06/09/2023 - so 2 and a half years of nothing - Cabot have sent a standard chasing letter for this debt. I am in the process of a mortgage application so im probably overthinking it.... is it still the case that I would need a letter before claim before anything bad can happen?
Out of interest, does your letter from Cabot say the debt is unenforceable?
Their most recent correspondence to me about an old Natwest CC now has the unenforceability in very small writing at the bottom of the letter, under their address and regulatory blurb. Very easy to miss.
They never fulfilled my CCA request 2.5 years ago and acknowledged this at the time, but still send letters and emails monthly.
Out of interest, does your letter from Cabot say the debt is unenforceable?
Their most recent correspondence to me about an old Natwest CC now has the unenforceability in very small writing at the bottom of the letter, under their address and regulatory blurb. Very easy to miss.
They never fulfilled my CCA request 2.5 years ago and acknowledged this at the time, but still send letters and emails monthly.