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AJ's UE Diary

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  • I would send it to whomever is writing to you. Don’t forget to include a cheque or postal order for £1.

    Keep copies and when the annual statement comes make sure they have not taken the £1 of f the balance.

    Tou could send a copy ( include copy of cheque) to LC with a note saying for your information. If you do just get a proof of posting.

    Sorry I am a bit of a belt and braces person.

    if Link bounce it back to you there is a letter in the AAD library or likely I have one somewhere. Moorcroft tried it on with me back in the day.


    • I sent mine to Link and they responded with the CCA.


      • Can I just double check it was an LBA as described in debt camel’s post and not just a threat?

        Make sure you do actually respond to the letter by ticking I think box D. Also there ask for a copy of the agreement etc

        Now is not the time to be an Ostrich ?


        • Sorry I think I missed something
          You seem to say the letter of claim came from a solicitor.

          If it were me I really would reply to that , to the solicitor, and include a copy of the cca request.

          I think Link can be quite persistent so set the scene in case the worst happens and they do issue a claim.
          Last edited by Dottir; 17 August 2024, 06:52. Reason: Clarification and typo


          • So, I received a bundle from Tesco responding to my SAR request. Not really sure what I should be looking for in it really.

            Awaiting the response to the CCA request from Link... Presumably, once that's delivered the solicitor can set legal action without sending a new LBC, or can they still do that while I await the response?


            • I would be looking in the SAR for things such as details of the default notice, termination notice, evidence of a notice of assignment and if you have not paid since they had it, date of last payment.

              The solicitors can issue a claim, did you respond to their LoC ? I mean do they know you sent a cca request to Link?


              • Ok, thanks. I'll have a proper look through it!

                Yeah, I send t a copy of the CCA request to the solicitors.


                • I would hope the solicitors would have the sense not to issue a claim with an outstanding request. Of course these are debt purchasers so who knows.


                  • CCA request has been returned. Letter states this makes the debt enforceable (they would). No glaring omissions, but I don't know what I'd be looking for really...

