still sure they can only do this a couple of times a year. So they could make you take a week off twice a year, but the other 3 weeks holidays would be yours to book yourself as long as you give them notice. They cant tell you when to take ALL your holidays.