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New and confused

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  • Re: New and confused

    chin up Samsmum, the team are on the case.
    Have a great Hogmanay and toast yourselves into a better year 2012 will be the year you sort out all of these muppets.

    Take care of yourself as well, health and family are really the only two important things, this muppetry is just numbers on a bit of paper somewhere (and no bugger appears to be able to find the right numbers on the right bit of paper, so they just make em up!!!)



    • Re: New and confused

      Originally posted by Shepherdess View Post
      LOL maybe we should change the name to Addicted to Alleviating Debt

      It is a unique site... very personal and one gets missed or forgotten so you know you can come here anytime with the slightest worry and someone will be here to help you.

      That is the beauty of this site every post gets answered unlike the others where I seen posts go with a reply for weeks or even months.

      P.S will to stop hitting the edit button instead of the quote that is the second time lol


      • Re: New and confused

        Originally posted by PlanB View Post
        You can't petition for bankruptcy for a debt less than £750

        In fact Mr Cameron is seeking to raise this threshold to £2k in the near future to stop BR being used as a weapon.
        Even 2k is a joke. BR is extremely serious with long lasting consequences. Personally, I think the threshold should be more like £10-15k and only be granted if it's the only realistic way that the lender is going to get either all or part of the money back!

        I feel a petition coming on - anyone game?
        Last edited by thechippy; 31 December 2011, 13:29.

        Happiness, is screwing over a DCA.......


        • Re: New and confused

          Originally posted by evenlessdopey View Post
          chin up Samsmum, the team are on the case.
          Have a great Hogmanay and toast yourselves into a better year 2012 will be the year you sort out all of these muppets.

          Take care of yourself as well, health and family are really the only two important things, this muppetry is just numbers on a bit of paper somewhere (and no bugger appears to be able to find the right numbers on the right bit of paper, so they just make em up!!!)

          You're so right. Got my op coming up and looking after my mum with dementia and m.i.l with bi polar. Not much hope for me really is there???. Bless em. Plus side is got great family and my gorgeous little grandson's 1 this week. Read a quote about DCA's that said 'they cant take knickers off a bare arse'. Made me chuckle and is very true


          • Re: New and confused

            Ascertaining the actual existance of the CCJ is essential first. If it exists then and only then think about making any payments or more correctly in my view seek a set aside.

            If it doesn't exist (likely) then tell them to Foxtrot Oscar toute suite. They are in default, no compliant CCA then no pay would be my take on it. It is altogether UE without the CCJ on a number of counts like no DNs, no correct termination, no assignment et al.

            Formal complaint to the OFT is on the cards making unwarranted threats that they cannot carry out is pretty serious stuff.

            Take note the Lewis mob.



            • Re: New and confused

              Originally posted by thechippy View Post
              Even 2k is a joke. BR is extremely serious

              I feel a petition coming on - anyone game?
              Yup, I'm game There are other ways for creditors to get their money back through the county court. Although BR is a two-way street with individuals opting to declare themselves BR as a lifestyle choice


              • Re: New and confused

                Originally posted by Flowerpower
                There's also the ban on being a company director, which can stop people from making a living!
                And if you can't make a living you can't pay off your debts. QED


                • Re: New and confused

                  One way would be to leave self BR as it is. As the individual has made this choice, then they have to live with the consequences.

                  I'm thinking more along the lines of if someone wants to make YOU BR.

                  Sorry, I'm hijacking the thread.
                  I've got some thoughts on this now and may start another thread in the BR section should anyone be interested...

                  Happiness, is screwing over a DCA.......


                  • Re: New and confused

                    Originally posted by garlok View Post
                    Ascertaining the actual existance of the CCJ is essential first. If it exists then and only then think about making any payments or more correctly in my view seek a set aside.

                    If it doesn't exist (likely) then tell them to Foxtrot Oscar toute suite. They are in default, no compliant CCA then no pay would be my take on it. It is altogether UE without the CCJ on a number of counts like no DNs, no correct termination, no assignment et al.

                    Formal complaint to the OFT is on the cards making unwarranted threats that they cannot carry out is pretty serious stuff.

                    Take note the Lewis mob.


                    I'm so happy to have you all as my new AAD buddies. Wouldn't like to be against you!! Love the way you stick together with no sniping or digs at each other..well maybe a few good humoured ones . The support for and from eveyone is just amazing and something i've never seen on any other forum,be it holidays,kids,weight,whatever. You should all be so proud of yourselves. Must be feeling a bit soppy cos it's New Year but i really do feel priviledged and grateful to be part of this.


                    • Re: New and confused

                      You are very welcome samsmum. The abuse, sniping and intolerance you see elsewhere is just not allowed here. We have a lot of moderators, most have been around a lot longer than me on this forum scene and some are real experts on weeding out the troublemakers before anything is even seen in public. Yet it is rare that a mod has to intervene anywhere simply because of the way things run here and in general most members and users respond to that which is great for all of us.

                      The site is generally manned almost 24/7 as well. The thing to do now is for you and yours to have a great New Year. Put all this to the back of your mind until Tuesday, then when the information is forthcoming to you we will go after them.

                      Best regards


                      • Re: New and confused

                        Can I bite the Lewis people Garlok? Please please?? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


                        • Re: New and confused

                          l l Please be my guest Shep!



                          • Re: New and confused


                            • Re: New and confused

                              Had a niggling feeling about this and had the house upside down this weekend. Think it was worth it. Got a letter from Northampton dated 05/06/2010. Says

                              Upon reading the application filed by the solicitor dated29th April 2010, without hearing, it is ordered that the judgement entered herein on 5th October 2009 is set aside, and the registration is hereby cancelled as Judgement was entered erroneously. Hope this is what we wanted
                              Last edited by samsmum; 2 January 2012, 15:13.


                              • Re: New and confused

                                That is one beauty of a letter, keep the hard-copy save and scan it to your PC aswell if you have a scanner.

                                I do not need to tell you how important that letter is to you!!!!!!!


