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sostress UE diary

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  • #46
    Re: sostress UE diary

    Originally posted by Elsie52
    You will be fine, I expected absolutely loads of hassle when we stopped paying our creditors after being on a DMP with them for 2 1/2 years. We started UE in April of this year, and it hasn't been half as bad as I thought it was going to be. If you just follow Niddy's advice to the letter, and also read up as much as you can on the other UE diaries, you will see that pretty much everyone is going through the same process, and getting the same letters from creditors.

    Good luck
    :hello Elsie 52! Thanks for your kind words. I really am grateful for this forum, it have provided a kind of safety barrier and I can sleep without waking up in sweat.

    Thanks so much for all your time and advices, Niddy, mods and everyone that's read my diary.
    Starting here, Starting now, For the greatest journey!


    • #47
      Re: sostress UE diary

      Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt
      Hi sos - as Elsie says, don't worry - however do not make any F&F offers right now, hold fire......

      Its always best to let them default you and sell it to a DCA prior to making any offers, if this has already occurred then fine - continue to ignore them for the moment (the enforceable ones) - no harm in blagging them. k

      Keep us updated please ;Spank
      Hello Niddy!

      Sorry for not updating ^^

      Yes, they are all defaulted except Barclaycard :cry


      Started :26/06/06
      Balance : 5662
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 18/10/07
      Send CCA and Niddy said he's unsure about this one as it is a flexible loan cum fixed term loan and as such there is no clear limit, yet all loans should contain the relevant prescribed terms - the main one in question is for fixed sum loans (e.g. bank loans, hire purchase agreements) the agreement must contain "A term stating the amount of the credit". In any case, lets presume that it is UE and see what they come back with. :confusing

      Started :08/12/05
      Balance : 6819
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 05/05/07
      Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

      EGG LOAN
      Started :04/05/05
      Balance : 19,037
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 05/01/07
      Send CCA and Niddy said this is also - basically there is no separate box showing PPi - renders the agreement unenforceable

      EGG CARD

      Started :10/06/04
      Balance : 3811
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 22/01/07
      Send CCA and Niddy confirmed


      Started :27/07/04
      Balance : 3015
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 16/03/09
      Send CCA and Niddy confirmed


      Started :16/06/05
      Balance : 4430
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 29/06/07
      Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

      Started :19/01/04
      Balance : 11,582
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 30/06/09
      Send CCA and Niddy said the prescribed terms are shown on the application, so another one that is enforceable which should be blagged! :cry


      Started :24/03/04
      Balance : 8250
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: DEFAULTED 04/01/07
      Send CCA and Niddy said its an application form with no prescribed terms so again,

      Started :11/06/03
      Balance : 5075
      date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
      Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
      Status: SATISFACTORY
      Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

      Basically, I was paying DMP since 11/06/03 and now have stopped paying since September 2010 taking advice from Niddy. I am now at the stage of waiting for the creditors to contact me and I am hoping to offer F&F settlements to get them out of my hair.
      As I've only missed 2 payments, its still calm at the moment......waiting for the battle to start

      Thanks you all for reading my dairy
      Starting here, Starting now, For the greatest journey!


      • #48
        Re: sostress UE diary


        Thanks for the update - let us know if anything changes or you get any replies....

        I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

        If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


        • #49
          Re: sostress UE diary

          Originally posted by sostress
          Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt

          Ok, as you can see from my responses above - you have a few enforceable and a few unenforceable accounts. The fact you've given no details other than "send CCA" it is hard to determine what you've done to date and where you're at, so to speak.

          Therefore dealing with this 'blind' i'm presuming that you last dealt with these guys over a year ago as most the paperwork is dated from 2009? If that is the case then i'd continue to ignore them, and cease all repayments and wait until they start contacting you again.

          However, as you've stated that you're looking to make F&F Offers in exchange for default removal, stopping payments and/or fighting for UE may not be the best way forward. So really you need to sit back and have a long hard think about what you're wanting to do next.

          The accounts that were defaulted back in 2007, the default will be gone by 2013 regardless of whether you pay or not. The more recent ones, similarly will last for 6yrs from the date of default.

          To be frank, if I were you i'd stop all payments and wait for the lenders/dca's to come to you and then look to settle with F&F settlements if you can afford to? The best way to do this is to let the account default and get sold to a DCA who will accept better deals, the lenders often do not.

          Its a catch 22 really, you'll be stuck with the defaults though - the lenders/DCA's will not remove them, they simply cannot cos it would set a presedent and we'd all stop paying our debts, let it default, make a silly offer then get the default wiped.... so they never ever agree to such, unless the DN was improperly executed - those of yours i've seen to date are all ok, I do check this as part of the agreement checks being you attached them.

          So it's up to you what you do next but i've detailed in each response what I would do - it's up to you though, how you proceed. Where i've said respond with this and provided a template to respond, you'd not just send that out the blue (assuming no contact for a year) - you'd wait til they write to you and then respond with it. Also, have you already been to a Claims Management Company or the likes? Some of the responses suggest someone has tried to be clever quoting all sorts of nonsense..... not the sort of things i'd fight for; not only because whoever done it was wrong, but because it's wasting your time and my time.

          Best of luck, you need to answer my questions if you can and also consider your next move - whatever you do though, do not jump in and start sending templayes without giving me an update!

          ;Hi1 Niddy!

          Thanks for your time.
          Nope, I didn't send any letters as you advised to stop payments and wait for them to contact me as I am planning to offer F&F settlement offer.
          :hello Niddy and everyone!

          Been receving letters from some of the creditors/DCAs chasing payments since I've stopped paying my DMP.
          Is it time to use the template to make my f&f settlement to them yet?

          Thanks sostress
          Starting here, Starting now, For the greatest journey!


          • #50
            Re: sostress UE diary

            Originally posted by sostress
            hello Niddy and everyone!

            Been receving letters from some of the creditors/DCAs chasing payments since I've stopped paying my DMP.
            Is it time to use the template to make my f&f settlement to them yet?

            Thanks sostress
            Hiya Stranger ya

            Can you list the accounts, the amounts owed and the amount you want to offer so we can check what you're doing please? Best get it right, first time eh? Then i'll have some questions, then it'll be time to proceed with *some* offers......

            Hope you're keeping well and de-stressed nah
            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


            • #51
              Re: sostress UE diary

              :-h Niddy!

              Ok, I am going to gather all my paper work, find the balance of each account and I'll list here for your advice. :-bd

              Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt

              Hope you're keeping well and de-stressed nah
              Hey Niddy, my stress have not started yet As its been calm because the creditors doesn't know I've choosen the UE route But thanks for asking
              Starting here, Starting now, For the greatest journey!


              • #52
                Re: sostress UE diary

                Okies, thanks
                I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                • #53
                  Re: sostress UE diary

                  Originally posted by sostress
                  Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt
                  Hi sos - as Elsie says, don't worry - however do not make any F&F offers right now, hold fire......

                  Its always best to let them default you and sell it to a DCA prior to making any offers, if this has already occurred then fine - continue to ignore them for the moment (the enforceable ones) - no harm in blagging them. k

                  Keep us updated please ;Spank
                  Hello Niddy!

                  Sorry for not updating ^^

                  Yes, they are all defaulted except Barclaycard :cry

                  CAHOOT LOAN

                  Started :26/06/06
                  Balance : 5662
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 18/10/07
                  Send CCA and Niddy said he's unsure about this one as it is a flexible loan cum fixed term loan and as such there is no clear limit, yet all loans should contain the relevant prescribed terms - the main one in question is for fixed sum loans (e.g. bank loans, hire purchase agreements) the agreement must contain "A term stating the amount of the credit". In any case, lets presume that it is UE and see what they come back with. :confusing

                  AMERICAN EXPRESS
                  Started :08/12/05
                  Balance : 6792
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 05/05/07
                  Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

                  EGG LOAN
                  Started :04/05/05
                  Balance : 19,021
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 05/01/07
                  Send CCA and Niddy said this is also - basically there is no separate box showing PPi - renders the agreement unenforceable

                  EGG CARD

                  Started :10/06/04
                  Balance : 3803
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 22/01/07
                  Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

                  NORTHERN ROCK

                  Started :27/07/04
                  Balance : 3009
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 16/03/09
                  Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

                  LINK(MBNA VIRGIN)

                  Started :16/06/05
                  Balance : 4420
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 29/06/07
                  Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

                  Started :19/01/04
                  Balance : 11582
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 30/06/09
                  Send CCA and Niddy said the prescribed terms are shown on the application, so another one that is enforceable which should be blagged! :cry


                  Started :24/03/04
                  Balance : 8233
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: DEFAULTED 04/01/07
                  Send CCA and Niddy said its an application form with no prescribed terms so again,

                  Started :11/06/03
                  Balance : 5092
                  date last paid (full amount): OCT 06
                  Date last paid (DMP):28/09/10
                  Status: SATISFACTORY
                  Send CCA and Niddy confirmed

                  Basically, I was paying DMP since 11/06/03 and now have stopped paying since September 2010 taking advice from Niddy. I am now at the stage of waiting for the creditors to contact me and I am hoping to offer F&F settlements to get them out of my hair.
                  As I've only missed 2 payments, its still calm at the moment......waiting for the battle to start

                  Thanks you all for reading my dairy
                  :hello Niddy and All!

                  Here goes, I've managed to find the outstanding balance to all creditors. I am planning to start my offer from 10% and see how it goes.

                  Can you please advice which f&f settlement offer template I should use Niddy? Thanks in advance.

                  I've updated the balance in red so that its not going to be confusing and you can also see which one is and
                  I've quoted the last messages so that you know where we lefted off as I know you are a busy person. Hope I've not confuse you. ;D


                  Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt
                  Originally posted by sostress
                  hello Niddy and everyone!

                  Been receving letters from some of the creditors/DCAs chasing payments since I've stopped paying my DMP.
                  Is it time to use the template to make my f&f settlement to them yet?

                  Thanks sostress
                  Hiya Stranger ya

                  Can you list the accounts, the amounts owed and the amount you want to offer so we can check what you're doing please? Best get it right, first time eh? Then i'll have some questions, then it'll be time to proceed with *some* offers......

                  Hope you're keeping well and de-stressed nah
                  Starting here, Starting now, For the greatest journey!


                  • #54
                    Re: sostress UE diary


                    Ok, the template to use is here: ---> viewtopic.php?p=10275#p10275 However i've done the relevant ones for you to use, as shown below.

                    Best of luck, keep us updated!

                    Egg Card - Balance = £3,803 @ £750 Offer

                    Dear Sirs,

                    Account No: XXXXXXXX

                    I write with reference to previous communication regarding an outstanding balance on the above mentioned account and wish to make an offer to resolve that will suitably please both parties.

                    I can confirm that I am unable to offer to pay the money which I owe in full, however I am able to raise £750 and wish to offer this as an ex-gratia payment in full and final settlement of the account. This offer is made on the clear understanding that, if accepted, neither you or any associate company will take any other action to enforce or pursue this debt in any way whatsoever and that I will be released from any liability. I also request that, if accepted, you will mark any entry on a credit reference agency file relating to the above account as "satisfied" in full. Payment can be made within 28 days of receiving your written agreement of this offer and confirmed preferred method of payment.

                    Failure to agree will result in my formal offer of £1 per month being made as I simply cannot afford anything more than this. Taking 'formal' action to recover the balance would also be considered rather fruitless being I do not have any disposable income whatsoever; ergo my offer to you today.

                    I look forward to your response.

                    Yours faithfully

                    Northern Rock - Balance = £3,009 @ £650 Offer

                    Dear Sirs,

                    Account No: XXXXXXXX

                    I write with reference to previous communication regarding an outstanding balance on the above mentioned account and wish to make an offer to resolve that will suitably please both parties.

                    I can confirm that I am unable to offer to pay the money which I owe in full, however I am able to raise £650 and wish to offer this as an ex-gratia payment in full and final settlement of the account. This offer is made on the clear understanding that, if accepted, neither you or any associate company will take any other action to enforce or pursue this debt in any way whatsoever and that I will be released from any liability. I also request that, if accepted, you will mark any entry on a credit reference agency file relating to the above account as "satisfied" in full. Payment can be made within 28 days of receiving your written agreement of this offer and confirmed preferred method of payment.

                    Failure to agree will result in my formal offer of £1 per month being made as I simply cannot afford anything more than this. Taking 'formal' action to recover the balance would also be considered rather fruitless being I do not have any disposable income whatsoever; ergo my offer to you today.

                    I look forward to your response.

                    Yours faithfully

                    MBNA Card - Balance = £11,582 @ £1500 Offer

                    Dear Sirs,

                    Account No: XXXXXXXX

                    I write with reference to previous communication regarding an outstanding balance on the above mentioned account and wish to make an offer to resolve that will suitably please both parties.

                    I can confirm that I am unable to offer to pay the money which I owe in full, however I am able to raise £1500 and wish to offer this as an ex-gratia payment in full and final settlement of the account. This offer is made on the clear understanding that, if accepted, neither you or any associate company will take any other action to enforce or pursue this debt in any way whatsoever and that I will be released from any liability. I also request that, if accepted, you will mark any entry on a credit reference agency file relating to the above account as "satisfied" in full. Payment can be made within 28 days of receiving your written agreement of this offer and confirmed preferred method of payment.

                    Failure to agree will result in my formal offer of £1 per month being made as I simply cannot afford anything more than this. Taking 'formal' action to recover the balance would also be considered rather fruitless being I do not have any disposable income whatsoever; ergo my offer to you today.

                    I look forward to your response.

                    Yours faithfully
                    Going on from the above, this would mean you'd need to find the funds to make such offers - this totals £2,900; do you have this to spare? If not, why not just arrange to pay a monthly amount? Obviously it is hard to properly assess cos you're so vague about what you can do, what you want to do, why you want to make offers, why you can't 'blag' things, how much you can afford, details of the debts and their respective owners etc etc - just pointing out that if it was me, i'd try and blag all of them and wait til the shit really hits the fan before jumping in with offers cos although an account may be unenforceable, they may try their luck and threaten court - then what? If you've used all your spare funds to pay debts that are smaller, meaning they may not have gone to court anyway...?

                    Hope the above helps and makes sense, if not then don't send anything, instead post a reply.

                    * Remember do not sign any of these offer letters by hand, continue to sign digitally **
                    I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                    If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                    • #55
                      Re: sostress UE diary

                      Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle!


                      • #56
                        Re: sostress UE diary

                        Thanks Niddy

                        Will keep you all updated x
                        Starting here, Starting now, For the greatest journey!


                        • #57
                          Re: sostress UE diary

                          Originally posted by sostress
                          Thanks Niddy

                          Will keep you all updated x
                          Okies, best of luck! gh
                          I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                          If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                          • #58
                            Re: sostress UE diary

                            Originally posted by bobogosing
                            ooops, what? lol :confusing
                            I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                            If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                            • #59
                              Re: sostress UE diary

                              ya NIDDY AND EVERYONE!

                              Update of my latest.

                              Send all settlement offer letters adviced by Niddy on 16/12/10.
                              Will let you all know what happens.........keeping my fingers crossed
                              Starting here, Starting now, For the greatest journey!


                              • #60
                                Re: sostress UE diary

                                Best of luck sostress, hope its good news.
                                I hereby promise to treat Debt Collection Agencies with the same values that they treat me. UTTER CONTEMPT !!

